TkGoodStuff WindowList Client


This is for use with the fvwm2 window manager, when tkgoodstuff is started as an fvwm2 module (see the documentation for tkgoodstuff's Fvwm2 functionality for how to do this). WindowList produces a window containing buttons for each open or iconified window on your display (here's a screenshot).

The sunken button corresponds to the current (focused) window, and when a window is iconified, its button is grayed-out. Clicking mouse button 1 on a window's button brings the window into focus (even if it's iconified). Clicking button 3 iconifies the window. If the Pager client is being used, button <2> allows you to "drag" a window (from its WindowList button) to any page on the display. If the buttons fill up the window so that some are out of view, the window names are abbreviated, and if necessary a scrollbar is created. If screen-edge mode is "no", you can adjust the height and width of the window manually in the preferences manager.

Since this functions as an icon manager, you probably don't want fvwm2 to post icons. By default, tkgoodstuff will tell fvwm2 not to post icons. But this will affect only windows created after tkgoodstuff starts up. So if you normally start other apps (that you might iconify) before tkgoodstuff, you may want to tell fvwm2 yourself not to post icons. In fvwm2.0, the command (in your .fvwm2rc) is:

Style "*" NoIcon
Be sure to put that AFTER any other Style lines that define Icon in your .fvwm2rc (except for windows for which you do want icons).


All parameters are adjustable in the preferences manager.