Hector Sanjuan 0a8edc17c9 Fix #260: Add REST API client and use it in ipfs-cluster-ctl
This adds the pakage api/rest/client which implements a go-client
for the REST API component. It also update the ipfs-cluster-ctl
tool to rely on it.

Originally, I wanted this to live it in it's own separate repository,
but the api client uses /api/types.go, which is part of cluster.

Therefore it would need to import all of cluster as a dependency.
ipfs-cluster-ctl would also need to import go-ipfs-cluster-api-client
as a dependency, creating circular gx deps which would be a mess to

Only the splitting of cluster in multiple repositories (at least for
api, rest, ipfs-cluster-ctl, rest/client and test) would allow better
dependency management by allowing rest/client and the ctl tool
to only import what is needed, but this is something which brings
maintenance costs and can probably wait a bit until cluster is more stable.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2017-12-06 20:12:01 +01:00

165 lines
5.2 KiB

package client
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
func (c *Client) ID() (api.ID, *api.Error) {
var id api.IDSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/id", nil, &id)
return id.ToID(), err
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
func (c *Client) Peers() ([]api.ID, *api.Error) {
var ids []api.IDSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/peers", nil, &ids)
result := make([]api.ID, len(ids))
for i, id := range ids {
result[i] = id.ToID()
return result, err
type peerAddBody struct {
Addr string `json:"peer_multiaddress"`
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
func (c *Client) PeerAdd(addr ma.Multiaddr) (api.ID, *api.Error) {
addrStr := addr.String()
body := peerAddBody{addrStr}
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
var id api.IDSerial
err := c.do("POST", "/peers", &buf, &id)
return id.ToID(), err
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster
func (c *Client) PeerRm(id peer.ID) *api.Error {
return c.do("DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("/peers/%s", id.Pretty()), nil, nil)
// Pin tracks a Cid with the given replication factor and a name for
// human-friendliness.
func (c *Client) Pin(ci *cid.Cid, replicationFactor int, name string) *api.Error {
escName := url.QueryEscape(name)
err := c.do(
nil, nil)
return err
// Unpin untracks a Cid from cluster.
func (c *Client) Unpin(ci *cid.Cid) *api.Error {
return c.do("DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s", ci.String()), nil, nil)
// Allocations returns the consensus state listing all tracked items and
// the peers that should be pinning them.
func (c *Client) Allocations() ([]api.Pin, *api.Error) {
var pins []api.PinSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/allocations", nil, &pins)
result := make([]api.Pin, len(pins))
for i, p := range pins {
result[i] = p.ToPin()
return result, err
// Allocation returns the current allocations for a given Cid.
func (c *Client) Allocation(ci *cid.Cid) (api.Pin, *api.Error) {
var pin api.PinSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/allocations/%s", ci.String()), nil, &pin)
return pin.ToPin(), err
// Status returns the current ipfs state for a given Cid. If local is true,
// the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the information
// is fetched from all cluster peers.
func (c *Client) Status(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// StatusAll gathers Status() for all tracked items.
func (c *Client) StatusAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/pins?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Sync makes sure the state of a Cid corresponds to the state reported by
// the ipfs daemon, and returns it. If local is true, this operation only
// happens on the current peer, otherwise it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) Sync(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s/sync?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// SyncAll triggers Sync() operations for all tracked items. It only returns
// informations for items that were de-synced or have an error state. If
// local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) SyncAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/sync?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Recover retriggers pin or unpin ipfs operations for a Cid in error state.
// If local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer, otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) Recover(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s/recover?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// RecoverAll triggers Recover() operations on all tracked items. If local is
// true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise, it happens
// everywhere.
func (c *Client) RecoverAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, *api.Error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/recover?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Version returns the ipfs-cluster peer's version.
func (c *Client) Version() (api.Version, *api.Error) {
var ver api.Version
err := c.do("GET", "/version", nil, &ver)
return ver, err