Hector Sanjuan 508791b547 Migrate from ipfs/ipfs-cluster to ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster
This performs the necessary renamings.
2022-06-16 17:43:30 +02:00

556 lines
14 KiB

package client
import (
shell "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-api"
files "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-files"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
// loadBalancingClient is a client to interact with IPFS Cluster APIs
// that balances the load by distributing requests among peers.
type loadBalancingClient struct {
strategy LBStrategy
retries int
// LBStrategy is a strategy to load balance requests among clients.
type LBStrategy interface {
Next(count int) Client
SetClients(clients []Client)
// RoundRobin is a load balancing strategy that would use clients in a sequence
// for all methods, throughout the lifetime of the lb client.
type RoundRobin struct {
clients []Client
counter uint32
length uint32
// Next return the next client to be used.
func (r *RoundRobin) Next(count int) Client {
i := atomic.AddUint32(&r.counter, 1) % r.length
return r.clients[i]
// SetClients sets a list of clients for this strategy.
func (r *RoundRobin) SetClients(cl []Client) {
r.clients = cl
r.length = uint32(len(cl))
// Failover is a load balancing strategy that would try the first cluster peer
// first. If the first call fails it would try other clients for that call in a
// round robin fashion.
type Failover struct {
clients []Client
// Next returns the next client to be used.
func (f *Failover) Next(count int) Client {
return f.clients[count%len(f.clients)]
// SetClients sets a list of clients for this strategy.
func (f *Failover) SetClients(cl []Client) {
f.clients = cl
// NewLBClient returns a new client that would load balance requests among
// clients.
func NewLBClient(strategy LBStrategy, cfgs []*Config, retries int) (Client, error) {
var clients []Client
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
defaultClient, err := NewDefaultClient(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clients = append(clients, defaultClient)
return &loadBalancingClient{strategy: strategy, retries: retries}, nil
// retry tries the request until it is successful or tries `lc.retries` times.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) retry(count int, call func(Client) error) error {
logger.Debugf("retrying %d times", count+1)
err := call(lc.strategy.Next(count))
// successful request
if err == nil {
return nil
// It is a safety check. This error should never occur.
// All errors returned by client methods are of type `api.Error`.
apiErr, ok := err.(api.Error)
if !ok {
logger.Error("could not cast error into api.Error")
return err
if apiErr.Code != 0 {
return err
if count == lc.retries {
logger.Errorf("reached maximum number of retries without success, retries: %d", lc.retries)
return err
return lc.retry(count, call)
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) ID(ctx context.Context) (api.ID, error) {
var id api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
id, err = c.ID(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return id, err
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Peers(ctx context.Context, out chan<- api.ID) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.ID, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.Peers(ctx, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
// retries call as needed.
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PeerAdd(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (api.ID, error) {
var id api.ID
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
id, err = c.PeerAdd(ctx, pid)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return id, err
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PeerRm(ctx context.Context, id peer.ID) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
return c.PeerRm(ctx, id)
return lc.retry(0, call)
// Pin tracks a Cid with the given replication factor and a name for
// human-friendliness.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Pin(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Pin(ctx, ci, opts)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Unpin untracks a Cid from cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Unpin(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Unpin(ctx, ci)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// PinPath allows to pin an element by the given IPFS path.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) PinPath(ctx context.Context, path string, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.PinPath(ctx, path, opts)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// UnpinPath allows to unpin an item by providing its IPFS path.
// It returns the unpinned api.Pin information of the resolved Cid.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) UnpinPath(ctx context.Context, p string) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.UnpinPath(ctx, p)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Allocations returns the consensus state listing all tracked items and
// the peers that should be pinning them.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Allocations(ctx context.Context, filter api.PinType, out chan<- api.Pin) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.Pin, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.Allocations(ctx, filter, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// Allocation returns the current allocations for a given Cid.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Allocation(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.Pin
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pin, err = c.Allocation(ctx, ci)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pin, err
// Status returns the current ipfs state for a given Cid. If local is true,
// the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the information
// is fetched from all cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Status(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfo api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfo, err = c.Status(ctx, ci, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfo, err
// StatusCids returns Status() information for the given Cids. If local is
// true, the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the
// information is fetched from all cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) StatusCids(ctx context.Context, cids []api.Cid, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.GlobalPinInfo, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.StatusCids(ctx, cids, local, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// StatusAll gathers Status() for all tracked items. If a filter is
// provided, only entries matching the given filter statuses
// will be returned. A filter can be built by merging TrackerStatuses with
// a bitwise OR operation (st1 | st2 | ...). A "0" filter value (or
// api.TrackerStatusUndefined), means all.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) StatusAll(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.GlobalPinInfo, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.StatusAll(ctx, filter, local, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// Recover retriggers pin or unpin ipfs operations for a Cid in error state.
// If local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer, otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Recover(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var pinInfo api.GlobalPinInfo
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
pinInfo, err = c.Recover(ctx, ci, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return pinInfo, err
// RecoverAll triggers Recover() operations on all tracked items. If local is
// true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise, it happens
// everywhere.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) RecoverAll(ctx context.Context, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.GlobalPinInfo, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.RecoverAll(ctx, local, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// Alerts returns things that are wrong with cluster.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Alerts(ctx context.Context) ([]api.Alert, error) {
var alerts []api.Alert
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
alerts, err = c.Alerts(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return alerts, err
// Version returns the ipfs-cluster peer's version.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Version(ctx context.Context) (api.Version, error) {
var v api.Version
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
v, err = c.Version(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return v, err
// GetConnectGraph returns an ipfs-cluster connection graph.
// The serialized version, strings instead of pids, is returned.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) GetConnectGraph(ctx context.Context) (api.ConnectGraph, error) {
var graph api.ConnectGraph
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
graph, err = c.GetConnectGraph(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return graph, err
// Metrics returns a map with the latest valid metrics of the given name
// for the current cluster peers.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Metrics(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]api.Metric, error) {
var metrics []api.Metric
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
metrics, err = c.Metrics(ctx, name)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return metrics, err
// MetricNames returns the list of metric types.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) MetricNames(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
var metricNames []string
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
metricNames, err = c.MetricNames(ctx)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return metricNames, err
// RepoGC runs garbage collection on IPFS daemons of cluster peers and
// returns collected CIDs. If local is true, it would garbage collect
// only on contacted peer, otherwise on all peers' IPFS daemons.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) RepoGC(ctx context.Context, local bool) (api.GlobalRepoGC, error) {
var repoGC api.GlobalRepoGC
call := func(c Client) error {
var err error
repoGC, err = c.RepoGC(ctx, local)
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return repoGC, err
// Add imports files to the cluster from the given paths. A path can
// either be a local filesystem location or an web url (http:// or https://).
// In the latter case, the destination will be downloaded with a GET request.
// The AddParams allow to control different options, like enabling the
// sharding the resulting DAG across the IPFS daemons of multiple cluster
// peers. The output channel will receive regular updates as the adding
// process progresses.
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) Add(
ctx context.Context,
paths []string,
params api.AddParams,
out chan<- api.AddedOutput,
) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.AddedOutput, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.Add(ctx, paths, params, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// AddMultiFile imports new files from a MultiFileReader. See Add().
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) AddMultiFile(
ctx context.Context,
multiFileR *files.MultiFileReader,
params api.AddParams,
out chan<- api.AddedOutput,
) error {
call := func(c Client) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
cout := make(chan api.AddedOutput, cap(out))
go func() {
for o := range cout {
out <- o
done <- struct{}{}
// this blocks until done
err := c.AddMultiFile(ctx, multiFileR, params, cout)
// wait for cout to be closed
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-done:
return err
err := lc.retry(0, call)
return err
// IPFS returns an instance of go-ipfs-api's Shell, pointing to the
// configured ProxyAddr (or to the default Cluster's IPFS proxy port).
// It re-uses this Client's HTTP client, thus will be constrained by
// the same configurations affecting it (timeouts...).
func (lc *loadBalancingClient) IPFS(ctx context.Context) *shell.Shell {
var s *shell.Shell
call := func(c Client) error {
s = c.IPFS(ctx)
return nil
lc.retry(0, call)
return s