package main import ( "bufio" "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "os/user" "path/filepath" "syscall" // _ "net/http/pprof" logging "" ma "" "" ipfscluster "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // ProgramName of this application const programName = `ipfs-cluster-service` // We store a commit id here var commit string // Description provides a short summary of the functionality of this tool var Description = fmt.Sprintf(` %s runs an IPFS Cluster node. A node participates in the cluster consensus, follows a distributed log of pinning and unpinning requests and manages pinning operations to a configured IPFS daemon. This node also provides an API for cluster management, an IPFS Proxy API which forwards requests to IPFS and a number of components for internal communication using LibP2P. This is a simplified view of the components: +------------------+ | ipfs-cluster-ctl | +---------+--------+ | | HTTP ipfs-cluster-service | HTTP +----------+--------+--v--+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 1 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----^-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | libp2p | +----v-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 2 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----^-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | | +----v-----+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ | RPC/Raft | Peer 3 | API | IPFS Connector/Proxy +------> IPFS daemon | +----------+--------+-----+----------------------+ +-------------+ %s needs a valid configuration to run. This configuration is independent from IPFS and includes its own LibP2P key-pair. It can be initialized with "init" and its default location is ~/%s/%s. For feedback, bug reports or any additional information, visit EXAMPLES Initial configuration: $ ipfs-cluster-service init Launch a cluster: $ ipfs-cluster-service Launch a peer and join existing cluster: $ ipfs-cluster-service --bootstrap /ip4/ `, programName, programName, DefaultPath, DefaultConfigFile) var logger = logging.Logger("service") // Default location for the configurations and data var ( // DefaultPath is initialized to something like ~/.ipfs-cluster/service.json // and holds all the ipfs-cluster data DefaultPath = ".ipfs-cluster" // The name of the configuration file inside DefaultPath DefaultConfigFile = "service.json" ) var ( configPath string ) func init() { // Set the right commit. The only way I could make this work ipfscluster.Commit = commit usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { panic("cannot guess the current user") } DefaultPath = filepath.Join( usr.HomeDir, ".ipfs-cluster") } func out(m string, a ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, m, a...) } func checkErr(doing string, err error) { if err != nil { out("error %s: %s\n", doing, err) os.Exit(1) } } func main() { // go func() { // log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil)) // }() app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = programName app.Usage = "IPFS Cluster node" app.Description = Description //app.Copyright = "© Protocol Labs, Inc." app.Version = ipfscluster.Version app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "init", Usage: "create a default configuration and exit", Hidden: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "config, c", Value: DefaultPath, Usage: "path to the configuration and data `FOLDER`", EnvVar: "IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force, f", Usage: "forcefully proceed with some actions. i.e. overwriting configuration", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "bootstrap, j", Usage: "join a cluster providing an existing peer's `multiaddress`. Overrides the \"bootstrap\" values from the configuration", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "leave, x", Usage: "remove peer from cluster on exit. Overrides \"leave_on_shutdown\"", Hidden: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "debug, d", Usage: "enable full debug logging (very verbose)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "loglevel, l", Value: "info", Usage: "set the loglevel for cluster only [critical, error, warning, info, debug]", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "alloc, a", Value: "disk", Usage: "allocation strategy [reposize, pincount]. Overrides the \"allocation_strategy\" value from the configuration", }, } app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "init", Usage: "create a default configuration and exit", Description: fmt.Sprintf(` This command will initialize a new service.json configuration file for %s. By default, %s requires a cluster secret. This secret will be automatically generated, but can be manually provided with -custom-secret (in which case it will be prompted), or by setting the CLUSTER_SECRET environment variable. The private key for the libp2p node is randomly generated in all cases. Note that the -force first-level-flag allows to overwrite an existing configuration. `, programName, programName), ArgsUsage: " ", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "custom-secret, s", Usage: "prompt for the cluster secret", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "env-cluster-secret", EnvVar: "CLUSTER_SECRET", Hidden: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { initConfig(c.GlobalBool("force"), !c.Bool("custom-secret"), c.String("env-cluster-secret")) return nil }, }, { Name: "run", Usage: "run the IPFS Cluster peer (default)", Action: run, }, } app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error { absPath, err := filepath.Abs(c.String("config")) if err != nil { return err } configPath = filepath.Join(absPath, DefaultConfigFile) setupLogging(c.String("loglevel")) if c.Bool("debug") { setupDebug() } return nil } app.Action = run app.Run(os.Args) } func run(c *cli.Context) error { if c.Bool("init") { initConfig(c.Bool("force"), false, "") return nil } cfg, err := loadConfig() checkErr("loading configuration", err) cfg.Shadow() if a := c.String("bootstrap"); a != "" { if len(cfg.ClusterPeers) > 0 && !c.Bool("force") { return errors.New("the configuration provides ClusterPeers. Use -f to ignore and proceed bootstrapping") } joinAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(a) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing multiaddress: %s", err) } cfg.Bootstrap = []ma.Multiaddr{joinAddr} cfg.ClusterPeers = []ma.Multiaddr{} } if c.Bool("leave") { cfg.LeaveOnShutdown = true } if a := c.String("alloc"); a != "" { cfg.AllocationStrategy = a } api, err := restapi.NewRESTAPI(cfg.APIAddr) checkErr("creating REST API component", err) proxy, err := ipfshttp.NewConnector( cfg.IPFSNodeAddr, cfg.IPFSProxyAddr) checkErr("creating IPFS Connector component", err) state := mapstate.NewMapState() tracker := maptracker.NewMapPinTracker(cfg.ID) mon := basic.NewStdPeerMonitor(cfg.MonitoringIntervalSeconds) informer, alloc := setupAllocation(cfg.AllocationStrategy) cluster, err := ipfscluster.NewCluster( cfg, api, proxy, state, tracker, mon, alloc, informer) checkErr("starting cluster", err) signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 20) signal.Notify(signalChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP) for { select { case <-signalChan: err = cluster.Shutdown() checkErr("shutting down cluster", err) case <-cluster.Done(): return nil //case <-cluster.Ready(): } } } var facilities = []string{ "service", "cluster", "restapi", "ipfshttp", "monitor", "consensus", "pintracker", "ascendalloc", "diskinfo", } func setupLogging(lvl string) { for _, f := range facilities { ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel(f, lvl) } } func setupAllocation(strategy string) (ipfscluster.Informer, ipfscluster.PinAllocator) { switch strategy { case "disk", "reposize": return disk.NewInformer(), ascendalloc.NewAllocator() case "numpin", "pincount": return numpin.NewInformer(), ascendalloc.NewAllocator() default: err := errors.New("unknown allocation strategy") checkErr("", err) return nil, nil } } func setupDebug() { l := "DEBUG" for _, f := range facilities { ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel(f, l) } ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel("p2p-gorpc", l) ipfscluster.SetFacilityLogLevel("raft", l) //SetFacilityLogLevel("swarm2", l) //SetFacilityLogLevel("libp2p-raft", l) } func initConfig(force bool, generateSecret bool, envSecret string) { if _, err := os.Stat(configPath); err == nil && !force { err := fmt.Errorf("%s exists. Try running with -f", configPath) checkErr("", err) } cfg, err := ipfscluster.NewDefaultConfig() checkErr("creating default configuration", err) if len(envSecret) != 0 { // read cluster secret from env variable fmt.Println("Reading cluster secret from CLUSTER_SECRET environment variable.") cfg.ClusterSecret, err = ipfscluster.DecodeClusterSecret(envSecret) } else if !generateSecret { // get cluster secret from user cfg.ClusterSecret, err = ipfscluster.DecodeClusterSecret(promptUser("Enter cluster secret (to automatically generate, rerun with --gen-secret): ")) checkErr("parsing cluster secret", err) } err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(configPath), 0700) err = cfg.Save(configPath) checkErr("saving new configuration", err) out("%s configuration written to %s\n", programName, configPath) } func loadConfig() (*ipfscluster.Config, error) { return ipfscluster.LoadConfig(configPath) } func promptUser(msg string) string { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) fmt.Print(msg) scanner.Scan() return scanner.Text() }