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package main
import (
cluster "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster"
func rpcTypeStr(t cluster.RPCEndpointType) string {
switch t {
case cluster.RPCClosed:
return "RPCClosed"
case cluster.RPCTrusted:
return "RPCTrusted"
case cluster.RPCOpen:
return "RPCOpen"
return "ERROR"
var comments = map[string]string{
"Cluster.PeerAdd": "Used by Join()",
"Cluster.Peers": "Used by ConnectGraph()",
"Cluster.Pins": "Used in stateless tracker, ipfsproxy, restapi",
"Cluster.SyncAllLocal": "Called in broadcast from SyncAll()",
"Cluster.SyncLocal": "Called in broadcast from Sync()",
"PinTracker.Recover": "Called in broadcast from Recover()",
"PinTracker.RecoverAll": "Broadcast in RecoverAll unimplemented",
"Pintracker.Status": "Called in broadcast from Status()",
"Pintracker.StatusAll": "Called in broadcast from StatusAll()",
"IPFSConnector.BlockPut": "Called from Add()",
"IPFSConnector.RepoStat": "Called in broadcast from proxy/repo/stat",
"IPFSConnector.SwarmPeers": "Called in ConnectGraph",
"Consensus.AddPeer": "Called by Raft/redirect to leader",
"Consensus.LogPin": "Called by Raft/redirect to leader",
"Consensus.LogUnpin": "Called by Raft/redirect to leader",
"Consensus.RmPeer": "Called by Raft/redirect to leader",
func main() {
rpcComponents := []interface{}{
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, `
// The below generated policy keeps the endpoint types
// from the exiting one, marking new endpoints as NEW. Redirect stdout
// into rpc_policy.go and set the NEW endpoints to their correct type (make
// sure you have recompiled this binary with the current version of the code).
fmt.Println("package ipfscluster")
fmt.Println("// This file can be generated with rpcutil/policygen.")
// DefaultRPCPolicy associates all rpc endpoints offered by cluster peers to an
// endpoint type. See rpcutil/policygen.go as a quick way to generate this
// without missing any endpoint.`)
fmt.Println("var DefaultRPCPolicy = map[string]RPCEndpointType{")
for _, c := range rpcComponents {
t := reflect.TypeOf(c)
fmt.Println(" //", cluster.RPCServiceID(c), "methods")
for i := 0; i < t.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := t.Method(i)
name := cluster.RPCServiceID(c) + "." + method.Name
rpcT, ok := cluster.DefaultRPCPolicy[name]
rpcTStr := "NEW"
if ok {
rpcTStr = rpcTypeStr(rpcT)
comment, ok := comments[name]
if ok {
comment = "// " + comment
fmt.Printf(" \"%s\": %s, %s\n", name, rpcTStr, comment)