
-- It won't configure because:

   a. It can't find (and neither can I)!

    ANSWER: Your installation of tcl/tk is improper.  Get the latest
    from  The files and should automatically end up in the same directory as
    the tcl and tk libraries (such as

   b. It can't find, but it's right there in

    ANSWER: Start from scratch with a CLEAN, freshly unpacked
    distribution, and do: 
       ./configure --prefix=/smurf/glep

   c. It can't find tclsh8.0 or (wish8.0), but it's right there in

    ANSWER:  Be sure your $PATH contains the directory containing

-- I have difficulty compiling it.
   ANSWER: The most common problem is that a too-old version of tcl/tk
   is getting in the way.  Be sure there are no,, tcl.h, and tk.h hanging around from earlier versions
   of tcl/tk (earlier than the versions that tkgoodstuff needs).  You
   should certainly suspect this if you get such things as:

	    undefined reference to `Tk_FontId'

-- It configures and compiles fine, but it won't run.

     1. Did you install it?  Do "make install". 
     2. Are you sure you are executing the installed tkgoodstuff?

-- When I run it, it dies with "wish8.0: can't load library

   ANSWER: Your tcl/tk setup isn't properly installed.  Be sure:
       a. exists in a place where your system usually can
          find libraries (e.g., /usr/local/lib).  Perhaps you need to
	  add that directory to /etc/
       b. the permissions on the file are right: the file is readable.
       c. (if applicable) you have run "ldconfig" (as root).

-- I have fvwm2 running, but it still says WindowList (or Pager) can't
   run without fvwm2.

   ANSWER: Read the html docs more carefully.  You have to make fvwm
   run tkgoodstuff AS A MODULE.

-- I launch tkgoodstuff as an fvwm module, and sometimes after
   restarting tkgoodstuff several times fvwm eats up all of my CPU. 

   ANSWER: This is fvwm's fault.  My fix for it is incorporated in
   fvwm2 versions 2.0.43 and later.  So upgrade fvwm2 to 2.1 

-- In screen-edge mode, sometimes (or always) my panel seems to try to
   grow to the full size of the screen-edge, and then suddenly
   collapses to a smaller size.  I use fvwm or a derivative.

   ANSWER: This too is fvwm's fault.  My (single-line) patch for fvwm2
   is included in the main directory of the tkgoodstuff distribution.
   I think it will be incorporated in the next fvwm2 version after

-- Tkgoodstuff (and my window manager, come to think of it) can't find
   programs that I know are in my $PATH.

   ANSWER: They may be in your PATH when you run your shell in an
   xterm, but they are not in the path of the program that launched
   your window manager.  Try setting (and using "export" or "setenv",
   depending on the shell) PATH in your .xsession or .xinitrc, or in
   whatever script starts your window manager.

-- I get this annoying error/behavior/whatever...

   ANSWER: We'd love to know more about it.  Write to the tkgoodstuff
   mailing list WITH LOTS OF
   DETAILS, including the exact versions of tkgoodstuff and tcl/tk and
   (fvwm2 if you're using tkgoodstuff as an fvwm2 module), your
   platform and OS, the entire stack trace from the error message (you
   can copy it by selecting it with the mouse), your .tkgrc, and/or
   whatever details you think might be relevant.  Members of the list
   might be able to help.