#{pkgs ? (import "${import ../../nixpkgs-path.nix}" {}), ...}: {pkgs, ...}: { imports = [ (toString ../../common) # we include the options here to ensure that we can build with or without morph. # morph-lib must be NIX_PATH and point to the lib path of the morph that is being # used for deployment. This is done automatically with shell.nix. ]; config = { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bridge-utils git cascade-installer ]; programs.neovim.enable = true; programs.neovim.vimAlias = true; programs.neovim.viAlias = true; networking.domain = "cascade.strudelline.net"; networking.search = [ "cascade.strudelline.net" "strudelline.net" ]; networking.nameservers = [ "" "" ]; cascade.bridge-mac-prefix = "00:80:10"; environment.binbash.enable = true; services.getty.autologinUser = pkgs.lib.mkForce "root"; services.sshd.enable = true; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 ]; system.stateVersion = "22.11"; nix.nixPath = with pkgs; [ "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" "nixpkgs=${ import ../../nixpkgs-path.nix }" "home-manager=/usr/src/home-manager" "morph-options=${morph.lib}/options.nix" ]; }; }