Hector Sanjuan 6ee0f3bead Issue #45: Detect expired metrics and trigger re-pins
An initial, simple approach to this. The PeerMonitor will
check it's metrics, compare to the current set of peers and put
an alert in the alerts channel if the metrics for a peer have expired.

Cluster reads this channel looking for "ping" alerts. The leader
is in charge of triggering repins in all the Cids allocated to
a given peer.

Also, metrics are now broadcasted to the cluster instead of pushed only
to the leader. Since they happen every few seconds it should be okay
regarding how it scales. Main problem was that if the leader is the node
going down, the new leader will not now about it as it doesn't have any
metrics for it, so it won't trigger an alert. If it acted on that then
the component needs to know it is the leader, or cluster needs to
handle alerts in complicated ways when leadership changes. Detecting
leadership changes or letting a component know who is the leader is another
dependency from the consensus algorithm that should be avoided. Therefore
we broadcast, for the moment.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <hector@protocol.ai>
2017-03-02 14:59:45 +01:00

907 lines
22 KiB

package ipfscluster
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
crypto "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-crypto"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
var (
// number of clusters to create
nClusters = 6
// number of pins to pin/unpin/check
nPins = 500
// ports
clusterPort = 20000
apiPort = 20500
ipfsProxyPort = 21000
func init() {
func checkErr(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
func randomBytes() []byte {
bs := make([]byte, 64, 64)
for i := 0; i < len(bs); i++ {
b := byte(rand.Int())
bs[i] = b
return bs
func createComponents(t *testing.T, i int) (*Config, API, IPFSConnector, State, PinTracker, PeerMonitor, PinAllocator, Informer, *test.IpfsMock) {
mock := test.NewIpfsMock()
clusterAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", clusterPort+i))
apiAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", apiPort+i))
proxyAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/", ipfsProxyPort+i))
nodeAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%d", mock.Addr, mock.Port))
priv, pub, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(crypto.RSA, 2048)
checkErr(t, err)
pid, err := peer.IDFromPublicKey(pub)
checkErr(t, err)
cfg, _ := NewDefaultConfig()
cfg.ID = pid
cfg.PrivateKey = priv
cfg.Bootstrap = []ma.Multiaddr{}
cfg.ClusterAddr = clusterAddr
cfg.APIAddr = apiAddr
cfg.IPFSProxyAddr = proxyAddr
cfg.IPFSNodeAddr = nodeAddr
cfg.ConsensusDataFolder = "./e2eTestRaft/" + pid.Pretty()
cfg.LeaveOnShutdown = false
cfg.ReplicationFactor = -1
cfg.MonitoringIntervalSeconds = 2
api, err := NewRESTAPI(cfg)
checkErr(t, err)
ipfs, err := NewIPFSHTTPConnector(cfg)
checkErr(t, err)
state := mapstate.NewMapState()
tracker := NewMapPinTracker(cfg)
mon := NewStdPeerMonitor(cfg)
alloc := numpinalloc.NewAllocator()
numpin.MetricTTL = 1 // second
inf := numpin.NewInformer()
return cfg, api, ipfs, state, tracker, mon, alloc, inf, mock
func createCluster(t *testing.T, cfg *Config, api API, ipfs IPFSConnector, state State, tracker PinTracker, mon PeerMonitor, alloc PinAllocator, inf Informer) *Cluster {
cl, err := NewCluster(cfg, api, ipfs, state, tracker, mon, alloc, inf)
checkErr(t, err)
return cl
func createOnePeerCluster(t *testing.T, nth int) (*Cluster, *test.IpfsMock) {
cfg, api, ipfs, state, tracker, mon, alloc, inf, mock := createComponents(t, nth)
cl := createCluster(t, cfg, api, ipfs, state, tracker, mon, alloc, inf)
return cl, mock
func createClusters(t *testing.T) ([]*Cluster, []*test.IpfsMock) {
cfgs := make([]*Config, nClusters, nClusters)
apis := make([]API, nClusters, nClusters)
ipfss := make([]IPFSConnector, nClusters, nClusters)
states := make([]State, nClusters, nClusters)
trackers := make([]PinTracker, nClusters, nClusters)
mons := make([]PeerMonitor, nClusters, nClusters)
allocs := make([]PinAllocator, nClusters, nClusters)
infs := make([]Informer, nClusters, nClusters)
ipfsMocks := make([]*test.IpfsMock, nClusters, nClusters)
clusters := make([]*Cluster, nClusters, nClusters)
clusterPeers := make([]ma.Multiaddr, nClusters, nClusters)
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
cfg, api, ipfs, state, tracker, mon, alloc, inf, mock := createComponents(t, i)
cfgs[i] = cfg
apis[i] = api
ipfss[i] = ipfs
states[i] = state
trackers[i] = tracker
mons[i] = mon
allocs[i] = alloc
infs[i] = inf
ipfsMocks[i] = mock
addr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/",
clusterPeers[i] = addr
// Set up the cluster using ClusterPeers
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
cfgs[i].ClusterPeers = make([]ma.Multiaddr, nClusters, nClusters)
for j := 0; j < nClusters; j++ {
cfgs[i].ClusterPeers[j] = clusterPeers[j]
// Alternative way of starting using bootstrap
// for i := 1; i < nClusters; i++ {
// addr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/",
// clusterPort,
// cfgs[0].ID.Pretty()))
// // Use previous cluster for bootstrapping
// cfgs[i].Bootstrap = []ma.Multiaddr{addr}
// }
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
go func(i int) {
clusters[i] = createCluster(t, cfgs[i], apis[i], ipfss[i], states[i], trackers[i], mons[i], allocs[i], infs[i])
// Yet an alternative way using PeerAdd
// for i := 1; i < nClusters; i++ {
// clusters[0].PeerAdd(clusterAddr(clusters[i]))
// }
return clusters, ipfsMocks
func shutdownClusters(t *testing.T, clusters []*Cluster, m []*test.IpfsMock) {
for i, c := range clusters {
err := c.Shutdown()
if err != nil {
func runF(t *testing.T, clusters []*Cluster, f func(*testing.T, *Cluster)) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, c := range clusters {
go func(c *Cluster) {
defer wg.Done()
f(t, c)
func delay() {
var d int
if nClusters > 10 {
d = 8
} else if nClusters > 5 {
d = 5
} else {
d = nClusters
time.Sleep(time.Duration(d) * time.Second)
func TestClustersVersion(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
v := c.Version()
if v != Version {
t.Error("Bad version")
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersPeers(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
j := rand.Intn(nClusters) // choose a random cluster peer
peers := clusters[j].Peers()
if len(peers) != nClusters {
t.Fatal("expected as many peers as clusters")
clusterIDMap := make(map[peer.ID]api.ID)
peerIDMap := make(map[peer.ID]api.ID)
for _, c := range clusters {
id := c.ID()
clusterIDMap[id.ID] = id
for _, p := range peers {
peerIDMap[p.ID] = p
for k, id := range clusterIDMap {
id2, ok := peerIDMap[k]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected id in both maps")
//if !crypto.KeyEqual(id.PublicKey, id2.PublicKey) {
// t.Error("expected same public key")
if id.IPFS.ID != id2.IPFS.ID {
t.Error("expected same ipfs daemon ID")
func TestClustersPin(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
exampleCid, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
prefix := exampleCid.Prefix()
for i := 0; i < nPins; i++ {
j := rand.Intn(nClusters) // choose a random cluster peer
h, err := prefix.Sum(randomBytes()) // create random cid
checkErr(t, err)
err = clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error pinning %s: %s", h, err)
// Test re-pin
err = clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error repinning %s: %s", h, err)
fpinned := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
status := c.tracker.StatusAll()
for _, v := range status {
if v.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Errorf("%s should have been pinned but it is %s",
if l := len(status); l != nPins {
t.Errorf("Pinned %d out of %d requests", l, nPins)
runF(t, clusters, fpinned)
// Unpin everything
pinList := clusters[0].Pins()
for i := 0; i < nPins; i++ {
j := rand.Intn(nClusters) // choose a random cluster peer
err := clusters[j].Unpin(pinList[i].Cid)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error unpinning %s: %s", pinList[i].Cid, err)
// test re-unpin
err = clusters[j].Unpin(pinList[i].Cid)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error re-unpinning %s: %s", pinList[i].Cid, err)
funpinned := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
status := c.tracker.StatusAll()
if l := len(status); l != 0 {
t.Errorf("Nothing should be pinned")
//t.Errorf("%+v", status)
runF(t, clusters, funpinned)
func TestClustersStatusAll(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
// Global status
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
statuses, err := c.StatusAll()
if err != nil {
if len(statuses) == 0 {
t.Fatal("bad status. Expected one item")
if statuses[0].Cid.String() != test.TestCid1 {
t.Error("bad cid in status")
info := statuses[0].PeerMap
if len(info) != nClusters {
t.Error("bad info in status")
if info[c.host.ID()].Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("the hash should have been pinned")
status, err := c.Status(h)
if err != nil {
pinfo, ok := status.PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("Host not in status")
if pinfo.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("the status should show the hash as pinned")
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersSyncAllLocal(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
// Sync bad ID
infos, err := c.SyncAllLocal()
if err != nil {
// LocalSync() is asynchronous and should not show an
// error even if Recover() fails.
if len(infos) != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected 1 elem slice")
// Last-known state may still be pinning
if infos[0].Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError && infos[0].Status != api.TrackerStatusPinning {
t.Error("element should be in Pinning or PinError state")
// Test Local syncs
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersSyncLocal(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
info, err := c.SyncLocal(h)
if err != nil {
if info.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError && info.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinning {
t.Errorf("element is %s and not PinError", info.Status)
// Sync good ID
info, err = c.SyncLocal(h2)
if err != nil {
if info.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("element should be in Pinned state")
// Test Local syncs
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersSyncAll(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
j := rand.Intn(nClusters) // choose a random cluster peer
ginfos, err := clusters[j].SyncAll()
if err != nil {
if len(ginfos) != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected globalsync to have 1 elements")
if ginfos[0].Cid.String() != test.ErrorCid {
t.Error("expected globalsync to have problems with test.ErrorCid")
for _, c := range clusters {
inf, ok := ginfos[0].PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("GlobalPinInfo should have this cluster")
if inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError && inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinning {
t.Error("should be PinError in all peers")
func TestClustersSync(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
j := rand.Intn(nClusters)
ginfo, err := clusters[j].Sync(h)
if err != nil {
// we always attempt to return a valid response
// with errors contained in GlobalPinInfo
t.Fatal("did not expect an error")
pinfo, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[clusters[j].host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("should have info for this host")
if pinfo.Error == "" {
t.Error("pinInfo error should not be empty")
if ginfo.Cid.String() != test.ErrorCid {
t.Error("GlobalPinInfo should be for test.ErrorCid")
for _, c := range clusters {
inf, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Logf("%+v", ginfo)
t.Fatal("GlobalPinInfo should not be empty for this host")
if inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError && inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinning {
t.Error("should be PinError or Pinning in all peers")
// Test with a good Cid
j = rand.Intn(nClusters)
ginfo, err = clusters[j].Sync(h2)
if err != nil {
if ginfo.Cid.String() != test.TestCid2 {
t.Error("GlobalPinInfo should be for testrCid2")
for _, c := range clusters {
inf, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("GlobalPinInfo should have this cluster")
if inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("the GlobalPinInfo should show Pinned in all peers")
func TestClustersRecoverLocal(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
info, err := c.RecoverLocal(h)
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error recovering")
if info.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError {
t.Errorf("element is %s and not PinError", info.Status)
// Recover good ID
info, err = c.SyncLocal(h2)
if err != nil {
if info.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("element should be in Pinned state")
// Test Local syncs
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersRecover(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.ErrorCid) // This cid always fails
h2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
j := rand.Intn(nClusters)
ginfo, err := clusters[j].Recover(h)
if err != nil {
// we always attempt to return a valid response
// with errors contained in GlobalPinInfo
t.Fatal("did not expect an error")
pinfo, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[clusters[j].host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("should have info for this host")
if pinfo.Error == "" {
t.Error("pinInfo error should not be empty")
for _, c := range clusters {
inf, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("GlobalPinInfo should not be empty for this host")
if inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinError {
t.Logf("%+v", inf)
t.Error("should be PinError in all peers")
// Test with a good Cid
j = rand.Intn(nClusters)
ginfo, err = clusters[j].Recover(h2)
if err != nil {
if ginfo.Cid.String() != test.TestCid2 {
t.Error("GlobalPinInfo should be for testrCid2")
for _, c := range clusters {
inf, ok := ginfo.PeerMap[c.host.ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("GlobalPinInfo should have this cluster")
if inf.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("the GlobalPinInfo should show Pinned in all peers")
func TestClustersShutdown(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
err := c.Shutdown()
if err != nil {
t.Error("should be able to shutdown cleanly")
// Shutdown 3 times
runF(t, clusters, f)
runF(t, clusters, f)
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersReplication(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
for _, c := range clusters {
c.config.ReplicationFactor = nClusters - 1
// Why is replication factor nClusters - 1?
// Because that way we know that pinning nCluster
// pins with an strategy like numpins (which tries
// to make everyone pin the same number of things),
// will result in each peer holding locally exactly
// nCluster pins.
// Let some metrics arrive
tmpCid, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
prefix := tmpCid.Prefix()
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
// Pick a random cluster and hash
j := rand.Intn(nClusters) // choose a random cluster peer
h, err := prefix.Sum(randomBytes()) // create random cid
checkErr(t, err)
err = clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
// check that it is held by exactly nClusters -1 peers
gpi, err := clusters[j].Status(h)
if err != nil {
numLocal := 0
numRemote := 0
for _, v := range gpi.PeerMap {
if v.Status == api.TrackerStatusPinned {
} else if v.Status == api.TrackerStatusRemote {
if numLocal != nClusters-1 {
t.Errorf("We wanted replication %d but it's only %d",
nClusters-1, numLocal)
if numRemote != 1 {
t.Errorf("We wanted 1 peer track as remote but %d do", numRemote)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2) // this is for metric to be up to date
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
pinfos := c.tracker.StatusAll()
if len(pinfos) != nClusters {
t.Error("Pinfos does not have the expected pins")
numRemote := 0
numLocal := 0
for _, pi := range pinfos {
switch pi.Status {
case api.TrackerStatusPinned:
case api.TrackerStatusRemote:
if numLocal != nClusters-1 {
t.Errorf("Expected %d local pins but got %d", nClusters-1, numLocal)
if numRemote != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 remote pin but got %d", numRemote)
pins := c.Pins()
for _, pin := range pins {
allocs := pin.Allocations
if len(allocs) != nClusters-1 {
t.Errorf("Allocations are [%s]", allocs)
for _, a := range allocs {
if a == c.id {
pinfo := c.tracker.Status(pin.Cid)
if pinfo.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Errorf("Peer %s was allocated but it is not pinning cid", c.id)
runF(t, clusters, f)
// In this test we check that repinning something
// when a node has gone down will re-assign the pin
func TestClustersReplicationRealloc(t *testing.T) {
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
for _, c := range clusters {
c.config.ReplicationFactor = nClusters - 1
// Let some metrics arrive
j := rand.Intn(nClusters)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
err := clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
// Let the pin arrive
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
// Re-pin should fail as it is allocated already
err = clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected an error")
var killedClusterIndex int
// find someone that pinned it and kill that cluster
for i, c := range clusters {
pinfo := c.tracker.Status(h)
if pinfo.Status == api.TrackerStatusPinned {
killedClusterIndex = i
// let metrics expire
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// now pin should succeed
err = clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
numPinned := 0
for i, c := range clusters {
if i == killedClusterIndex {
pinfo := c.tracker.Status(h)
if pinfo.Status == api.TrackerStatusPinned {
if numPinned != nClusters-1 {
t.Error("pin should have been correctly re-assigned")
// In this test we try to pin something when there are not
// as many available peers a we need. It's like before, except
// more peers are killed.
func TestClustersReplicationNotEnoughPeers(t *testing.T) {
if nClusters < 5 {
t.Skip("Need at least 5 peers")
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
for _, c := range clusters {
c.config.ReplicationFactor = nClusters - 1
// Let some metrics arrive
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
j := rand.Intn(nClusters)
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
err := clusters[j].Pin(h)
if err != nil {
// Let the pin arrive
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Minute)
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
// Wait for consensus to pick a new leader in case we shut it down
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
t.Fatal("timed out waiting for a leader")
case <-ticker.C:
_, err := clusters[2].consensus.Leader()
if err == nil {
break loop
err = clusters[2].Pin(h)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected an error")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "enough allocations") {
t.Error("different error than expected")
func TestClustersRebalanceOnPeerDown(t *testing.T) {
if nClusters < 5 {
t.Skip("Need at least 5 peers")
clusters, mock := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mock)
for _, c := range clusters {
c.config.ReplicationFactor = nClusters - 1
// Let some metrics arrive
// pin something
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
pinLocal := 0
pinRemote := 0
var localPinner peer.ID
var remotePinner peer.ID
var remotePinnerCluster *Cluster
status, _ := clusters[0].Status(h)
// check it was correctly pinned
for p, pinfo := range status.PeerMap {
if pinfo.Status == api.TrackerStatusPinned {
localPinner = p
} else if pinfo.Status == api.TrackerStatusRemote {
remotePinner = p
if pinLocal != nClusters-1 || pinRemote != 1 {
t.Fatal("Not pinned as expected")
// find a kill the local pinner
for _, c := range clusters {
if c.id == localPinner {
} else if c.id == remotePinner {
remotePinnerCluster = c
// Sleep a monitoring interval
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
// It should be now pinned in the remote pinner
if s := remotePinnerCluster.tracker.Status(h).Status; s != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Errorf("it should be pinned and is %s", s)