Hector Sanjuan 33d9cdd3c4 Feat: emancipate Consensus from the Cluster component
This commit promotes the Consensus component (and Raft) to become a fully
independent thing like other components, passed to NewCluster during
initialization. Cluster (main component) no longer creates the consensus
layer internally. This has triggered a number of breaking changes
that I will explain below.

Motivation: Future work will require the possibility of running Cluster
with a consensus layer that is not Raft. The "consensus" layer is in charge
of maintaining two things:
  * The current cluster peerset, as required by the implementation
  * The current cluster pinset (shared state)

While the pinset maintenance has always been in the consensus layer, the
peerset maintenance was handled by the main component (starting by the "peers"
key in the configuration) AND the Raft component (internally)
and this generated lots of confusion: if the user edited the peers in the
configuration they would be greeted with an error.

The bootstrap process (adding a peer to an existing cluster) and configuration
key also complicated many things, since the main component did it, but only
when the consensus was initialized and in single peer mode.

In all this we also mixed the peerstore (list of peer addresses in the libp2p
host) with the peerset, when they need not to be linked.

By initializing the consensus layer before calling NewCluster, all the
difficulties in maintaining the current implementation in the same way
have come to light. Thus, the following changes have been introduced:

* Remove "peers" and "bootstrap" keys from the configuration: we no longer
edit or save the configuration files. This was a very bad practice, requiring
write permissions by the process to the file containing the private key and
additionally made things like Puppet deployments of cluster difficult as
configuration would mutate from its initial version. Needless to say all the
maintenance associated to making sure peers and bootstrap had correct values
when peers are bootstrapped or removed. A loud and detailed error message has
been added when staring cluster with an old config, along with instructions on
how to move forward.

* Introduce a PeerstoreFile ("peerstore") which stores peer addresses: in
ipfs, the peerstore is not persisted because it can be re-built from the
network bootstrappers and the DHT. Cluster should probably also allow
discoverability of peers addresses (when not bootstrapping, as in that case
we have it), but in the meantime, we will read and persist the peerstore
addresses for cluster peers in this file, different from the configuration.
Note that dns multiaddresses are now fully supported and no IPs are saved
when we have DNS multiaddresses for a peer.

* The former "peer_manager" code is now a pstoremgr module, providing utilities
to parse, add, list and generally maintain the libp2p host peerstore, including
operations on the PeerstoreFile. This "pstoremgr" can now also be extended to
perform address autodiscovery and other things indepedently from Cluster.

* Create and initialize Raft outside of the main Cluster component: since we
can now launch Raft independently from Cluster, we have more degrees of
freedom. A new "staging" option when creating the object allows a raft peer to
be launched in Staging mode, waiting to be added to a running consensus, and
thus, not electing itself as leader or doing anything like we were doing
before. This additionally allows us to track when the peer has become a
Voter, which only happens when it's caught up with the state, something that
was wonky previously.

* The raft configuration now includes an InitPeerset key, which allows to
provide a peerset for new peers and which is ignored when staging==true. The
whole Raft initialization code is way cleaner and stronger now.

* Cluster peer bootsrapping is now an ipfs-cluster-service feature. The
--bootstrap flag works as before (additionally allowing comma-separated-list
of entries). What bootstrap does, is to initialize Raft with staging == true,
and then call Join in the main cluster component. Only when the Raft peer
transitions to Voter, consensus becomes ready, and cluster becomes Ready.
This is cleaner, works better and is less complex than before (supporting
both flags and config values). We also backup and clean the state whenever
we are boostrapping, automatically

* ipfs-cluster-service no longer runs the daemon. Starting cluster needs
now "ipfs-cluster-service daemon". The daemon specific flags (bootstrap,
alloc) are now flags for the daemon subcommand. Here we mimic ipfs ("ipfs"
does not start the daemon but print help) and pave the path for merging both
service and ctl in the future.

While this brings some breaking changes, it significantly reduces the
complexity of the configuration, the code and most importantly, the
documentation. It should be easier now to explain the user what is the
right way to launch a cluster peer, and more difficult to make mistakes.

As a side effect, the PR also:

* Fixes #381 - peers with dynamic addresses
* Fixes #371 - peers should be Raft configuration option
* Fixes #378 - waitForUpdates may return before state fully synced
* Fixes #235 - config option shadowing (no cfg saves, no need to shadow)

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2018-05-07 07:39:41 +02:00

446 lines
14 KiB

package ipfscluster
import (
crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-crypto"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
pnet "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pnet"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
const configKey = "cluster"
// Configuration defaults
const (
DefaultConfigCrypto = crypto.RSA
DefaultConfigKeyLength = 2048
DefaultListenAddr = "/ip4/"
DefaultStateSyncInterval = 60 * time.Second
DefaultIPFSSyncInterval = 130 * time.Second
DefaultMonitorPingInterval = 15 * time.Second
DefaultPeerWatchInterval = 5 * time.Second
DefaultReplicationFactor = -1
DefaultLeaveOnShutdown = false
DefaultDisableRepinning = false
DefaultPeerstoreFile = "peerstore"
// Config is the configuration object containing customizable variables to
// initialize the main ipfs-cluster component. It implements the
// config.ComponentConfig interface.
type Config struct {
lock sync.Mutex
peerstoreLock sync.Mutex
// Libp2p ID and private key for Cluster communication (including)
// the Consensus component.
ID peer.ID
PrivateKey crypto.PrivKey
// User-defined peername for use as human-readable identifier.
Peername string
// Cluster secret for private network. Peers will be in the same cluster if and
// only if they have the same ClusterSecret. The cluster secret must be exactly
// 64 characters and contain only hexadecimal characters (`[0-9a-f]`).
Secret []byte
// Leave Cluster on shutdown. Politely informs other peers
// of the departure and removes itself from the consensus
// peer set. The Cluster size will be reduced by one.
LeaveOnShutdown bool
// Listen parameters for the Cluster libp2p Host. Used by
// the RPC and Consensus components.
ListenAddr ma.Multiaddr
// Time between syncs of the consensus state to the
// tracker state. Normally states are synced anyway, but this helps
// when new nodes are joining the cluster. Reduce for faster
// consistency, increase with larger states.
StateSyncInterval time.Duration
// Number of seconds between syncs of the local state and
// the state of the ipfs daemon. This ensures that cluster
// provides the right status for tracked items (for example
// to detect that a pin has been removed. Reduce for faster
// consistency, increase when the number of pinned items is very
// large.
IPFSSyncInterval time.Duration
// ReplicationFactorMax indicates the target number of nodes
// that should pin content. For exampe, a replication_factor of
// 3 will have cluster allocate each pinned hash to 3 peers if
// possible.
// See also ReplicationFactorMin. A ReplicationFactorMax of -1
// will allocate to every available node.
ReplicationFactorMax int
// ReplicationFactorMin indicates the minimum number of healthy
// nodes pinning content. If the number of nodes available to pin
// is less than this threshold, an error will be returned.
// In the case of peer health issues, content pinned will be
// re-allocated if the threshold is crossed.
// For exampe, a ReplicationFactorMin of 2 will allocate at least
// two peer to hold content, and return an error if this is not
// possible.
ReplicationFactorMin int
// MonitorPingInterval is the frequency with which a cluster peer pings
// the monitoring component. The ping metric has a TTL set to the double
// of this value.
MonitorPingInterval time.Duration
// PeerWatchInterval is the frequency that we use to watch for changes
// in the consensus peerset and save new peers to the configuration
// file. This also affects how soon we realize that we have
// been removed from a cluster.
PeerWatchInterval time.Duration
// If true, DisableRepinning, ensures that no repinning happens
// when a node goes down.
// This is useful when doing certain types of maintainance, or simply
// when not wanting to rely on the monitoring system which needs a revamp.
DisableRepinning bool
// Peerstore file specifies the file on which we persist the
// libp2p host peerstore addresses. This file is regularly saved.
PeerstoreFile string
// configJSON represents a Cluster configuration as it will look when it is
// saved using JSON. Most configuration keys are converted into simple types
// like strings, and key names aim to be self-explanatory for the user.
type configJSON struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Peername string `json:"peername"`
PrivateKey string `json:"private_key"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
Peers []string `json:"peers,omitempty"` // DEPRECATED
Bootstrap []string `json:"bootstrap,omitempty"` // DEPRECATED
LeaveOnShutdown bool `json:"leave_on_shutdown"`
ListenMultiaddress string `json:"listen_multiaddress"`
StateSyncInterval string `json:"state_sync_interval"`
IPFSSyncInterval string `json:"ipfs_sync_interval"`
ReplicationFactor int `json:"replication_factor,omitempty"` // legacy
ReplicationFactorMin int `json:"replication_factor_min"`
ReplicationFactorMax int `json:"replication_factor_max"`
MonitorPingInterval string `json:"monitor_ping_interval"`
PeerWatchInterval string `json:"peer_watch_interval"`
DisableRepinning bool `json:"disable_repinning"`
PeerstoreFile string `json:"peerstore_file,omitempty"`
// ConfigKey returns a human-readable string to identify
// a cluster Config.
func (cfg *Config) ConfigKey() string {
return configKey
// Default fills in all the Config fields with
// default working values. This means, it will
// generate a valid random ID, PrivateKey and
// Secret.
func (cfg *Config) Default() error {
// pid and private key generation --
priv, pub, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(
if err != nil {
return err
pid, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pub)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.ID = pid
cfg.PrivateKey = priv
// --
// cluster secret
clusterSecret, err := pnet.GenerateV1Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.Secret = (*clusterSecret)[:]
// --
return nil
// Validate will check that the values of this config
// seem to be working ones.
func (cfg *Config) Validate() error {
if cfg.ID == "" {
return errors.New("cluster.ID not set")
if cfg.PrivateKey == nil {
return errors.New("no cluster.private_key set")
if !cfg.ID.MatchesPrivateKey(cfg.PrivateKey) {
return errors.New("cluster.ID does not match the private_key")
if cfg.ListenAddr == nil {
return errors.New("cluster.listen_addr is indefined")
if cfg.StateSyncInterval <= 0 {
return errors.New("cluster.state_sync_interval is invalid")
if cfg.IPFSSyncInterval <= 0 {
return errors.New("cluster.ipfs_sync_interval is invalid")
if cfg.MonitorPingInterval <= 0 {
return errors.New("cluster.monitoring_interval is invalid")
if cfg.PeerWatchInterval <= 0 {
return errors.New("cluster.peer_watch_interval is invalid")
rfMax := cfg.ReplicationFactorMax
rfMin := cfg.ReplicationFactorMin
return isReplicationFactorValid(rfMin, rfMax)
func isReplicationFactorValid(rplMin, rplMax int) error {
// check Max and Min are correct
if rplMin == 0 || rplMax == 0 {
return errors.New("cluster.replication_factor_min and max must be set")
if rplMin > rplMax {
return errors.New("cluster.replication_factor_min is larger than max")
if rplMin < -1 {
return errors.New("cluster.replication_factor_min is wrong")
if rplMax < -1 {
return errors.New("cluster.replication_factor_max is wrong")
if (rplMin == -1 && rplMax != -1) ||
(rplMin != -1 && rplMax == -1) {
return errors.New("cluster.replication_factor_min and max must be -1 when one of them is")
return nil
// this just sets non-generated defaults
func (cfg *Config) setDefaults() {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
hostname = ""
cfg.Peername = hostname
addr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(DefaultListenAddr)
cfg.ListenAddr = addr
cfg.LeaveOnShutdown = DefaultLeaveOnShutdown
cfg.StateSyncInterval = DefaultStateSyncInterval
cfg.IPFSSyncInterval = DefaultIPFSSyncInterval
cfg.ReplicationFactorMin = DefaultReplicationFactor
cfg.ReplicationFactorMax = DefaultReplicationFactor
cfg.MonitorPingInterval = DefaultMonitorPingInterval
cfg.PeerWatchInterval = DefaultPeerWatchInterval
cfg.DisableRepinning = DefaultDisableRepinning
cfg.PeerstoreFile = "" // empty so it gets ommited.
// LoadJSON receives a raw json-formatted configuration and
// sets the Config fields from it. Note that it should be JSON
// as generated by ToJSON().
func (cfg *Config) LoadJSON(raw []byte) error {
jcfg := &configJSON{}
err := json.Unmarshal(raw, jcfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error unmarshaling cluster config")
return err
// Make sure all non-defined keys have good values.
config.SetIfNotDefault(jcfg.PeerstoreFile, &cfg.PeerstoreFile)
if jcfg.Peers != nil || jcfg.Bootstrap != nil {
Your configuration is using cluster.Peers and/or cluster.Bootstrap
keys. Starting at version 0.4.0 these keys have been deprecated and replaced by
the Peerstore file and the consensus.raft.InitialPeers key.
Bootstrap keeps working but only as a flag:
"ipfs-cluster-service daemon --bootstrap <comma-separated-multiaddresses>"
If you want to upgrade the existing peers that belong to a cluster:
* Write your peers multiaddresses in the peerstore file (1 per line): ~/.ipfs-cluster/peerstore
* Remove Peers and Bootstrap from your configuration
Please check the docs (https://cluster.ipfs.io/documentation/configuration/)
for more information.`)
return errors.New("cluster.Peers and cluster.Bootstrap keys have been deprecated")
parseDuration := func(txt string) time.Duration {
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(txt)
if txt != "" && d == 0 {
logger.Warningf("%s is not a valid duration. Default will be used", txt)
return d
id, err := peer.IDB58Decode(jcfg.ID)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error decoding cluster ID: %s", err)
return err
cfg.ID = id
config.SetIfNotDefault(jcfg.Peername, &cfg.Peername)
pkb, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(jcfg.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error decoding private_key: %s", err)
return err
pKey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPrivateKey(pkb)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error parsing private_key ID: %s", err)
return err
cfg.PrivateKey = pKey
clusterSecret, err := DecodeClusterSecret(jcfg.Secret)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error loading cluster secret from config: %s", err)
return err
cfg.Secret = clusterSecret
clusterAddr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(jcfg.ListenMultiaddress)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error parsing cluster_listen_multiaddress: %s", err)
return err
cfg.ListenAddr = clusterAddr
rplMin := jcfg.ReplicationFactorMin
rplMax := jcfg.ReplicationFactorMax
if jcfg.ReplicationFactor != 0 { // read min and max
rplMin = jcfg.ReplicationFactor
rplMax = rplMin
config.SetIfNotDefault(rplMin, &cfg.ReplicationFactorMin)
config.SetIfNotDefault(rplMax, &cfg.ReplicationFactorMax)
stateSyncInterval := parseDuration(jcfg.StateSyncInterval)
ipfsSyncInterval := parseDuration(jcfg.IPFSSyncInterval)
monitorPingInterval := parseDuration(jcfg.MonitorPingInterval)
peerWatchInterval := parseDuration(jcfg.PeerWatchInterval)
config.SetIfNotDefault(stateSyncInterval, &cfg.StateSyncInterval)
config.SetIfNotDefault(ipfsSyncInterval, &cfg.IPFSSyncInterval)
config.SetIfNotDefault(monitorPingInterval, &cfg.MonitorPingInterval)
config.SetIfNotDefault(peerWatchInterval, &cfg.PeerWatchInterval)
cfg.LeaveOnShutdown = jcfg.LeaveOnShutdown
cfg.DisableRepinning = jcfg.DisableRepinning
return cfg.Validate()
// ToJSON generates a human-friendly version of Config.
func (cfg *Config) ToJSON() (raw []byte, err error) {
// Multiaddress String() may panic
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s", r)
jcfg := &configJSON{}
// Private Key
pkeyBytes, err := cfg.PrivateKey.Bytes()
if err != nil {
pKey := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pkeyBytes)
// Set all configuration fields
jcfg.ID = cfg.ID.Pretty()
jcfg.Peername = cfg.Peername
jcfg.PrivateKey = pKey
jcfg.Secret = EncodeProtectorKey(cfg.Secret)
jcfg.ReplicationFactorMin = cfg.ReplicationFactorMin
jcfg.ReplicationFactorMax = cfg.ReplicationFactorMax
jcfg.LeaveOnShutdown = cfg.LeaveOnShutdown
jcfg.ListenMultiaddress = cfg.ListenAddr.String()
jcfg.StateSyncInterval = cfg.StateSyncInterval.String()
jcfg.IPFSSyncInterval = cfg.IPFSSyncInterval.String()
jcfg.MonitorPingInterval = cfg.MonitorPingInterval.String()
jcfg.PeerWatchInterval = cfg.PeerWatchInterval.String()
jcfg.DisableRepinning = cfg.DisableRepinning
jcfg.PeerstoreFile = cfg.PeerstoreFile
raw, err = json.MarshalIndent(jcfg, "", " ")
// GetPeerstorePath returns the full path of the
// PeerstoreFile, obtained by concatenating that value
// with BaseDir of the configuration, if set.
// An empty string is returned when BaseDir is not set.
func (cfg *Config) GetPeerstorePath() string {
if cfg.BaseDir == "" {
return ""
filename := DefaultPeerstoreFile
if cfg.PeerstoreFile != "" {
filename = cfg.PeerstoreFile
return filepath.Join(cfg.BaseDir, filename)
// DecodeClusterSecret parses a hex-encoded string, checks that it is exactly
// 32 bytes long and returns its value as a byte-slice.x
func DecodeClusterSecret(hexSecret string) ([]byte, error) {
secret, err := hex.DecodeString(hexSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch secretLen := len(secret); secretLen {
case 0:
logger.Warning("Cluster secret is empty, cluster will start on unprotected network.")
return nil, nil
case 32:
return secret, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("input secret is %d bytes, cluster secret should be 32", secretLen)