name: ipfs-cluster version: master summary: Collective pinning and composition for IPFS description: | ipfs-cluster allows to replicate content (by pinning) in multiple IPFS nodes. confinement: strict apps: service: command: ipfs-cluster-service plugs: [home, network, network-bind] aliases: [ipfs-cluster-service] ctl: command: ipfs-cluster-ctl plugs: [network] aliases: [ipfs-cluster-ctl] parts: ipfs-cluster: source: . plugin: nil build-packages: [make, wget] prepare: | # XXX workaround for # # --elopio - 20171107 git apply $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE/snap-home.patch mkdir -p ../go/src/ cp -R . ../go/src/ build: | env GOPATH=$(pwd)/../go make -C ../go/src/ install install: | mkdir $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/bin mv ../go/bin/ipfs-cluster-service $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/bin/ mv ../go/bin/ipfs-cluster-ctl $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/bin/ after: [go, patches] go: source-tag: go1.8.3 patches: source: snap/patches plugin: dump prime: - -*