Hector Sanjuan 3575f05753 Support adding Output (api.AddedOutput)
This was a long FIXME/TODO. Handling adding output and
reporting to the client of the progress of the adding process.

This attempts to do it. It is not sure that it works correctly
(response body being written while the multipart request is still being read)

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2018-08-07 20:12:05 +02:00

353 lines
8.1 KiB

package sharding
import (
humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize"
rpc "github.com/hsanjuan/go-libp2p-gorpc"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
// A clusterDAGBuilder is in charge of creating a full cluster dag upon receiving
// a stream of blocks (NodeWithMeta)
type clusterDAGBuilder struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
error error
pinOpts api.PinOptions
rpc *rpc.Client
blocks chan *api.NodeWithMeta
// Current shard being built
currentShard *shard
// Last flushed shard CID
previousShard *cid.Cid
// shard tracking
shards map[string]*cid.Cid
startTime time.Time
totalSize uint64
output chan *api.AddedOutput
func newClusterDAGBuilder(rpc *rpc.Client, opts api.PinOptions, output chan *api.AddedOutput) *clusterDAGBuilder {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// By caching one node don't block sending something
// to the channel.
blocks := make(chan *api.NodeWithMeta, 0)
cdb := &clusterDAGBuilder{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
rpc: rpc,
blocks: blocks,
pinOpts: opts,
shards: make(map[string]*cid.Cid),
startTime: time.Now(),
output: output,
go cdb.ingestBlocks()
return cdb
// Blocks returns a channel on which to send blocks to be processed by this
// clusterDAGBuilder (ingested). Close channel when done.
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) Blocks() chan<- *api.NodeWithMeta {
return cdb.blocks
// Done returns a channel that is closed when the clusterDAGBuilder has finished
// processing blocks. Use Err() to check for any errors after done.
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return cdb.ctx.Done()
// Err returns any error after the clusterDAGBuilder is Done().
// Err always returns nil if not Done().
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) Err() error {
select {
case <-cdb.ctx.Done():
return cdb.error
return nil
// Cancel cancels the clusterDAGBulder and all associated operations
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) Cancel() {
// shortcut to pin something in Cluster
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) pin(p api.Pin) error {
return cdb.rpc.CallContext(
// flushes the cdb.currentShard and returns the LastLink()
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) flushCurrentShard() (*cid.Cid, error) {
shard := cdb.currentShard
if shard == nil {
return nil, errors.New("cannot flush a nil shard")
lens := len(cdb.shards)
shardCid, err := shard.Flush(cdb.ctx, lens, cdb.previousShard)
if err != nil {
return shardCid, err
cdb.totalSize += shard.Size()
cdb.shards[fmt.Sprintf("%d", lens)] = shardCid
cdb.previousShard = shardCid
cdb.currentShard = nil
cdb.output <- &api.AddedOutput{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("shard-%d", lens),
Hash: shardCid.String(),
Size: fmt.Sprintf("%d", shard.Size()),
return shard.LastLink(), nil
// finalize is used to signal that we need to wrap up this clusterDAG
//. It is called when the Blocks() channel is closed.
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) finalize() error {
dataRootCid, err := cdb.flushCurrentShard()
if err != nil {
return err
clusterDAGNodes, err := makeDAG(cdb.shards)
if err != nil {
return err
// PutDAG to ourselves
err = putDAG(cdb.ctx, cdb.rpc, clusterDAGNodes, []peer.ID{""})
if err != nil {
return err
clusterDAG := clusterDAGNodes[0].Cid()
cdb.output <- &api.AddedOutput{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-clusterDAG", cdb.pinOpts.Name),
Hash: clusterDAG.String(),
Size: fmt.Sprintf("%d", cdb.totalSize),
// Pin the ClusterDAG
clusterDAGPin := api.PinCid(clusterDAG)
clusterDAGPin.ReplicationFactorMin = -1
clusterDAGPin.ReplicationFactorMax = -1
clusterDAGPin.MaxDepth = 0 // pin direct
clusterDAGPin.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-clusterDAG", cdb.pinOpts.Name)
clusterDAGPin.Type = api.ClusterDAGType
clusterDAGPin.Reference = dataRootCid
err = cdb.pin(clusterDAGPin)
if err != nil {
return err
// Pin the META pin
metaPin := api.PinWithOpts(dataRootCid, cdb.pinOpts)
metaPin.Type = api.MetaType
metaPin.Reference = clusterDAG
metaPin.MaxDepth = 0 // irrelevant. Meta-pins are not pinned
err = cdb.pin(metaPin)
if err != nil {
return err
// Log some stats
cdb.logStats(metaPin.Cid, clusterDAGPin.Cid)
// Consider doing this? Seems like overkill
// // Ammend ShardPins to reference clusterDAG root hash as a Parent
// shardParents := cid.NewSet()
// shardParents.Add(clusterDAG)
// for shardN, shard := range cdb.shardNodes {
// pin := api.PinWithOpts(shard, cdb.pinOpts)
// pin.Name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-shard-%s", pin.Name, shardN)
// pin.Type = api.ShardType
// pin.Parents = shardParents
// // FIXME: We don't know anymore the shard pin maxDepth
// // so we'd need to get the pin first.
// err := cdb.pin(pin)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
return nil
// returns the value for continue in ingestBlocks()
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) handleBlock(n *api.NodeWithMeta, more bool) bool {
if !more {
err := cdb.finalize()
if err != nil {
cdb.error = err
return false
err := cdb.ingestBlock(n)
if err != nil {
cdb.error = err
return false
return true
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) ingestBlocks() {
// if this function returns, it means we are Done().
// we auto-cancel ourselves in that case.
// if it was due to an error, it will be in Err().
defer cdb.Cancel()
cont := true
for cont {
select {
case <-cdb.ctx.Done(): // cancelled from outside
case n, ok := <-cdb.blocks:
cont = cdb.handleBlock(n, ok)
// ingests a block to the current shard. If it get's full, it
// Flushes the shard and retries with a new one.
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) ingestBlock(n *api.NodeWithMeta) error {
shard := cdb.currentShard
// if we have no currentShard, create one
if shard == nil {
logger.Infof("new shard for '%s': #%d", cdb.pinOpts.Name, len(cdb.shards))
var err error
shard, err = newShard(cdb.ctx, cdb.rpc, cdb.pinOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
cdb.currentShard = shard
logger.Debugf("ingesting block %s in shard %d (%s)", n.Cid, len(cdb.shards), cdb.pinOpts.Name)
c, err := cid.Decode(n.Cid)
if err != nil {
return err
// add the block to it if it fits and return
if shard.Size()+n.Size() < shard.Limit() {
shard.AddLink(c, n.Size())
return cdb.putBlock(n, shard.Allocations())
logger.Debugf("shard %d full: block: %d. shard: %d. limit: %d",
// -------
// Below: block DOES NOT fit in shard
// Flush and retry
// if shard is empty, error
if shard.Size() == 0 {
return errors.New("block doesn't fit in empty shard: shard size too small?")
_, err = cdb.flushCurrentShard()
if err != nil {
return err
return cdb.ingestBlock(n) // <-- retry ingest
// performs an IPFSBlockPut of this Node to the given destinations
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) putBlock(n *api.NodeWithMeta, dests []peer.ID) error {
c, err := cid.Decode(n.Cid)
if err != nil {
return err
format, ok := cid.CodecToStr[c.Type()]
if !ok {
format = ""
logger.Warning("unsupported cid type, treating as v0")
if c.Prefix().Version == 0 {
format = "v0"
n.Format = format
ctxs, cancels := rpcutil.CtxsWithCancel(cdb.ctx, len(dests))
defer rpcutil.MultiCancel(cancels)
logger.Debugf("block put %s", n.Cid)
errs := cdb.rpc.MultiCall(
return rpcutil.CheckErrs(errs)
func (cdb *clusterDAGBuilder) logStats(metaPin, clusterDAGPin *cid.Cid) {
duration := time.Since(cdb.startTime)
seconds := uint64(duration) / uint64(time.Second)
var rate string
if seconds == 0 {
rate = "∞ B"
} else {
rate = humanize.Bytes(cdb.totalSize / seconds)
logger.Infof(`sharding session sucessful:
CID: %s
ClusterDAG: %s
Total shards: %d
Total size: %s
Total time: %s
Ingest Rate: %s/s