Hector Sanjuan 6c18c02106 Issue #10: peers/add and peers/rm feature + tests
This commit adds PeerAdd() and PeerRemove() endpoints, CLI support,
tests. Peer management is a delicate issue because of how the consensus
works underneath and the places that need to track such peers.

When adding a peer the procedure is as follows:

* Try to open a connection to the new peer and abort if not reachable
* Broadcast a PeerManagerAddPeer operation which tells all cluster members
to add the new Peer. The Raft leader will add it to Raft's peerset and
the multiaddress will be saved in the ClusterPeers configuration key.
* If the above fails because some cluster node is not responding,
broadcast a PeerRemove() and try to undo any damage.
* If the broadcast succeeds, send our ClusterPeers to the new Peer along with
the local multiaddress we are using in the connection opened in the
first step (that is the multiaddress through which the other peer can reach us)
* The new peer updates its configuration with the new list and joins
the consensus

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <hector@protocol.ai>
2017-02-02 13:51:49 +01:00

323 lines
9.3 KiB

// Package ipfscluster implements a wrapper for the IPFS deamon which
// allows to orchestrate pinning operations among several IPFS nodes.
// IPFS Cluster uses a go-libp2p-raft to keep a shared state between
// the different cluster peers. It also uses LibP2P to enable
// communication between its different components, which perform different
// tasks like managing the underlying IPFS daemons, or providing APIs for
// external control.
package ipfscluster
import (
rpc "github.com/hsanjuan/go-libp2p-gorpc"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-crypto"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
protocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-protocol"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
// RPCProtocol is used to send libp2p messages between cluster peers
var RPCProtocol = protocol.ID("/ipfscluster/" + Version + "/rpc")
// TrackerStatus values
const (
// IPFSStatus should never take this value
TrackerStatusBug = iota
// The cluster node is offline or not responding
// An error occurred pinning
// An error occurred unpinning
// The IPFS daemon has pinned the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently unpinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item
// The IPFS deamon is not pinning the item but it is being tracked
// TrackerStatus represents the status of a tracked Cid in the PinTracker
type TrackerStatus int
// IPFSPinStatus values
const (
IPFSPinStatusBug = iota
// IPFSPinStatus represents the status of a pin in IPFS (direct, recursive etc.)
type IPFSPinStatus int
// IsPinned returns true if the status is Direct or Recursive
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) IsPinned() bool {
return ips == IPFSPinStatusDirect || ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
// GlobalPinInfo contains cluster-wide status information about a tracked Cid,
// indexed by cluster peer.
type GlobalPinInfo struct {
Cid *cid.Cid
PeerMap map[peer.ID]PinInfo
// PinInfo holds information about local pins. PinInfo is
// serialized when requesting the Global status, therefore
// we cannot use *cid.Cid.
type PinInfo struct {
CidStr string
Peer peer.ID
Status TrackerStatus
TS time.Time
Error string
// String converts an IPFSStatus into a readable string.
func (st TrackerStatus) String() string {
switch st {
case TrackerStatusBug:
return "bug"
case TrackerStatusClusterError:
return "cluster_error"
case TrackerStatusPinError:
return "pin_error"
case TrackerStatusUnpinError:
return "unpin_error"
case TrackerStatusPinned:
return "pinned"
case TrackerStatusPinning:
return "pinning"
case TrackerStatusUnpinning:
return "unpinning"
case TrackerStatusUnpinned:
return "unpinned"
case TrackerStatusRemotePin:
return "remote"
return ""
// Component represents a piece of ipfscluster. Cluster components
// usually run their own goroutines (a http server for example). They
// communicate with the main Cluster component and other components
// (both local and remote), using an instance of rpc.Client.
type Component interface {
Shutdown() error
// API is a component which offers an API for Cluster. This is
// a base component.
type API interface {
// IPFSConnector is a component which allows cluster to interact with
// an IPFS daemon. This is a base component.
type IPFSConnector interface {
ID() (IPFSID, error)
Pin(*cid.Cid) error
Unpin(*cid.Cid) error
PinLsCid(*cid.Cid) (IPFSPinStatus, error)
PinLs() (map[string]IPFSPinStatus, error)
// Peered represents a component which needs to be aware of the peers
// in the Cluster and of any changes to the peer set.
type Peered interface {
AddPeer(p peer.ID)
RmPeer(p peer.ID)
//SetPeers(peers []peer.ID)
// State represents the shared state of the cluster and it
// is used by the Consensus component to keep track of
// objects which objects are pinned. This component should be thread safe.
type State interface {
// AddPin adds a pin to the State
AddPin(*cid.Cid) error
// RmPin removes a pin from the State
RmPin(*cid.Cid) error
// ListPins lists all the pins in the state
ListPins() []*cid.Cid
// HasPin returns true if the state is holding a Cid
HasPin(*cid.Cid) bool
// PinTracker represents a component which tracks the status of
// the pins in this cluster and ensures they are in sync with the
// IPFS daemon. This component should be thread safe.
type PinTracker interface {
// Track tells the tracker that a Cid is now under its supervision
// The tracker may decide to perform an IPFS pin.
Track(*cid.Cid) error
// Untrack tells the tracker that a Cid is to be forgotten. The tracker
// may perform an IPFS unpin operation.
Untrack(*cid.Cid) error
// StatusAll returns the list of pins with their local status.
StatusAll() []PinInfo
// Status returns the local status of a given Cid.
Status(*cid.Cid) PinInfo
// SyncAll makes sure that all tracked Cids reflect the real IPFS status.
// It returns the list of pins which were updated by the call.
SyncAll() ([]PinInfo, error)
// Sync makes sure that the Cid status reflect the real IPFS status.
// It returns the local status of the Cid.
Sync(*cid.Cid) (PinInfo, error)
// Recover retriggers a Pin/Unpin operation in Cids with error status.
Recover(*cid.Cid) (PinInfo, error)
// IPFSID is used to store information about the underlying IPFS daemon
type IPFSID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
Error string
// IPFSIDSerial is the serializable IPFSID for RPC requests
type IPFSIDSerial struct {
ID string
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial
Error string
// ToSerial converts IPFSID to a go serializable object
func (id *IPFSID) ToSerial() IPFSIDSerial {
return IPFSIDSerial{
ID: peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID),
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
Error: id.Error,
// ToID converts an IPFSIDSerial to IPFSID
// It will ignore any errors when parsing the fields.
func (ids *IPFSIDSerial) ToID() IPFSID {
id := IPFSID{}
if pID, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID); err == nil {
id.ID = pID
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Error = ids.Error
return id
// ID holds information about the Cluster peer
type ID struct {
ID peer.ID
PublicKey crypto.PubKey
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
ClusterPeers []ma.Multiaddr
Version string
Commit string
RPCProtocolVersion protocol.ID
Error string
// IDSerial is the serializable ID counterpart for RPC requests
type IDSerial struct {
ID string
PublicKey []byte
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial
ClusterPeers MultiaddrsSerial
Version string
Commit string
RPCProtocolVersion string
Error string
// ToSerial converts an ID to its Go-serializable version
func (id ID) ToSerial() IDSerial {
var pkey []byte
if id.PublicKey != nil {
pkey, _ = id.PublicKey.Bytes()
return IDSerial{
ID: peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID),
PublicKey: pkey,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
ClusterPeers: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.ClusterPeers),
Version: id.Version,
Commit: id.Commit,
RPCProtocolVersion: string(id.RPCProtocolVersion),
Error: id.Error,
IPFS: id.IPFS.ToSerial(),
// ToID converts an IDSerial object to ID.
// It will ignore any errors when parsing the fields.
func (ids IDSerial) ToID() ID {
id := ID{}
if pID, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID); err == nil {
id.ID = pID
if pkey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(ids.PublicKey); err == nil {
id.PublicKey = pkey
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.ClusterPeers = ids.ClusterPeers.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Version = ids.Version
id.Commit = ids.Commit
id.RPCProtocolVersion = protocol.ID(ids.RPCProtocolVersion)
id.Error = ids.Error
id.IPFS = ids.IPFS.ToID()
return id
// MultiaddrSerial is a Multiaddress in a serializable form
type MultiaddrSerial []byte
// MultiaddrsSerial is an array of Multiaddresses in serializable form
type MultiaddrsSerial []MultiaddrSerial
// MultiaddrToSerial converts a Multiaddress to its serializable form
func MultiaddrToSerial(addr ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrSerial {
return addr.Bytes()
// ToMultiaddr converts a serializable Multiaddress to its original type.
// All errors are ignored.
func (addrS MultiaddrSerial) ToMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
a, _ := ma.NewMultiaddrBytes(addrS)
return a
// MultiaddrsToSerial converts a slice of Multiaddresses to its
// serializable form.
func MultiaddrsToSerial(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrsSerial {
addrsS := make([]MultiaddrSerial, len(addrs), len(addrs))
for i, a := range addrs {
addrsS[i] = MultiaddrToSerial(a)
return addrsS
// ToMultiaddrs converts MultiaddrsSerial back to a slice of Multiaddresses
func (addrsS MultiaddrsSerial) ToMultiaddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
addrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(addrsS), len(addrsS))
for i, addrS := range addrsS {
addrs[i] = addrS.ToMultiaddr()
return addrs