# `argo1` ### A different opinionated opinion on how to bootstrap your ArgoCD This repo is a basic skeleton for managing your apps with ArgoCD. It uses helm to bootstrap and maintain the ArgoCD installation. You may then add additional applications in argo1/templates either as helm charts or as directories which should live alongside `argo1`. ## Setup your own Argo1 1. Clone this repo as a template 2. If you will be using a private repo, configure a secret similar to secret.yaml 1. You might also wish to use sealed secrets (via kubeseal). 3. Install CRDs *Preferred:* ```bash bash ./install-crds.sh ``` This runs helm template but filters only the CRDs and installs them. This is preferred to installing from tip of argocd since this helm template method will ensure the correct versions of CRDs are installed. *Alternative:* A suggested command to install via kubectl from [the ArgoCD docs][argo-crds]: ```bash kubectl apply -k https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/manifests/crds\?ref\=stable ``` You will also need to find all the CRDs for any other applications in your templates. 3. update values.yaml * At the very least, you will need to update the bootstrap.source.repoURL to point to your clone -- this URL must match the prefix of the secret from step 2. * You may configure the argo-cd helm template via the argo-cd map in values.yaml. A basic example is available in the default values.yaml file which suppresses installing the CRDs (which are instead installed via install-crds.sh) 4. Install ```bash helm install --dependency-update argo1 . ``` 5. all done! ## App of Apps pattern This is already an app of apps. Add additional applications to `templates/`. These may reference Values or they may be verbatim manifests (be careful of any `{{}}` in your manifests though!) Do not modify (or be careful with) `1-self.yaml` which is the application which references this repo to enable self-management. [argo-crds]: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/installation/