
402 lines
11 KiB

// Package optracker implements functionality to track the status of pin and
// operations as needed by implementations of the pintracker component.
// It particularly allows to obtain status information for a given Cid,
// to skip re-tracking already ongoing operations, or to cancel ongoing
// operations when opposing ones arrive.
package optracker
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/core/peer"
var logger = logging.Logger("optracker")
// OperationTracker tracks and manages all inflight Operations.
type OperationTracker struct {
// struct alignment. This fields must be upfront!
pinningCount int64
pinErrorCount int64
pinQueuedCount int64
ctx context.Context // parent context for all ops
pid peer.ID
peerName string
mu sync.RWMutex
operations map[api.Cid]*Operation
func (opt *OperationTracker) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "pid: %v\n", opt.pid)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "name: %s\n", opt.peerName)
fmt.Fprint(&b, "operations:\n")
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
for _, op := range opt.operations {
opstr := op.String()
opstrs := strings.Split(opstr, "\n")
for _, s := range opstrs {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\t%s\n", s)
return b.String()
// NewOperationTracker creates a new OperationTracker.
func NewOperationTracker(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID, peerName string) *OperationTracker {
return &OperationTracker{
ctx: ctx,
pid: pid,
peerName: peerName,
operations: make(map[api.Cid]*Operation),
// TrackNewOperation will create, track and return a new operation unless
// one already exists to do the same thing, in which case nil is returned.
// If an operation exists it is of different type, it is
// canceled and the new one replaces it in the tracker.
func (opt *OperationTracker) TrackNewOperation(ctx context.Context, pin api.Pin, typ OperationType, ph Phase) *Operation {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "optracker/TrackNewOperation")
defer span.End()
defer opt.mu.Unlock()
op, ok := opt.operations[pin.Cid]
if ok { // operation exists for the CID
if op.Type() == typ && op.Phase() != PhaseError && op.Phase() != PhaseDone {
// an ongoing operation of the same
// type. i.e. pinning, or queued. Update the pin
// object though, as it may have different options.
op.pin = pin
return nil
// i.e. operations in error phase
// i.e. pin operations that need to be canceled for unpinning
op.tracker.recordMetric(op, -1)
op.Cancel() // cancel ongoing operation and replace it
// IMPORTANT: the operations must have the OperationTracker context,
// as otherwise their context would be canceled after being added.
op2 := newOperation(opt.ctx, pin, typ, ph, opt)
if ok && op.Type() == typ {
// Carry over the attempt count when doing an operation of the
// same type. The old operation exists and was canceled.
op2.attemptCount = op.AttemptCount() // carry the count
logger.Debugf("'%s' on cid '%s' has been created with phase '%s'", typ, pin.Cid, ph)
opt.operations[pin.Cid] = op2
opt.recordMetricUnsafe(op2, 1)
return op2
// Clean deletes an operation from the tracker if it is the one we are tracking
// (compares pointers).
func (opt *OperationTracker) Clean(ctx context.Context, op *Operation) {
defer opt.mu.Unlock()
op2, ok := opt.operations[op.Cid()]
if ok && op == op2 { // same pointer
delete(opt.operations, op.Cid())
// Status returns the TrackerStatus associated to the last operation known
// with the given Cid. It returns false if we are not tracking any operation
// for the given Cid.
func (opt *OperationTracker) Status(ctx context.Context, c api.Cid) (api.TrackerStatus, bool) {
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
op, ok := opt.operations[c]
if !ok {
return 0, false
return op.ToTrackerStatus(), true
// SetError transitions an operation for a Cid into PhaseError if its Status
// is PhaseDone. Any other phases are considered in-flight and not touched.
// For things already in error, the error message is updated.
// Remote pins are ignored too.
// Only used in tests right now.
func (opt *OperationTracker) SetError(ctx context.Context, c api.Cid, err error) {
defer opt.mu.Unlock()
op, ok := opt.operations[c]
if !ok {
if ty := op.Type(); ty == OperationRemote {
if ph := op.Phase(); ph == PhaseDone || ph == PhaseError {
func (opt *OperationTracker) unsafePinInfo(ctx context.Context, op *Operation, ipfs api.IPFSID) api.PinInfo {
if op == nil {
return api.PinInfo{
Cid: api.CidUndef,
Name: "",
Peer: opt.pid,
Origins: nil,
//Created: 0,
Metadata: nil,
PinInfoShort: api.PinInfoShort{
PeerName: opt.peerName,
IPFS: "",
Status: api.TrackerStatusUnpinned,
TS: time.Now(),
AttemptCount: 0,
PriorityPin: false,
Error: "",
return api.PinInfo{
Cid: op.Cid(),
Name: op.Pin().Name,
Peer: opt.pid,
Allocations: op.Pin().Allocations,
Origins: op.Pin().Origins,
Created: op.Pin().Timestamp,
Metadata: op.Pin().Metadata,
PinInfoShort: api.PinInfoShort{
PeerName: opt.peerName,
IPFS: ipfs.ID,
IPFSAddresses: ipfs.Addresses,
Status: op.ToTrackerStatus(),
TS: op.Timestamp(),
AttemptCount: op.AttemptCount(),
PriorityPin: op.PriorityPin(),
Error: op.Error(),
// Get returns a PinInfo object for Cid.
func (opt *OperationTracker) Get(ctx context.Context, c api.Cid, ipfs api.IPFSID) api.PinInfo {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "optracker/GetAll")
defer span.End()
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
op := opt.operations[c]
pInfo := opt.unsafePinInfo(ctx, op, ipfs)
if !pInfo.Cid.Defined() {
pInfo.Cid = c
return pInfo
// GetExists returns a PinInfo object for a Cid only if there exists
// an associated Operation.
func (opt *OperationTracker) GetExists(ctx context.Context, c api.Cid, ipfs api.IPFSID) (api.PinInfo, bool) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "optracker/GetExists")
defer span.End()
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
op, ok := opt.operations[c]
if !ok {
return api.PinInfo{}, false
pInfo := opt.unsafePinInfo(ctx, op, ipfs)
return pInfo, true
// GetAll returns PinInfo objects for all known operations.
func (opt *OperationTracker) GetAll(ctx context.Context, ipfs api.IPFSID) []api.PinInfo {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "optracker/GetAll")
defer span.End()
ch := make(chan api.PinInfo, 1024)
var pinfos []api.PinInfo
go opt.GetAllChannel(ctx, api.TrackerStatusUndefined, ipfs, ch)
for pinfo := range ch {
pinfos = append(pinfos, pinfo)
return pinfos
// GetAllChannel returns all known operations that match the filter on the
// provided channel. Blocks until done.
func (opt *OperationTracker) GetAllChannel(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, ipfs api.IPFSID, out chan<- api.PinInfo) error {
defer close(out)
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
for _, op := range opt.operations {
pinfo := opt.unsafePinInfo(ctx, op, ipfs)
if pinfo.Status.Match(filter) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("listing operations aborted: %w", ctx.Err())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("listing operations aborted: %w", ctx.Err())
case out <- pinfo:
return nil
// CleanAllDone deletes any operation from the tracker that is in PhaseDone.
func (opt *OperationTracker) CleanAllDone(ctx context.Context) {
defer opt.mu.Unlock()
for _, op := range opt.operations {
if op.Phase() == PhaseDone {
delete(opt.operations, op.Cid())
// OpContext gets the context of an operation, if any.
func (opt *OperationTracker) OpContext(ctx context.Context, c api.Cid) context.Context {
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
op, ok := opt.operations[c]
if !ok {
return nil
return op.Context()
// Filter returns a slice of api.PinInfos that had associated
// Operations that matched the provided filter. Note, only supports
// filters of type OperationType or Phase, any other type
// will result in a nil slice being returned.
func (opt *OperationTracker) Filter(ctx context.Context, ipfs api.IPFSID, filters ...interface{}) []api.PinInfo {
var pinfos []api.PinInfo
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
ops := filterOpsMap(ctx, opt.operations, filters)
for _, op := range ops {
pinfo := opt.unsafePinInfo(ctx, op, ipfs)
pinfos = append(pinfos, pinfo)
return pinfos
// filterOps returns a slice that only contains operations
// with the matching filter. Note, only supports
// filters of type OperationType or Phase, any other type
// will result in a nil slice being returned.
// Only used in tests right now.
func (opt *OperationTracker) filterOps(ctx context.Context, filters ...interface{}) []*Operation {
var fltops []*Operation
defer opt.mu.RUnlock()
for _, op := range filterOpsMap(ctx, opt.operations, filters) {
fltops = append(fltops, op)
return fltops
func filterOpsMap(ctx context.Context, ops map[api.Cid]*Operation, filters []interface{}) map[api.Cid]*Operation {
fltops := make(map[api.Cid]*Operation)
if len(filters) < 1 {
return nil
if len(filters) == 1 {
filter(ctx, ops, fltops, filters[0])
return fltops
mainFilter, filters := filters[0], filters[1:]
filter(ctx, ops, fltops, mainFilter)
return filterOpsMap(ctx, fltops, filters)
func filter(ctx context.Context, in, out map[api.Cid]*Operation, filter interface{}) {
for _, op := range in {
switch filter.(type) {
case OperationType:
if op.Type() == filter {
out[op.Cid()] = op
case Phase:
if op.Phase() == filter {
out[op.Cid()] = op
func initializeMetrics(ctx context.Context) {
stats.Record(ctx, observations.PinsPinError.M(0))
stats.Record(ctx, observations.PinsQueued.M(0))
stats.Record(ctx, observations.PinsPinning.M(0))
func (opt *OperationTracker) recordMetricUnsafe(op *Operation, val int64) {
if opt == nil || op == nil {
if op.opType == OperationPin {
switch op.phase {
case PhaseError:
pinErrors := atomic.AddInt64(&opt.pinErrorCount, val)
stats.Record(op.Context(), observations.PinsPinError.M(pinErrors))
case PhaseQueued:
pinQueued := atomic.AddInt64(&opt.pinQueuedCount, val)
stats.Record(op.Context(), observations.PinsQueued.M(pinQueued))
case PhaseInProgress:
pinning := atomic.AddInt64(&opt.pinningCount, val)
stats.Record(op.Context(), observations.PinsPinning.M(pinning))
case PhaseDone:
// we have no metric to log anything
func (opt *OperationTracker) recordMetric(op *Operation, val int64) {
if op == nil {
opt.recordMetricUnsafe(op, val)
// PinQueueSize returns the current number of items queued to pin.
func (opt *OperationTracker) PinQueueSize() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&opt.pinQueuedCount)