--- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: "{{ .Release.Name }}" namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}" # DO NOT place the resource finalizer here. Since this is ArgoCD itself, it # will never be able to finalize itself since it will have to delete itself # before removing the finalizer. spec: project: default source: repoURL: "{{.Values.bootstrap.source.repoURL}}" targetRevision: "{{.Values.bootstrap.source.targetRevision}}" path: argo1 destination: namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}" name: in-cluster syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true syncOptions: - CreateNamespace=true retry: limit: 10 backoff: duration: 5s factor: 2 maxDuration: 3m0s