Using Icons in TkGoodStuff

The standard buttons (as used by Biff and Net, and the user-defined Buttons) may contain icons and/or text. Icons are read in from files. To specify an icon, you can give the full path name:
or just the filename (stopsign.xbm), so long as the file is in a directory in the icon path (set in the preference manager, by default to a path containing just the "icons" subdirectory of the tkgoodstuff librarary directory and the directory /usr/include/X11/pixmaps).

What sorts of images can tkgoodstuff handle? You can use images that are bitmaps, xpm's, ppm's, and gif's. More image formats likely will become "standard" in the future.

Formerly, you had to compile an additional package to get xpm image support. Now, this functionality is compiled and installed automatically at tkgoodstuff installation.