TkGoodStuff Watch


The Watch client is a file-change notifier. It provides a button on your tkgoodstuff panel that can display an icon indicating the status of a file, a text message indicating "Unchanged"/"Changed", or both. A more detailed display is available in multiple-file mode (below).

Watch watches one or more files. For each file, at a configurable interval Watch looks for a change to the file and flags the change by beeping and changing the icon and/or label of the Watch button. Each file is assigned an "alert level", and the icon indicates the maximum alert-level of all changed files.

If you configure Watch to watch just one file, mouse button 1 produces a file-viewer (which updates each time the file is found to have changed). If you use multiple files, then mouse button 3 produces a menu that indicates which files have changed, and which allows you to view any of them individually, and button 1 produces a viewer of all the files simultaneously. If you like, Watch can also pop-up the viewer for a file when it is changed. Also, if you use multiple files, you can replace the normal Watch button in the tkgoodstuff panel with the menu of files, allowing you to see at a glance which files are changed. You can also "tear off" the files menu to position elsewhere on the screen.

Button 2 instructs Watch to regard files as unchanged.


All parameters are adjustable in the preferences manager.