Hector Sanjuan 6c18c02106 Issue #10: peers/add and peers/rm feature + tests
This commit adds PeerAdd() and PeerRemove() endpoints, CLI support,
tests. Peer management is a delicate issue because of how the consensus
works underneath and the places that need to track such peers.

When adding a peer the procedure is as follows:

* Try to open a connection to the new peer and abort if not reachable
* Broadcast a PeerManagerAddPeer operation which tells all cluster members
to add the new Peer. The Raft leader will add it to Raft's peerset and
the multiaddress will be saved in the ClusterPeers configuration key.
* If the above fails because some cluster node is not responding,
broadcast a PeerRemove() and try to undo any damage.
* If the broadcast succeeds, send our ClusterPeers to the new Peer along with
the local multiaddress we are using in the connection opened in the
first step (that is the multiaddress through which the other peer can reach us)
* The new peer updates its configuration with the new list and joins
the consensus

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <hector@protocol.ai>
2017-02-02 13:51:49 +01:00

225 lines
5.2 KiB

package main
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
ipfscluster "github.com/ipfs/ipfs-cluster"
// ProgramName of this application
const programName = `ipfs-cluster-service`
// We store a commit id here
var commit string
// Description provides a short summary of the functionality of this tool
var Description = fmt.Sprintf(`
%s runs an IPFS Cluster node.
A node participates in the cluster consensus, follows a distributed log
of pinning and unpinning requests and manages pinning operations to a
configured IPFS daemon.
This node also provides an API for cluster management, an IPFS Proxy API which
forwards requests to IPFS and a number of components for internal communication
using LibP2P.
%s needs a valid configuration to run. This configuration is
independent from IPFS and includes its own LibP2P key-pair. It can be
initialized with "init" and its default location is
For feedback, bug reports or any additional information, visit
var logger = logging.Logger("service")
// Default location for the configurations and data
var (
// DefaultPath is initialized to something like ~/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
// and holds all the ipfs-cluster data
DefaultPath = ".ipfs-cluster"
// The name of the configuration file inside DefaultPath
DefaultConfigFile = "service.json"
// The name of the data folder inside DefaultPath
DefaultDataFolder = "data"
var (
configPath string
dataPath string
func init() {
// The only way I could make this work
ipfscluster.Commit = commit
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
panic("cannot guess the current user")
DefaultPath = filepath.Join(
func out(m string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, m, a...)
func checkErr(doing string, err error) {
if err != nil {
out("error %s: %s\n", doing, err)
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = programName
app.Usage = "IPFS Cluster node"
app.UsageText = Description
app.Version = ipfscluster.Version
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "init",
Usage: "create a default configuration and exit",
Hidden: true,
Name: "config, c",
Value: DefaultPath,
Usage: "path to the configuration and data `FOLDER`",
Name: "force, f",
Usage: "force configuration overwrite when running 'init'",
Name: "debug, d",
Usage: "enable full debug logging",
Name: "loglevel, l",
Value: "info",
Usage: "set the loglevel [critical, error, warning, info, debug]",
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
Name: "init",
Usage: "create a default configuration and exit",
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
return nil
app.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(c.String("config"))
if err != nil {
return err
configPath = filepath.Join(absPath, DefaultConfigFile)
dataPath = filepath.Join(absPath, DefaultDataFolder)
if c.Bool("debug") {
return nil
app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.Bool("init") {
return nil
cfg, err := loadConfig()
checkErr("loading configuration", err)
api, err := ipfscluster.NewRESTAPI(cfg)
checkErr("creating REST API component", err)
proxy, err := ipfscluster.NewIPFSHTTPConnector(cfg)
checkErr("creating IPFS Connector component", err)
state := ipfscluster.NewMapState()
tracker := ipfscluster.NewMapPinTracker(cfg)
cluster, err := ipfscluster.NewCluster(
checkErr("starting cluster", err)
signalChan := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(signalChan, os.Interrupt)
for {
select {
case <-signalChan:
err = cluster.Shutdown()
checkErr("shutting down cluster", err)
return nil
case <-cluster.Done():
return nil
case <-cluster.Ready():
logger.Info("IPFS Cluster is ready")
func setupLogging(lvl string) {
logging.SetLogLevel("service", lvl)
logging.SetLogLevel("cluster", lvl)
//logging.SetLogLevel("raft", lvl)
func setupDebug() {
logging.SetLogLevel("cluster", "debug")
//logging.SetLogLevel("libp2p-raft", "debug")
logging.SetLogLevel("p2p-gorpc", "debug")
//logging.SetLogLevel("swarm2", "debug")
logging.SetLogLevel("raft", "debug")
func initConfig(force bool) {
if _, err := os.Stat(configPath); err == nil && !force {
err := fmt.Errorf("%s exists. Try running with -f", configPath)
checkErr("", err)
cfg, err := ipfscluster.NewDefaultConfig()
checkErr("creating default configuration", err)
cfg.ConsensusDataFolder = dataPath
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(configPath), 0700)
err = cfg.Save(configPath)
checkErr("saving new configuration", err)
out("%s configuration written to %s\n",
programName, configPath)
func loadConfig() (*ipfscluster.Config, error) {
return ipfscluster.LoadConfig(configPath)