TkGoodStuff Webster


The Webster client directs your web browswer to retrieve dictionary-definitions over the net.

To use it, highlight a word as the X selection, and click on the Webster button; if all goes well, you will soon see a popup containing the definition of the word.

By default, this client produces a button on your tkgoodstuff panel. But you can set preferences so that it will not, in which case you can use the (Tcl) command "WebsterDefine" as a Menu client item.

You can customize the URL if you have access to a better dictionary server. If you know of a web page that has a "form" to fill out to get a definition, to determine the needed URL you may have to look at the html source of the page. Typically, you will want something like:
That's what I use, but I think only University of Michigan people can access that server. The Webster default is Merriam-Webster's server: