Hector Sanjuan 3b715041ac RestAPI: support libp2p host parameters in configuration
This adds support for parameters to create a libp2p host
in the REST API configuration: ID, PrivateKey and ListenMultiaddr.

These parameters default to nil/empty and are ommited in the default
configuration. They are only supposed to be used when the user wants
the REST API to use a different libp2p host than a provided one (upcoming

Pnet protector not supported yet in this case. Underlying basic auth
should cover that front. Will implement if someone has a usecase.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2018-03-15 00:04:54 +01:00

400 lines
9.7 KiB

package rest
import (
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
func testAPI(t *testing.T) *API {
apiMAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
cfg := &Config{}
cfg.HTTPListenAddr = apiMAddr
rest, err := NewAPI(cfg)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("should be able to create a new Api: ", err)
// No keep alive! Otherwise tests hang with
// connections re-used from previous tests
return rest
func processResp(t *testing.T, httpResp *http.Response, err error, resp interface{}) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error making get request: ", err)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResp.Body)
defer httpResp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error reading body: ", err)
if len(body) != 0 {
err = json.Unmarshal(body, resp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error parsing json: ", err)
func apiURL(a *API) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", a.HTTPAddress())
func makeGet(t *testing.T, url string, resp interface{}) {
httpResp, err := http.Get(url)
processResp(t, httpResp, err, resp)
func makePost(t *testing.T, url string, body []byte, resp interface{}) {
httpResp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", bytes.NewReader(body))
processResp(t, httpResp, err, resp)
func makeDelete(t *testing.T, url string, resp interface{}) {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", url, bytes.NewReader([]byte{}))
c := &http.Client{}
httpResp, err := c.Do(req)
processResp(t, httpResp, err, resp)
func TestAPIShutdown(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
err := rest.Shutdown()
if err != nil {
t.Error("should shutdown cleanly: ", err)
// test shutting down twice
func TestRestAPIIDEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
id := api.IDSerial{}
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/id", &id)
if id.ID != test.TestPeerID1.Pretty() {
t.Error("expected correct id")
func TestAPIVersionEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
ver := api.Version{}
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/version", &ver)
if ver.Version != "0.0.mock" {
t.Error("expected correct version")
func TestAPIPeerstEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var list []api.IDSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/peers", &list)
if len(list) != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected 1 element")
if list[0].ID != test.TestPeerID1.Pretty() {
t.Error("expected a different peer id list: ", list)
func TestAPIPeerAddEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
id := api.IDSerial{}
// post with valid body
body := fmt.Sprintf("{\"peer_multiaddress\":\"/ip4/\"}", test.TestPeerID1.Pretty())
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/peers", []byte(body), &id)
if id.ID != test.TestPeerID1.Pretty() {
t.Error("expected correct ID")
if id.Error != "" {
t.Error("did not expect an error")
// Send invalid body
errResp := api.Error{}
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/peers", []byte("oeoeoeoe"), &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 400 {
t.Error("expected error with bad body")
// Send invalid multiaddr
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/peers", []byte("{\"peer_multiaddress\": \"ab\"}"), &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 400 {
t.Error("expected error with bad multiaddress")
func TestAPIPeerRemoveEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
makeDelete(t, apiURL(rest)+"/peers/"+test.TestPeerID1.Pretty(), &struct{}{})
func TestConnectGraphEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var cg api.ConnectGraphSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/health/graph", &cg)
if cg.ClusterID != test.TestPeerID1.Pretty() {
t.Error("unexpected cluster id")
if len(cg.IPFSLinks) != 3 {
t.Error("unexpected number of ipfs peers")
if len(cg.ClusterLinks) != 3 {
t.Error("unexpected number of cluster peers")
if len(cg.ClustertoIPFS) != 3 {
t.Error("unexpected number of cluster to ipfs links")
// test a few link values
pid1 := test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()
pid4 := test.TestPeerID4.Pretty()
if _, ok := cg.ClustertoIPFS[pid1]; !ok {
t.Fatal("missing cluster peer 1 from cluster to peer links map")
if cg.ClustertoIPFS[pid1] != pid4 {
t.Error("unexpected ipfs peer mapped to cluster peer 1 in graph")
func TestAPIPinEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
// test regular post
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1, []byte{}, &struct{}{})
errResp := api.Error{}
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.ErrorCid, []byte{}, &errResp)
if errResp.Message != test.ErrBadCid.Error() {
t.Error("expected different error: ", errResp.Message)
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/abcd", []byte{}, &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 400 {
t.Error("should fail with bad Cid")
func TestAPIUnpinEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
// test regular delete
makeDelete(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1, &struct{}{})
errResp := api.Error{}
makeDelete(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.ErrorCid, &errResp)
if errResp.Message != test.ErrBadCid.Error() {
t.Error("expected different error: ", errResp.Message)
makeDelete(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/abcd", &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 400 {
t.Error("should fail with bad Cid")
func TestAPIAllocationsEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp []api.PinSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/allocations", &resp)
if len(resp) != 3 ||
resp[0].Cid != test.TestCid1 || resp[1].Cid != test.TestCid2 ||
resp[2].Cid != test.TestCid3 {
t.Error("unexpected pin list: ", resp)
func TestAPIAllocationEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp api.PinSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/allocations/"+test.TestCid1, &resp)
if resp.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("cid should be the same")
errResp := api.Error{}
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/allocations/"+test.ErrorCid, &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 404 {
t.Error("a non-pinned cid should 404")
func TestAPIStatusAllEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins", &resp)
if len(resp) != 3 ||
resp[0].Cid != test.TestCid1 ||
resp[1].PeerMap[test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()].Status != "pinning" {
t.Errorf("unexpected statusAll resp:\n %+v", resp)
// Test local=true
var resp2 []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins?local=true", &resp2)
if len(resp2) != 2 {
t.Errorf("unexpected statusAll+local resp:\n %+v", resp)
func TestAPIStatusEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1, &resp)
if resp.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("expected the same cid")
info, ok := resp.PeerMap[test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected info for test.TestPeerID1")
if info.Status != "pinned" {
t.Error("expected different status")
// Test local=true
var resp2 api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makeGet(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1+"?local=true", &resp2)
if resp2.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("expected the same cid")
info, ok = resp2.PeerMap[test.TestPeerID2.Pretty()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected info for test.TestPeerID2")
if info.Status != "pinned" {
t.Error("expected different status")
func TestAPISyncAllEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/sync", []byte{}, &resp)
if len(resp) != 3 ||
resp[0].Cid != test.TestCid1 ||
resp[1].PeerMap[test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()].Status != "pinning" {
t.Errorf("unexpected syncAll resp:\n %+v", resp)
// Test local=true
var resp2 []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/sync?local=true", []byte{}, &resp2)
if len(resp2) != 2 {
t.Errorf("unexpected syncAll+local resp:\n %+v", resp2)
func TestAPISyncEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1+"/sync", []byte{}, &resp)
if resp.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("expected the same cid")
info, ok := resp.PeerMap[test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected info for test.TestPeerID1")
if info.Status != "pinned" {
t.Error("expected different status")
// Test local=true
var resp2 api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1+"/sync?local=true", []byte{}, &resp2)
if resp2.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("expected the same cid")
info, ok = resp2.PeerMap[test.TestPeerID2.Pretty()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected info for test.TestPeerID2")
if info.Status != "pinned" {
t.Error("expected different status")
func TestAPIRecoverEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/"+test.TestCid1+"/recover", []byte{}, &resp)
if resp.Cid != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("expected the same cid")
info, ok := resp.PeerMap[test.TestPeerID1.Pretty()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected info for test.TestPeerID1")
if info.Status != "pinned" {
t.Error("expected different status")
func TestAPIRecoverAllEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
rest := testAPI(t)
defer rest.Shutdown()
var resp []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/recover?local=true", []byte{}, &resp)
if len(resp) != 0 {
t.Fatal("bad response length")
var errResp api.Error
makePost(t, apiURL(rest)+"/pins/recover", []byte{}, &errResp)
if errResp.Code != 400 {
t.Error("expected a different error")