#!/bin/bash # this is not necessary, usually. there is a proxy in docker/haproxy which is # the new reverse proxy on the synology. it has an update-tls.sh script which # does the below but also loads it properly into the container. # this is for debugging! set -e set -x kubectl -n syno-tls replace --force -f synology-tls.yaml kubectl -n syno-tls wait cert/syno-tls --for=condition=Ready SECRET="$(kubectl -n syno-tls get secret syno-tls -o json)" CRT="$(echo "$SECRET" | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"] | @base64d "\(.)"')" KEY="$(echo "$SECRET" | jq -r '.data["tls.key"] | @base64d "\(.)"')" CA="$( echo "$SECRET" | jq -r '.data["ca.crt"] | @base64d "\(.)"')" echo "$KEY" > tls.key echo "$CRT" | awk '/-----BEGIN/ {seg+=1;blk=1} seg==1&&blk {print} /------END/ {blk=0}' > tls.crt echo "$CRT" | awk '/-----BEGIN/ {seg+=1;blk=1} seg>1&&blk {print} /------END/ {blk=0}' > int.crt echo "$CA" > ca.crt wait