// The ipfs-cluster-service application. package main import ( "bufio" "context" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "strings" ipfscluster "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster" "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster/cmdutils" "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster/pstoremgr" "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster/version" peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer" ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr" semver "github.com/blang/semver" logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log" cli "github.com/urfave/cli" ) // ProgramName of this application const programName = `ipfs-cluster-service` // flag defaults const ( defaultPinTracker = "map" defaultLogLevel = "info" ) const ( stateCleanupPrompt = "The peer state will be removed. Existing pins may be lost." configurationOverwritePrompt = "The configuration file will be overwritten." ) // We store a commit id here var commit string // Description provides a short summary of the functionality of this tool var Description = fmt.Sprintf(` %s runs an IPFS Cluster node. A node participates in the cluster consensus, follows a distributed log of pinning and unpinning requests and manages pinning operations to a configured IPFS daemon. This node also provides an API for cluster management, an IPFS Proxy API which forwards requests to IPFS and a number of components for internal communication using LibP2P. This is a simplified view of the components: +------------------+ | ipfs-cluster-ctl | +---------+--------+ | | HTTP(s) ipfs-cluster-service | HTTP +----------+--------+--v--+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 1 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----^-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | libp2p | +----v-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 2 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----^-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | | +----v-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 3 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----------+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ %s needs valid configuration and identity files to run. These are independent from IPFS. The identity includes its own libp2p key-pair. They can be initialized with "init" and their default locations are ~/%s/%s and ~/%s/%s. For feedback, bug reports or any additional information, visit https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster. EXAMPLES: Initial configuration: $ ipfs-cluster-service init Launch a cluster: $ ipfs-cluster-service daemon Launch a peer and join existing cluster: $ ipfs-cluster-service daemon --bootstrap /ip4/ `, programName, programName, DefaultFolder, DefaultConfigFile, DefaultFolder, DefaultIdentityFile, ) var logger = logging.Logger("service") // Default location for the configurations and data var ( // DefaultFolder is the name of the cluster folder DefaultFolder = ".ipfs-cluster" // DefaultPath is set on init() to $HOME/DefaultFolder // and holds all the ipfs-cluster data DefaultPath string // The name of the configuration file inside DefaultPath DefaultConfigFile = "service.json" // The name of the identity file inside DefaultPath DefaultIdentityFile = "identity.json" ) var ( configPath string identityPath string ) func init() { // Set build information. if build, err := semver.NewBuildVersion(commit); err == nil { version.Version.Build = []string{"git" + build} } // We try guessing user's home from the HOME variable. This // allows HOME hacks for things like Snapcraft builds. HOME // should be set in all UNIX by the OS. Alternatively, we fall back to // usr.HomeDir (which should work on Windows etc.). home := os.Getenv("HOME") if home == "" { usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot get current user: %s", err)) } home = usr.HomeDir } DefaultPath = filepath.Join(home, DefaultFolder) } func out(m string, a ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, m, a...) } func checkErr(doing string, err error, args ...interface{}) { if err != nil { if len(args) > 0 { doing = fmt.Sprintf(doing, args...) } out("error %s: %s\n", doing, err) err = locker.tryUnlock() if err != nil { out("error releasing execution lock: %s\n", err) } os.Exit(1) } } func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = programName app.Usage = "IPFS Cluster node" app.Description = Description //app.Copyright = "© Protocol Labs, Inc." app.Version = version.Version.String() app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "config, c", Value: DefaultPath, Usage: "path to the configuration and data `FOLDER`", EnvVar: "IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force, f", Usage: "forcefully proceed with some actions. i.e. overwriting configuration", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "debug, d", Usage: "enable full debug logging (very verbose)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "loglevel, l", Value: defaultLogLevel, Usage: "set the loglevel for cluster components only [critical, error, warning, info, debug]", }, } app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error { absPath, err := filepath.Abs(c.String("config")) if err != nil { return err } configPath = filepath.Join(absPath, DefaultConfigFile) identityPath = filepath.Join(absPath, DefaultIdentityFile) setupLogLevel(c.String("loglevel")) if c.Bool("debug") { setupDebug() } locker = &lock{path: absPath} return nil } app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "init", Usage: "Creates a configuration and generates an identity", Description: fmt.Sprintf(` This command will initialize a new %s configuration file and, if it does already exist, generate a new %s for %s. If the optional [source-url] is given, the generated configuration file will refer to it. The source configuration will be fetched from its source URL during the launch of the daemon. If not, a default standard configuration file will be created. In the latter case, a cluster secret will be generated as required by %s. Alternatively, this secret can be manually provided with --custom-secret (in which case it will be prompted), or by setting the CLUSTER_SECRET environment variable. Note that the --force flag allows to overwrite an existing configuration with default values. To generate a new identity, please remove the %s file first and clean any Raft state. By default, an empty peerstore file will be created too. Initial contents can be provided with the -peers flag. In this case, the "trusted_peers" list in the "crdt" configuration section and the "init_peerset" list in the "raft" configuration section will be prefilled to the peer IDs in the given multiaddresses. `, DefaultConfigFile, DefaultIdentityFile, programName, programName, DefaultIdentityFile, ), ArgsUsage: "[http-source-url]", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "custom-secret, s", Usage: "prompt for the cluster secret (when no source specified)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "peers", Usage: "comma-separated list of multiaddresses to init with (see help)", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force, f", Usage: "overwrite configuration without prompting", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { cfgHelper := cmdutils.NewConfigHelper(configPath, identityPath) defer cfgHelper.Manager().Shutdown() // wait for saves configExists := false if _, err := os.Stat(configPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) { configExists = true } identityExists := false if _, err := os.Stat(identityPath); !os.IsNotExist(err) { identityExists = true } if configExists || identityExists { // cluster might be running // acquire lock for config folder locker.lock() defer locker.tryUnlock() } if configExists { confirm := fmt.Sprintf( "%s Continue? [y/n]:", configurationOverwritePrompt, ) // --force allows override of the prompt if !c.Bool("force") { if !yesNoPrompt(confirm) { return nil } } } // Set url. If exists, it will be the only thing saved. cfgHelper.Manager().Source = c.Args().First() // Generate defaults for all registered components err := cfgHelper.Manager().Default() checkErr("generating default configuration", err) err = cfgHelper.Manager().ApplyEnvVars() checkErr("applying environment variables to configuration", err) userSecret, userSecretDefined := userProvidedSecret(c.Bool("custom-secret") && !c.Args().Present()) // Set user secret if userSecretDefined { cfgHelper.Configs().Cluster.Secret = userSecret } peersOpt := c.String("peers") var multiAddrs []ma.Multiaddr if peersOpt != "" { addrs := strings.Split(peersOpt, ",") for _, addr := range addrs { addr = strings.TrimSpace(addr) multiAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(addr) checkErr("parsing peer multiaddress: "+addr, err) multiAddrs = append(multiAddrs, multiAddr) } peers := ipfscluster.PeersFromMultiaddrs(multiAddrs) cfgHelper.Configs().Crdt.TrustedPeers = peers cfgHelper.Configs().Raft.InitPeerset = peers } // Save config. Creates the folder. // Sets BaseDir in components. cfgHelper.SaveConfigToDisk() if !identityExists { ident := cfgHelper.Identity() err := ident.Default() checkErr("generating an identity", err) err = ident.ApplyEnvVars() checkErr("applying environment variables to the identity", err) err = cfgHelper.SaveIdentityToDisk() checkErr("saving "+DefaultIdentityFile, err) out("new identity written to %s\n", identityPath) } // Initialize peerstore file - even if empty peerstorePath := cfgHelper.Configs().Cluster.GetPeerstorePath() peerManager := pstoremgr.New(context.Background(), nil, peerstorePath) addrInfos, err := peer.AddrInfosFromP2pAddrs(multiAddrs...) checkErr("getting AddrInfos from peer multiaddresses", err) err = peerManager.SavePeerstore(addrInfos) checkErr("saving peers to peerstore", err) out("peerstore written to %s with %d entries\n", peerstorePath, len(multiAddrs)) return nil }, }, { Name: "daemon", Usage: "Runs the IPFS Cluster peer (default)", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "upgrade, u", Usage: "run state migrations before starting (deprecated/unused)", }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "bootstrap, j", Usage: "join a cluster providing an existing peers multiaddress(es)", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "leave, x", Usage: "remove peer from cluster on exit. Overrides \"leave_on_shutdown\"", Hidden: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "consensus", Usage: "shared state management provider [raft,crdt]", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "pintracker", Value: defaultPinTracker, Hidden: true, Usage: "pintracker to use [map,stateless].", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "stats", Usage: "enable stats collection", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "tracing", Usage: "enable tracing collection", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "no-trust", Usage: "do not trust bootstrap peers (only for \"crdt\" consensus)", }, }, Action: daemon, }, { Name: "state", Usage: "Manages the peer's consensus state (pinset)", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "export", Usage: "save the state to a JSON file", Description: ` This command dumps the current cluster pinset (state) as a JSON file. The resulting file can be used to migrate, restore or backup a Cluster peer. By default, the state will be printed to stdout. `, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "file, f", Value: "", Usage: "writes to an output file", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "consensus", Usage: "consensus component to export data from [raft, crdt]", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { locker.lock() defer locker.tryUnlock() mgr := getStateManager(c.String("consensus")) var w io.WriteCloser var err error outputPath := c.String("file") if outputPath == "" { // Output to stdout w = os.Stdout } else { // Create the export file w, err = os.Create(outputPath) checkErr("creating output file", err) } defer w.Close() checkErr("exporting state", mgr.ExportState(w)) logger.Info("state successfully exported") return nil }, }, { Name: "import", Usage: "load the state from a file produced by 'export'", Description: ` This command reads in an exported pinset (state) file and replaces the existing one. This can be used, for example, to restore a Cluster peer from a backup. If an argument is provided, it will be treated it as the path of the file to import. If no argument is provided, stdin will be used. `, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force, f", Usage: "skips confirmation prompt", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "consensus", Usage: "consensus component to export data from [raft, crdt]", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { locker.lock() defer locker.tryUnlock() confirm := "The pinset (state) of this peer " confirm += "will be replaced. Continue? [y/n]:" if !c.Bool("force") && !yesNoPrompt(confirm) { return nil } mgr := getStateManager(c.String("consensus")) // Get the importing file path importFile := c.Args().First() var r io.ReadCloser var err error if importFile == "" { r = os.Stdin fmt.Println("reading from stdin, Ctrl-D to finish") } else { r, err = os.Open(importFile) checkErr("reading import file", err) } defer r.Close() checkErr("importing state", mgr.ImportState(r)) logger.Info("state successfully imported. Make sure all peers have consistent states") return nil }, }, { Name: "cleanup", Usage: "remove persistent data", Description: ` This command removes any persisted consensus data in this peer, including the current pinset (state). The next start of the peer will be like the first start to all effects. Peers may need to bootstrap and sync from scratch after this. `, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force, f", Usage: "skip confirmation prompt", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "consensus", Usage: "consensus component to export data from [raft, crdt]", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { locker.lock() defer locker.tryUnlock() confirm := fmt.Sprintf( "%s Continue? [y/n]:", stateCleanupPrompt, ) if !c.Bool("force") && !yesNoPrompt(confirm) { return nil } mgr := getStateManager(c.String("consensus")) checkErr("cleaning state", mgr.Clean()) logger.Info("data correctly cleaned up") return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "version", Usage: "Prints the ipfs-cluster version", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Printf("%s\n", version.Version) return nil }, }, } app.Action = run app.Run(os.Args) } // run daemon() by default, or error. func run(c *cli.Context) error { cli.ShowAppHelp(c) os.Exit(1) return nil } func setupLogLevel(lvl string) { for f := range ipfscluster.LoggingFacilities { ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel(f, lvl) } ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel("service", lvl) } func setupDebug() { ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel("*", "DEBUG") } func userProvidedSecret(enterSecret bool) ([]byte, bool) { if enterSecret { secret := promptUser("Enter cluster secret (32-byte hex string): ") decodedSecret, err := ipfscluster.DecodeClusterSecret(secret) checkErr("parsing user-provided secret", err) return decodedSecret, true } return nil, false } func promptUser(msg string) string { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) fmt.Print(msg) scanner.Scan() return scanner.Text() } // Lifted from go-ipfs/cmd/ipfs/daemon.go func yesNoPrompt(prompt string) bool { var s string for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { fmt.Printf("%s ", prompt) fmt.Scanf("%s", &s) switch s { case "y", "Y": return true case "n", "N": return false case "": return false } fmt.Println("Please press either 'y' or 'n'") } return false } func loadConfigHelper() *cmdutils.ConfigHelper { // Load all the configurations and identity cfgHelper := cmdutils.NewConfigHelper(configPath, identityPath) err := cfgHelper.LoadFromDisk() checkErr("loading identity or configurations", err) return cfgHelper } func getStateManager(consensus string) cmdutils.StateManager { cfgHelper := loadConfigHelper() // since we won't save configs we can shutdown cfgHelper.Manager().Shutdown() mgr, err := cmdutils.NewStateManager( consensus, cfgHelper.Identity(), cfgHelper.Configs(), ) checkErr("creating state manager,", err) return mgr }