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// Package api holds declarations for types used in ipfs-cluster APIs to make
// them re-usable across differen tools. This include RPC API "Serial[izable]"
// versions for types. The Go API uses natives types, while RPC API,
// REST APIs etc use serializable types (i.e. json format). Conversion methods
// exists between types.
// Note that all conversion methods ignore any parsing errors. All values must
// be validated first before initializing any of the types defined here.
package api
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
protocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-protocol"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
// needed to parse /ws multiaddresses
_ "github.com/libp2p/go-ws-transport"
// needed to parse /dns* multiaddresses
_ "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"
var logger = logging.Logger("apitypes")
// TrackerStatus values
const (
// IPFSStatus should never take this value
TrackerStatusBug TrackerStatus = iota
// The cluster node is offline or not responding
// An error occurred pinning
// An error occurred unpinning
// The IPFS daemon has pinned the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently unpinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item but it is being tracked
// The item has been queued for pinning on the IPFS daemon
// The item has been queued for unpinning on the IPFS daemon
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item through this cid but it is
// tracked in a cluster dag
// TrackerStatus represents the status of a tracked Cid in the PinTracker
type TrackerStatus int
var trackerStatusString = map[TrackerStatus]string{
TrackerStatusBug: "bug",
TrackerStatusClusterError: "cluster_error",
TrackerStatusPinError: "pin_error",
TrackerStatusUnpinError: "unpin_error",
TrackerStatusPinned: "pinned",
TrackerStatusPinning: "pinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinning: "unpinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinned: "unpinned",
TrackerStatusRemote: "remote",
TrackerStatusPinQueued: "pin_queued",
TrackerStatusUnpinQueued: "unpin_queued",
// String converts a TrackerStatus into a readable string.
func (st TrackerStatus) String() string {
return trackerStatusString[st]
// TrackerStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// TrackerStatus value.
func TrackerStatusFromString(str string) TrackerStatus {
for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
if v == str {
return k
return TrackerStatusBug
// IsFilterValid checks if given filter is valid
func IsFilterValid(filter string) bool {
if filter == "" {
return true
filters := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(filter), ",")
var valid bool
for _, v := range filters {
valid = false
if v == "queued" || v == "error" {
valid = true
for _, tracker := range trackerStatusString {
if tracker == v {
valid = true
if valid == false {
return false
return true
// IPFSPinStatus values
// FIXME include maxdepth
const (
IPFSPinStatusBug IPFSPinStatus = iota
// IPFSPinStatus represents the status of a pin in IPFS (direct, recursive etc.)
type IPFSPinStatus int
// IPFSPinStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// IPFSPinStatus.
func IPFSPinStatusFromString(t string) IPFSPinStatus {
// Since indirect statuses are of the form "indirect through <cid>",
// use a regexp to match
var ind, _ = regexp.MatchString("^indirect", t)
var rec, _ = regexp.MatchString("^recursive", t)
switch {
case ind:
return IPFSPinStatusIndirect
case rec:
// FIXME: Maxdepth?
return IPFSPinStatusRecursive
case t == "direct":
return IPFSPinStatusDirect
return IPFSPinStatusBug
// IsPinned returns true if the item is pinned as expected by the
// maxDepth parameter.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) IsPinned(maxDepth int) bool {
switch {
case maxDepth < 0:
return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
case maxDepth == 0:
return ips == IPFSPinStatusDirect
case maxDepth > 0:
// FIXME: when we know how ipfs returns partial pins.
return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
return false
// ToTrackerStatus converts the IPFSPinStatus value to the
// appropriate TrackerStatus value.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) ToTrackerStatus() TrackerStatus {
return ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap[ips]
var ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap = map[IPFSPinStatus]TrackerStatus{
IPFSPinStatusDirect: TrackerStatusPinned,
IPFSPinStatusRecursive: TrackerStatusPinned,
IPFSPinStatusIndirect: TrackerStatusUnpinned,
IPFSPinStatusUnpinned: TrackerStatusUnpinned,
IPFSPinStatusBug: TrackerStatusBug,
IPFSPinStatusError: TrackerStatusClusterError, //TODO(ajl): check suitability
// GlobalPinInfo contains cluster-wide status information about a tracked Cid,
// indexed by cluster peer.
type GlobalPinInfo struct {
Cid cid.Cid
PeerMap map[peer.ID]PinInfo
// GlobalPinInfoSerial is the serializable version of GlobalPinInfo.
type GlobalPinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
PeerMap map[string]PinInfoSerial `json:"peer_map"`
// ToSerial converts a GlobalPinInfo to its serializable version.
func (gpi GlobalPinInfo) ToSerial() GlobalPinInfoSerial {
s := GlobalPinInfoSerial{}
if gpi.Cid.Defined() {
s.Cid = gpi.Cid.String()
s.PeerMap = make(map[string]PinInfoSerial)
for k, v := range gpi.PeerMap {
s.PeerMap[peer.IDB58Encode(k)] = v.ToSerial()
return s
// ToGlobalPinInfo converts a GlobalPinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (gpis GlobalPinInfoSerial) ToGlobalPinInfo() GlobalPinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(gpis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(gpis.Cid, err)
gpi := GlobalPinInfo{
Cid: c,
PeerMap: make(map[peer.ID]PinInfo),
for k, v := range gpis.PeerMap {
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(k, err)
gpi.PeerMap[p] = v.ToPinInfo()
return gpi
// PinInfo holds information about local pins.
type PinInfo struct {
Cid cid.Cid
Peer peer.ID
PeerName string
Status TrackerStatus
TS time.Time
Error string
// PinInfoSerial is a serializable version of PinInfo.
// information is marked as
type PinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Peer string `json:"peer"`
PeerName string `json:"peername"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TS string `json:"timestamp"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts a PinInfo to its serializable version.
func (pi PinInfo) ToSerial() PinInfoSerial {
c := ""
if pi.Cid.Defined() {
c = pi.Cid.String()
p := ""
if pi.Peer != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(pi.Peer)
return PinInfoSerial{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
PeerName: pi.PeerName,
Status: pi.Status.String(),
TS: pi.TS.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
Error: pi.Error,
// ToPinInfo converts a PinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (pis PinInfoSerial) ToPinInfo() PinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(pis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.Cid, err)
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pis.Peer)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.Peer, err)
ts, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, pis.TS)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.TS, err)
return PinInfo{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
PeerName: pis.PeerName,
Status: TrackerStatusFromString(pis.Status),
TS: ts,
Error: pis.Error,
// Version holds version information
type Version struct {
Version string `json:"Version"`
// IPFSID is used to store information about the underlying IPFS daemon
type IPFSID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
Error string
// IPFSIDSerial is the serializable IPFSID for RPC requests
type IPFSIDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts IPFSID to a go serializable object
func (id *IPFSID) ToSerial() IPFSIDSerial {
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IPFSIDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
Error: id.Error,
// ToIPFSID converts an IPFSIDSerial to IPFSID
func (ids *IPFSIDSerial) ToIPFSID() IPFSID {
id := IPFSID{}
if pID, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID); err == nil {
id.ID = pID
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Error = ids.Error
return id
// ConnectGraph holds information about the connectivity of the cluster
// To read, traverse the keys of ClusterLinks. Each such id is one of
// the peers of the "ClusterID" peer running the query. ClusterLinks[id]
// in turn lists the ids that peer "id" sees itself connected to. It is
// possible that id is a peer of ClusterID, but ClusterID can not reach id
// over rpc, in which case ClusterLinks[id] == [], as id's view of its
// connectivity can not be retrieved.
// Iff there was an error reading the IPFSID of the peer then id will not be a
// key of ClustertoIPFS or IPFSLinks. Finally iff id is a key of ClustertoIPFS
// then id will be a key of IPFSLinks. In the event of a SwarmPeers error
// IPFSLinks[id] == [].
type ConnectGraph struct {
ClusterID peer.ID
IPFSLinks map[peer.ID][]peer.ID // ipfs to ipfs links
ClusterLinks map[peer.ID][]peer.ID // cluster to cluster links
ClustertoIPFS map[peer.ID]peer.ID // cluster to ipfs links
// ConnectGraphSerial is the serializable ConnectGraph counterpart for RPC requests
type ConnectGraphSerial struct {
ClusterID string
IPFSLinks map[string][]string `json:"ipfs_links"`
ClusterLinks map[string][]string `json:"cluster_links"`
ClustertoIPFS map[string]string `json:"cluster_to_ipfs"`
// ToSerial converts a ConnectGraph to its Go-serializable version
func (cg ConnectGraph) ToSerial() ConnectGraphSerial {
IPFSLinksSerial := serializeLinkMap(cg.IPFSLinks)
ClusterLinksSerial := serializeLinkMap(cg.ClusterLinks)
ClustertoIPFSSerial := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range cg.ClustertoIPFS {
ClustertoIPFSSerial[peer.IDB58Encode(k)] = peer.IDB58Encode(v)
return ConnectGraphSerial{
ClusterID: peer.IDB58Encode(cg.ClusterID),
IPFSLinks: IPFSLinksSerial,
ClusterLinks: ClusterLinksSerial,
ClustertoIPFS: ClustertoIPFSSerial,
// ToConnectGraph converts a ConnectGraphSerial to a ConnectGraph
func (cgs ConnectGraphSerial) ToConnectGraph() ConnectGraph {
ClustertoIPFS := make(map[peer.ID]peer.ID)
for k, v := range cgs.ClustertoIPFS {
pid1, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
pid2, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(v)
ClustertoIPFS[pid1] = pid2
pid, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(cgs.ClusterID)
return ConnectGraph{
ClusterID: pid,
IPFSLinks: deserializeLinkMap(cgs.IPFSLinks),
ClusterLinks: deserializeLinkMap(cgs.ClusterLinks),
ClustertoIPFS: ClustertoIPFS,
func serializeLinkMap(Links map[peer.ID][]peer.ID) map[string][]string {
LinksSerial := make(map[string][]string)
for k, v := range Links {
kS := peer.IDB58Encode(k)
LinksSerial[kS] = PeersToStrings(v)
return LinksSerial
func deserializeLinkMap(LinksSerial map[string][]string) map[peer.ID][]peer.ID {
Links := make(map[peer.ID][]peer.ID)
for k, v := range LinksSerial {
pid, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
Links[pid] = StringsToPeers(v)
return Links
// SwarmPeers lists an ipfs daemon's peers
type SwarmPeers []peer.ID
// SwarmPeersSerial is the serialized form of SwarmPeers for RPC use
type SwarmPeersSerial []string
// ToSerial converts SwarmPeers to its Go-serializeable version
func (swarm SwarmPeers) ToSerial() SwarmPeersSerial {
return PeersToStrings(swarm)
// ToSwarmPeers converts a SwarmPeersSerial object to SwarmPeers.
func (swarmS SwarmPeersSerial) ToSwarmPeers() SwarmPeers {
return StringsToPeers(swarmS)
// ID holds information about the Cluster peer
type ID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
ClusterPeers []peer.ID
ClusterPeersAddresses []ma.Multiaddr
Version string
Commit string
RPCProtocolVersion protocol.ID
Error string
Peername string
//PublicKey crypto.PubKey
// IDSerial is the serializable ID counterpart for RPC requests
type IDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
ClusterPeers []string `json:"cluster_peers"`
ClusterPeersAddresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"cluster_peers_addresses"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
RPCProtocolVersion string `json:"rpc_protocol_version"`
Error string `json:"error"`
IPFS IPFSIDSerial `json:"ipfs"`
Peername string `json:"peername"`
//PublicKey []byte
// ToSerial converts an ID to its Go-serializable version
func (id ID) ToSerial() IDSerial {
//var pkey []byte
//if id.PublicKey != nil {
// pkey, _ = id.PublicKey.Bytes()
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
ClusterPeers: PeersToStrings(id.ClusterPeers),
ClusterPeersAddresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.ClusterPeersAddresses),
Version: id.Version,
Commit: id.Commit,
RPCProtocolVersion: string(id.RPCProtocolVersion),
Error: id.Error,
IPFS: id.IPFS.ToSerial(),
Peername: id.Peername,
//PublicKey: pkey,
// ToID converts an IDSerial object to ID.
// It will ignore any errors when parsing the fields.
func (ids IDSerial) ToID() ID {
id := ID{}
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(ids.ID, err)
id.ID = p
//if pkey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(ids.PublicKey); err == nil {
// id.PublicKey = pkey
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.ClusterPeers = StringsToPeers(ids.ClusterPeers)
id.ClusterPeersAddresses = ids.ClusterPeersAddresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Version = ids.Version
id.Commit = ids.Commit
id.RPCProtocolVersion = protocol.ID(ids.RPCProtocolVersion)
id.Error = ids.Error
id.Peername = ids.Peername
return id
// MultiaddrSerial is a Multiaddress in a serializable form
type MultiaddrSerial string
// MultiaddrsSerial is an array of Multiaddresses in serializable form
type MultiaddrsSerial []MultiaddrSerial
// MultiaddrToSerial converts a Multiaddress to its serializable form
func MultiaddrToSerial(addr ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrSerial {
if addr != nil {
return MultiaddrSerial(addr.String())
return ""
// ToMultiaddr converts a serializable Multiaddress to its original type.
// All errors are ignored.
func (addrS MultiaddrSerial) ToMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
str := string(addrS)
a, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(str)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(str, err)
return a
// MultiaddrsToSerial converts a slice of Multiaddresses to its
// serializable form.
func MultiaddrsToSerial(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrsSerial {
addrsS := make([]MultiaddrSerial, len(addrs), len(addrs))
for i, a := range addrs {
if a != nil {
addrsS[i] = MultiaddrToSerial(a)
return addrsS
// ToMultiaddrs converts MultiaddrsSerial back to a slice of Multiaddresses
func (addrsS MultiaddrsSerial) ToMultiaddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
addrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(addrsS), len(addrsS))
for i, addrS := range addrsS {
addrs[i] = addrS.ToMultiaddr()
return addrs
// CidsToStrings encodes cid.Cids to strings.
func CidsToStrings(cids []cid.Cid) []string {
strs := make([]string, len(cids))
for i, c := range cids {
strs[i] = c.String()
return strs
// StringsToCidSet decodes cid.Cids from strings.
func StringsToCidSet(strs []string) *cid.Set {
cids := cid.NewSet()
for _, str := range strs {
c, err := cid.Decode(str)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(str, err)
return cids
// PinType specifies which sort of Pin object we are dealing with.
// In practice, the PinType decides how a Pin object is treated by the
// PinTracker.
// See descriptions above.
// A sharded Pin would look like:
// [ Meta ] (not pinned on IPFS, only present in cluster state)
// |
// v
// [ Cluster DAG ] (pinned everywhere in "direct")
// | .. |
// v v
// [Shard1] .. [ShardN] (allocated to peers and pinned with max-depth=1
// | | .. | | | .. |
// v v .. v v v .. v
// [][]..[] [][]..[] Blocks (indirectly pinned on ipfs, not tracked in cluster)
type PinType uint64
// PinType values. See PinType documentation for further explanation.
const (
// BadType type showing up anywhere indicates a bug
BadType PinType = 1 << iota
// DataType is a regular, non-sharded pin. It is pinned recursively.
// It has no associated reference.
// MetaType tracks the original CID of a sharded DAG. Its Reference
// points to the Cluster DAG CID.
// ClusterDAGType pins carry the CID of the root node that points to
// all the shard-root-nodes of the shards in which a DAG has been
// divided. Its Reference carries the MetaType CID.
// ClusterDAGType pins are pinned directly everywhere.
// ShardType pins carry the root CID of a shard, which points
// to individual blocks on the original DAG that the user is adding,
// which has been sharded.
// They carry a Reference to the previous shard.
// ShardTypes are pinned with MaxDepth=1 (root and
// direct children only).
// AllType is a PinType used for filtering all pin types
const AllType PinType = DataType | MetaType | ClusterDAGType | ShardType
// PinTypeFromString is the inverse of String. It returns the PinType value
// corresponding to the input string
func PinTypeFromString(str string) PinType {
switch str {
case "pin":
return DataType
case "meta-pin":
return MetaType
case "clusterdag-pin":
return ClusterDAGType
case "shard-pin":
return ShardType
case "all":
return AllType
return BadType
// String returns a printable value to identify the PinType
func (pT PinType) String() string {
switch pT {
case DataType:
return "pin"
case MetaType:
return "meta-pin"
case ClusterDAGType:
return "clusterdag-pin"
case ShardType:
return "shard-pin"
case AllType:
return "all"
return "bad-type"
// PinOptions wraps user-defined options for Pins
type PinOptions struct {
ReplicationFactorMin int `json:"replication_factor_min"`
ReplicationFactorMax int `json:"replication_factor_max"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ShardSize uint64 `json:"shard_size"`
// Pin carries all the information associated to a CID that is pinned
// in IPFS Cluster.
type Pin struct {
Cid cid.Cid
// See PinType comments
Type PinType
// The peers to which this pin is allocated
Allocations []peer.ID
// MaxDepth associated to this pin. -1 means
// recursive.
MaxDepth int
// We carry a reference CID to this pin. For
// ClusterDAGs, it is the MetaPin CID. For the
// MetaPin it is the ClusterDAG CID. For Shards,
// it is the previous shard CID.
Reference cid.Cid
// PinCid is a shortcut to create a Pin only with a Cid. Default is for pin to
// be recursive and the pin to be of DataType.
func PinCid(c cid.Cid) Pin {
return Pin{
Cid: c,
Type: DataType,
Allocations: []peer.ID{},
MaxDepth: -1,
// PinWithOpts creates a new Pin calling PinCid(c) and then sets
// its PinOptions fields with the given options.
func PinWithOpts(c cid.Cid, opts PinOptions) Pin {
p := PinCid(c)
p.ReplicationFactorMin = opts.ReplicationFactorMin
p.ReplicationFactorMax = opts.ReplicationFactorMax
p.Name = opts.Name
p.ShardSize = opts.ShardSize
return p
// PinSerial is a serializable version of Pin
type PinSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Type uint64 `json:"type"`
Allocations []string `json:"allocations"`
MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"`
Reference string `json:"reference"`
// ToSerial converts a Pin to PinSerial.
func (pin Pin) ToSerial() PinSerial {
c := ""
if pin.Cid.Defined() {
c = pin.Cid.String()
ref := ""
if pin.Reference.Defined() {
ref = pin.Reference.String()
n := pin.Name
allocs := PeersToStrings(pin.Allocations)
return PinSerial{
Cid: c,
Allocations: allocs,
Type: uint64(pin.Type),
MaxDepth: pin.MaxDepth,
Reference: ref,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
Name: n,
ReplicationFactorMin: pin.ReplicationFactorMin,
ReplicationFactorMax: pin.ReplicationFactorMax,
ShardSize: pin.ShardSize,
// Equals checks if two pins are the same (with the same allocations).
// If allocations are the same but in different order, they are still
// considered equivalent.
func (pin Pin) Equals(pin2 Pin) bool {
pin1s := pin.ToSerial()
pin2s := pin2.ToSerial()
if pin1s.Cid != pin2s.Cid {
return false
if pin1s.Name != pin2s.Name {
return false
if pin1s.Type != pin2s.Type {
return false
if pin1s.MaxDepth != pin2s.MaxDepth {
return false
if pin1s.ShardSize != pin2s.ShardSize {
return false
if strings.Join(pin1s.Allocations, ",") != strings.Join(pin2s.Allocations, ",") {
return false
if pin1s.ReplicationFactorMax != pin2s.ReplicationFactorMax {
return false
if pin1s.ReplicationFactorMin != pin2s.ReplicationFactorMin {
return false
if pin1s.Reference != pin2s.Reference {
return false
return true
// IsRemotePin determines whether a Pin's ReplicationFactor has
// been met, so as to either pin or unpin it from the peer.
func (pin Pin) IsRemotePin(pid peer.ID) bool {
if pin.ReplicationFactorMax < 0 || pin.ReplicationFactorMin < 0 {
return false
for _, p := range pin.Allocations {
if p == pid {
return false
return true
// ToPin converts a PinSerial to its native form.
func (pins PinSerial) ToPin() Pin {
c, err := cid.Decode(pins.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pins.Cid, err)
var ref cid.Cid
if pins.Reference != "" {
ref, err = cid.Decode(pins.Reference)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning(pins.Reference, err)
return Pin{
Cid: c,
Allocations: StringsToPeers(pins.Allocations),
Type: PinType(pins.Type),
MaxDepth: pins.MaxDepth,
Reference: ref,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
Name: pins.Name,
ReplicationFactorMin: pins.ReplicationFactorMin,
ReplicationFactorMax: pins.ReplicationFactorMax,
ShardSize: pins.ShardSize,
// Clone returns a deep copy of the PinSerial.
func (pins PinSerial) Clone() PinSerial {
new := pins // this copy all the simple fields.
// slices are pointers. We need to explicitally copy them.
new.Allocations = make([]string, len(pins.Allocations))
copy(new.Allocations, pins.Allocations)
return new
// DecodeCid retrieves just the cid from a PinSerial without
// allocating a Pin.
func (pins PinSerial) DecodeCid() cid.Cid {
c, err := cid.Decode(pins.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pins.Cid, err)
return c
// NodeWithMeta specifies a block of data and a set of optional metadata fields
// carrying information about the encoded ipld node
type NodeWithMeta struct {
Data []byte
Cid string
CumSize uint64 // Cumulative size
Format string
// Size returns how big is the block. It is different from CumSize, which
// records the size of the underlying tree.
func (n *NodeWithMeta) Size() uint64 {
return uint64(len(n.Data))
// Metric transports information about a peer.ID. It is used to decide
// pin allocations by a PinAllocator. IPFS cluster is agnostic to
// the Value, which should be interpreted by the PinAllocator.
type Metric struct {
Name string
Peer peer.ID
Value string
Expire int64
Valid bool
// SetTTL sets Metric to expire after the given time.Duration
func (m *Metric) SetTTL(d time.Duration) {
Issue #162: Rework configuration format The following commit reimplements ipfs-cluster configuration under the following premises: * Each component is initialized with a configuration object defined by its module * Each component decides how the JSON representation of its configuration looks like * Each component parses and validates its own configuration * Each component exposes its own defaults * Component configurations are make the sections of a central JSON configuration file (which replaces the current JSON format) * Component configurations implement a common interface (config.ComponentConfig) with a set of common operations * The central configuration file is managed by a config.ConfigManager which: * Registers ComponentConfigs * Assigns the correspondent sections from the JSON file to each component and delegates the parsing * Delegates the JSON generation for each section * Can be notified when the configuration is updated and must be saved to disk The new service.json would then look as follows: ```json { "cluster": { "id": "QmTVW8NoRxC5wBhV7WtAYtRn7itipEESfozWN5KmXUQnk2", "private_key": "<...>", "secret": "00224102ae6aaf94f2606abf69a0e278251ecc1d64815b617ff19d6d2841f786", "peers": [], "bootstrap": [], "leave_on_shutdown": false, "listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/", "state_sync_interval": "1m0s", "ipfs_sync_interval": "2m10s", "replication_factor": -1, "monitor_ping_interval": "15s" }, "consensus": { "raft": { "heartbeat_timeout": "1s", "election_timeout": "1s", "commit_timeout": "50ms", "max_append_entries": 64, "trailing_logs": 10240, "snapshot_interval": "2m0s", "snapshot_threshold": 8192, "leader_lease_timeout": "500ms" } }, "api": { "restapi": { "listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/", "read_timeout": "30s", "read_header_timeout": "5s", "write_timeout": "1m0s", "idle_timeout": "2m0s" } }, "ipfs_connector": { "ipfshttp": { "proxy_listen_multiaddress": "/ip4/", "node_multiaddress": "/ip4/", "connect_swarms_delay": "7s", "proxy_read_timeout": "10m0s", "proxy_read_header_timeout": "5s", "proxy_write_timeout": "10m0s", "proxy_idle_timeout": "1m0s" } }, "monitor": { "monbasic": { "check_interval": "15s" } }, "informer": { "disk": { "metric_ttl": "30s", "metric_type": "freespace" }, "numpin": { "metric_ttl": "10s" } } } ``` This new format aims to be easily extensible per component. As such, it already surfaces quite a few new options which were hardcoded before. Additionally, since Go API have changed, some redundant methods have been removed and small refactoring has happened to take advantage of the new way. License: MIT Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <hector@protocol.ai>
2017-10-11 18:23:03 +00:00
exp := time.Now().Add(d)
m.Expire = exp.UnixNano()
// GetTTL returns the time left before the Metric expires
func (m *Metric) GetTTL() time.Duration {
expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
return expDate.Sub(time.Now())
// Expired returns if the Metric has expired
func (m *Metric) Expired() bool {
expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
return time.Now().After(expDate)
// Discard returns if the metric not valid or has expired
func (m *Metric) Discard() bool {
return !m.Valid || m.Expired()
// MetricSerial is a helper for JSON marshaling. The Metric type is already
// serializable, but not pretty to humans (API).
type MetricSerial struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Peer string `json:"peer"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Expire int64 `json:"expire"`
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
// MarshalJSON allows a Metric to produce a JSON representation
// of itself.
func (m *Metric) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&MetricSerial{
Name: m.Name,
Peer: peer.IDB58Encode(m.Peer),
Value: m.Value,
Expire: m.Expire,
// UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON on top of the Metric.
func (m *Metric) UnmarshalJSON(j []byte) error {
if bytes.Equal(j, []byte("null")) {
return nil
ms := &MetricSerial{}
err := json.Unmarshal(j, ms)
if err != nil {
return err
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ms.Peer)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Name = ms.Name
m.Peer = p
m.Value = ms.Value
m.Expire = ms.Expire
return nil
// Alert carries alerting information about a peer. WIP.
type Alert struct {
Peer peer.ID
MetricName string
// Error can be used by APIs to return errors.
type Error struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Error implements the error interface and returns the error's message.
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Message, e.Code)
// IPFSRepoStat wraps information about the IPFS repository.
type IPFSRepoStat struct {
RepoSize uint64
StorageMax uint64