Kishan Sagathiya 5258a4d428 Remove map pintracker (#944)
This removes mappintracker and sets stateless tracker as the default (and only) pintracker component.

Because the stateless tracker matches the cluster state with only ongoing operations being kept on memory, and additional information provided by ipfs-pin-ls, syncing operations are not necessary. Therefore the Sync/SyncAll operations are removed cluster-wide.
2019-12-12 21:22:54 +01:00

422 lines
11 KiB

package client
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
shell "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-api"
files "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-files"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
// loadBalancingClient is a client to interact with IPFS Cluster APIs
// that balances the load by distributing requests among peers.
type loadBalancingClient struct {
strategy LBStrategy
retries int
// LBStrategy is a strategy to load balance requests among clients.
type LBStrategy interface {
Next(count int) Client
SetClients(clients []Client)
// RoundRobin is a load balancing strategy that would use clients in a sequence
// for all methods, throughout the lifetime of the lb client.
type RoundRobin struct {
clients []Client
counter uint32
length uint32
// Next return the next client to be used.
func (r *RoundRobin) Next(count int) Client {
i := atomic.AddUint32(&r.counter, 1) % r.length
return r.clients[i]
// SetClients sets a list of clients for this strategy.
func (r *RoundRobin) SetClients(cl []Client) {
r.clients = cl
r.length = uint32(len(cl))
// Failover is a load balancing strategy that would try the first cluster peer
// first. If the first call fails it would try other clients for that call in a
// round robin fashion.
type Failover struct {
clients []Client
// Next returns the next client to be used.
func (f *Failover) Next(count int) Client {
return f.clients[count%len(f.clients)]
// SetClients sets a list of clients for this strategy.
func (f *Failover) SetClients(cl []Client) {
f.clients = cl
// NewLBClient returns a new client that would load balance requests among
// clients.
func NewLBClient(strategy LBStrategy, cfgs []*Config, retries int) (Client, error) {
var clients []Client
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
defaultClient, err := NewDefaultClient(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clients = append(clients, defaultClient)
return &loadBalancingClient{strategy: strategy, retries: retries}, nil
// retry tries the request until it is successful or tries `lc.retries` times.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) retry(count int, call func(Client) error) error {
logger.Debugf("retrying %d times", count+1)
err := call(lc.strategy.Next(count))
// successful request
if err == nil {
return nil
// It is a safety check. This error should never occur.
// All errors returned by client methods are of type `api.Error`.
apiErr, ok := err.(*api.Error)
if !ok {
logger.Error("could not cast error into api.Error")
return err
if apiErr.Code != 0 {
return err
if count == lc.retries {
logger.Errorf("reached maximum number of retries without success, retries: %d", lc.retries)
return err
return lc.retry(count, call)
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) ID(ctx context.Context) (*api.ID, error) {
var id *api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
id, err = c.ID(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return id, err
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Peers(ctx context.Context) ([]*api.ID, error) {
var peers []*api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
peers, err = c.Peers(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return peers, err
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PeerAdd(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (*api.ID, error) {
var id *api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
id, err = c.PeerAdd(ctx, pid)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return id, err
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PeerRm(ctx context.Context, id peer.ID) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
return c.PeerRm(ctx, id)
return lc.retry(0, call)
// Pin tracks a Cid with the given replication factor and a name for
// human-friendliness.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Pin(ctx context.Context, ci cid.Cid, opts api.PinOptions) (*api.Pin, error) {
var pin *api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Pin(ctx, ci, opts)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Unpin untracks a Cid from cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Unpin(ctx context.Context, ci cid.Cid) (*api.Pin, error) {
var pin *api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Unpin(ctx, ci)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// PinPath allows to pin an element by the given IPFS path.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PinPath(ctx context.Context, path string, opts api.PinOptions) (*api.Pin, error) {
var pin *api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.PinPath(ctx, path, opts)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// UnpinPath allows to unpin an item by providing its IPFS path.
// It returns the unpinned api.Pin information of the resolved Cid.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) UnpinPath(ctx context.Context, p string) (*api.Pin, error) {
var pin *api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.UnpinPath(ctx, p)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Allocations returns the consensus state listing all tracked items and
// the peers that should be pinning them.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Allocations(ctx context.Context, filter api.PinType) ([]*api.Pin, error) {
var pins []*api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pins, err = c.Allocations(ctx, filter)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pins, err
// Allocation returns the current allocations for a given Cid.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Allocation(ctx context.Context, ci cid.Cid) (*api.Pin, error) {
var pin *api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Allocation(ctx, ci)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Status returns the current ipfs state for a given Cid. If local is true,
// the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the information
// is fetched from all cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Status(ctx context.Context, ci cid.Cid, local bool) (*api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfo *api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfo, err = c.Status(ctx, ci, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfo, err
// StatusAll gathers Status() for all tracked items. If a filter is
// provided, only entries matching the given filter statuses
// will be returned. A filter can be built by merging TrackerStatuses with
// a bitwise OR operation (st1 | st2 | ...). A "0" filter value (or
// api.TrackerStatusUndefined), means all.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) StatusAll(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, local bool) ([]*api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfos []*api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfos, err = c.StatusAll(ctx, filter, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfos, err
// Recover retriggers pin or unpin ipfs operations for a Cid in error state.
// If local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer, otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Recover(ctx context.Context, ci cid.Cid, local bool) (*api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfo *api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfo, err = c.Recover(ctx, ci, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfo, err
// RecoverAll triggers Recover() operations on all tracked items. If local is
// true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise, it happens
// everywhere.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) RecoverAll(ctx context.Context, local bool) ([]*api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfos []*api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfos, err = c.RecoverAll(ctx, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfos, err
// Version returns the ipfs-cluster peer's version.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Version(ctx context.Context) (*api.Version, error) {
var v *api.Version
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
v, err = c.Version(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return v, err
// GetConnectGraph returns an ipfs-cluster connection graph.
// The serialized version, strings instead of pids, is returned.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) GetConnectGraph(ctx context.Context) (*api.ConnectGraph, error) {
var graph *api.ConnectGraph
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
graph, err = c.GetConnectGraph(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return graph, err
// Metrics returns a map with the latest valid metrics of the given name
// for the current cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Metrics(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*api.Metric, error) {
var metrics []*api.Metric
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
metrics, err = c.Metrics(ctx, name)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return metrics, err
// MetricNames returns the list of metric types.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) MetricNames(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
var metricNames []string
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
metricNames, err = c.MetricNames(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return metricNames, err
// RepoGC runs garbage collection on IPFS daemons of cluster peers and
// returns collected CIDs. If local is true, it would garbage collect
// only on contacted peer, otherwise on all peers' IPFS daemons.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) RepoGC(ctx context.Context, local bool) (*api.GlobalRepoGC, error) {
var repoGC *api.GlobalRepoGC
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
repoGC, err = c.RepoGC(ctx, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return repoGC, err
// Add imports files to the cluster from the given paths. A path can
// either be a local filesystem location or an web url (http:// or https://).
// In the latter case, the destination will be downloaded with a GET request.
// The AddParams allow to control different options, like enabling the
// sharding the resulting DAG across the IPFS daemons of multiple cluster
// peers. The output channel will receive regular updates as the adding
// process progresses.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Add(
ctx context.Context,
paths []string,
params *api.AddParams,
out chan<- *api.AddedOutput,
) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
return c.Add(ctx, paths, params, out)
return lc.retry(0, call)
// AddMultiFile imports new files from a MultiFileReader. See Add().
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) AddMultiFile(
ctx context.Context,
multiFileR *files.MultiFileReader,
params *api.AddParams,
out chan<- *api.AddedOutput,
) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
return c.AddMultiFile(ctx, multiFileR, params, out)
return lc.retry(0, call)
// IPFS returns an instance of go-ipfs-api's Shell, pointing to the
// configured ProxyAddr (or to the default Cluster's IPFS proxy port).
// It re-uses this Client's HTTP client, thus will be constrained by
// the same configurations affecting it (timeouts...).
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) IPFS(ctx context.Context) *shell.Shell {
var s *shell.Shell
call := func(c Client) error {
s = c.IPFS(ctx)
return nil
lc.retry(0, call)
return s