FROM golang:1.20-bullseye AS builder MAINTAINER Hector Sanjuan # This dockerfile builds and runs ipfs-cluster-service. ENV GOPATH /go ENV SRC_PATH $GOPATH/src/ ENV GO111MODULE on ENV GOPROXY # Get the TLS CA certificates, they're not provided by busybox. RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates tini gosu COPY --chown=1000:users go.* $SRC_PATH/ WORKDIR $SRC_PATH RUN go mod download COPY --chown=1000:users . $SRC_PATH RUN git config --global --add /go/src/ RUN make install #------------------------------------------------------ FROM busybox:1-glibc MAINTAINER Hector Sanjuan ENV GOPATH /go ENV SRC_PATH /go/src/ ENV IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH /data/ipfs-cluster ENV IPFS_CLUSTER_CONSENSUS crdt ENV IPFS_CLUSTER_DATASTORE pebble EXPOSE 9094 EXPOSE 9095 EXPOSE 9096 COPY --from=builder $GOPATH/bin/ipfs-cluster-service /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-service COPY --from=builder $GOPATH/bin/ipfs-cluster-ctl /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-ctl COPY --from=builder $GOPATH/bin/ipfs-cluster-follow /usr/local/bin/ipfs-cluster-follow COPY --from=builder $SRC_PATH/docker/ /usr/local/bin/ COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/tini /usr/bin/tini COPY --from=builder /usr/sbin/gosu /usr/sbin/gosu COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs RUN mkdir -p $IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH && \ adduser -D -h $IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH -u 1000 -G users ipfs && \ chown ipfs:users $IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH VOLUME $IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/tini", "--", "/usr/local/bin/"] # Defaults for ipfs-cluster-service go here CMD ["daemon"]