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# Building and updating an IPFS Cluster
### Step 0: Run your first cluster node
This step creates a single-node IPFS Cluster.
First, create a secret that we will use for all cluster peers:
node0 $ export CLUSTER_SECRET=$(od -vN 32 -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d ' \n')
node0 $ echo $CLUSTER_SECRET
Second initialize the configuration (see [the **Initialization** section of the
`ipfs-cluster-service` README](../ipfs-cluster-service/dist/README.md#initialization) for more details).
node0 $ ipfs-cluster-service init
INFO config: Saving configuration config.go:311
ipfs-cluster-service configuration written to /home/hector/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
Then run cluster:
node0> ipfs-cluster-service
INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster v0.3.0 listening on: cluster.go:91
INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:93
INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:93
INFO consensus: starting Consensus and waiting for a leader... consensus.go:61
INFO consensus: bootstrapping raft cluster raft.go:108
INFO restapi: REST API: /ip4/ restapi.go:266
INFO ipfshttp: IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/ ipfshttp.go:159
INFO consensus: Raft Leader elected: QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn raft.go:261
INFO consensus: Raft state is catching up raft.go:273
INFO consensus: Consensus state is up to date consensus.go:116
INFO cluster: Cluster Peers (without including ourselves): cluster.go:450
INFO cluster: - No other peers cluster.go:452
INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster is ready cluster.go:461
### Step 1: Add new members to the cluster
Initialize and run cluster in a different node(s), bootstrapping them to the first node:
node1> export CLUSTER_SECRET=<copy from node0>
node1> ipfs-cluster-service init
INFO config: Saving configuration config.go:311
ipfs-cluster-service configuration written to /home/hector/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
node1> ipfs-cluster-service --bootstrap /ip4/
INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster v0.3.0 listening on: cluster.go:91
INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:93
INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:93
INFO consensus: starting Consensus and waiting for a leader... consensus.go:61
INFO consensus: bootstrapping raft cluster raft.go:108
INFO cluster: Bootstrapping to /ip4/ cluster.go:471
INFO restapi: REST API: /ip4/ restapi.go:266
INFO ipfshttp: IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/ ipfshttp.go:159
INFO consensus: Raft Leader elected: QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn raft.go:261
INFO consensus: Raft state is catching up raft.go:273
INFO consensus: Consensus state is up to date consensus.go:116
INFO consensus: Raft Leader elected: QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn raft.go:261
INFO consensus: Raft state is catching up raft.go:273
INFO cluster: QmYFYwnFUkjFhJcSJJGN72wwedZnpQQ4aNpAtPZt8g5fCd: joined QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn's cluster cluster.go:777
INFO cluster: Cluster Peers (without including ourselves): cluster.go:450
INFO cluster: - QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn cluster.go:456
INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster is ready cluster.go:461
INFO config: Saving configuration config.go:311
You can repeat the process with any other nodes.
You can check the current list of cluster peers and see it shows 2 peers:
node1 > ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls
QmYFYwnFUkjFhJcSJJGN72wwedZnpQQ4aNpAtPZt8g5fCd | Sees 1 other peers
> Addresses:
- /ip4/
- /ip4/
> IPFS: Qmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- /ip4/
- /ip4/
QmZjSoXUQgJ9tutP1rXjjNYwTrRM9QPhmD9GHVjbtgWxEn | Sees 1 other peers
> Addresses:
- /ip4/
- /ip4/
> IPFS: Qmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
- /ip4/
- /ip4/
### Step 2: Remove no longer needed nodes
You can use `ipfs-cluster-ctl peers rm <peer_id>` to remove and disconnect any nodes from your cluster. The nodes will be automatically
shutdown. They can be restarted manually and re-added to the Cluster any time:
node0> ipfs-cluster-ctl peers rm QmYFYwnFUkjFhJcSJJGN72wwedZnpQQ4aNpAtPZt8g5fCd
The `node1` is then disconnected and shuts down, as its logs show:
INFO config: Saving configuration config.go:311
INFO cluster: this peer has been removed and will shutdown cluster.go:386
INFO cluster: shutting down Cluster cluster.go:498
INFO consensus: stopping Consensus component consensus.go:159
INFO consensus: consensus data cleaned consensus.go:400
INFO monitor: stopping Monitor peer_monitor.go:161
INFO restapi: stopping Cluster API restapi.go:284
INFO ipfshttp: stopping IPFS Proxy ipfshttp.go:534
INFO pintracker: stopping MapPinTracker maptracker.go:116
INFO config: Saving configuration config.go:311