Adrian Lanzafame 237ede5fce
fix pointer ref of updateJSONConfigs
jsonConfigs.getSection() returned a value when it needed to
return a pointer to the jsonSection fields inside the struct.

Even though the jsonSection type is a map, therefore on the heap,
returning it as a value (non-pointer) resulted in it being
disassociated with the jsonConfigs overarching struct.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Adrian Lanzafame <adrianlanzafame92@gmail.com>
2019-02-06 09:48:27 +10:00

456 lines
11 KiB

// Package config provides interfaces and utilities for different Cluster
// components to register, read, write and validate configuration sections
// stored in a central configuration file.
package config
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
var logger = logging.Logger("config")
// ConfigSaveInterval specifies how often to save the configuration file if
// it needs saving.
var ConfigSaveInterval = time.Second
// The ComponentConfig interface allows components to define configurations
// which can be managed as part of the ipfs-cluster configuration file by the
// Manager.
type ComponentConfig interface {
// Returns a string identifying the section name for this configuration
ConfigKey() string
// Parses a JSON representation of this configuration
LoadJSON([]byte) error
// Provides a JSON representation of this configuration
ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
// Sets default working values
Default() error
// Allows this component to work under a subfolder
// Checks that the configuration is valid
Validate() error
// Provides a channel to signal the Manager that the configuration
// should be persisted.
SaveCh() <-chan struct{}
// These are the component configuration types
// supported by the Manager.
const (
Cluster SectionType = iota
endTypes // keep this at the end
// SectionType specifies to which section a component configuration belongs.
type SectionType int
// SectionTypes returns the list of supported SectionTypes
func SectionTypes() []SectionType {
var l []SectionType
for i := Cluster; i < endTypes; i++ {
l = append(l, i)
return l
// Section is a section of which stores
// component-specific configurations.
type Section map[string]ComponentConfig
// jsonSection stores component specific
// configurations. Component configurations depend on
// components themselves.
type jsonSection map[string]*json.RawMessage
// Manager represents an ipfs-cluster configuration which bundles
// different ComponentConfigs object together.
// Use RegisterComponent() to add a component configurations to the
// object. Once registered, configurations will be parsed from the
// central configuration file when doing LoadJSON(), and saved to it
// when doing SaveJSON().
type Manager struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel func()
wg sync.WaitGroup
// The Cluster configuration has a top-level
// special section.
clusterConfig ComponentConfig
// Holds configuration objects for components.
sections map[SectionType]Section
// store originally parsed jsonConfig
jsonCfg *jsonConfig
// if a config has been loaded from disk, track the path
// so it can be saved to the same place.
path string
saveMux sync.Mutex
// NewManager returns a correctly initialized Manager
// which is ready to accept component configurations.
func NewManager() *Manager {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &Manager{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
sections: make(map[SectionType]Section),
// Shutdown makes sure all configuration save operations are finished
// before returning.
func (cfg *Manager) Shutdown() {
// this watches a save channel which is used to signal that
// we need to store changes in the configuration.
// because saving can be called too much, we will only
// save at intervals of 1 save/second at most.
func (cfg *Manager) watchSave(save <-chan struct{}) {
defer cfg.wg.Done()
// Save once per second mostly
ticker := time.NewTicker(ConfigSaveInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
thingsToSave := false
for {
select {
case <-save:
thingsToSave = true
case <-ticker.C:
if thingsToSave {
err := cfg.SaveJSON("")
if err != nil {
thingsToSave = false
// Exit if we have to
select {
case <-cfg.ctx.Done():
// jsonConfig represents a Cluster configuration as it will look when it is
// saved using json. Most configuration keys are converted into simple types
// like strings, and key names aim to be self-explanatory for the user.
type jsonConfig struct {
Cluster *json.RawMessage `json:"cluster"`
Consensus jsonSection `json:"consensus,omitempty"`
API jsonSection `json:"api,omitempty"`
IPFSConn jsonSection `json:"ipfs_connector,omitempty"`
State jsonSection `json:"state,omitempty"`
PinTracker jsonSection `json:"pin_tracker,omitempty"`
Monitor jsonSection `json:"monitor,omitempty"`
Allocator jsonSection `json:"allocator,omitempty"`
Informer jsonSection `json:"informer,omitempty"`
Observations jsonSection `json:"observations,omitempty"`
func (jcfg *jsonConfig) getSection(i SectionType) *jsonSection {
switch i {
case Consensus:
return &jcfg.Consensus
case API:
return &jcfg.API
case IPFSConn:
return &jcfg.IPFSConn
case State:
return &jcfg.State
case PinTracker:
return &jcfg.PinTracker
case Monitor:
return &jcfg.Monitor
case Allocator:
return &jcfg.Allocator
case Informer:
return &jcfg.Informer
case Observations:
return &jcfg.Observations
return nil
// Default generates a default configuration by generating defaults for all
// registered components.
func (cfg *Manager) Default() error {
for _, section := range cfg.sections {
for k, compcfg := range section {
logger.Debugf("generating default conf for %s", k)
err := compcfg.Default()
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.clusterConfig != nil {
logger.Debug("generating default conf for cluster")
err := cfg.clusterConfig.Default()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RegisterComponent lets the Manager load and save component configurations
func (cfg *Manager) RegisterComponent(t SectionType, ccfg ComponentConfig) {
go cfg.watchSave(ccfg.SaveCh())
if t == Cluster {
cfg.clusterConfig = ccfg
if cfg.sections == nil {
cfg.sections = make(map[SectionType]Section)
_, ok := cfg.sections[t]
if !ok {
cfg.sections[t] = make(Section)
cfg.sections[t][ccfg.ConfigKey()] = ccfg
// Validate checks that all the registered components in this
// Manager have valid configurations. It also makes sure that
// the main Cluster compoenent exists.
func (cfg *Manager) Validate() error {
if cfg.clusterConfig == nil {
return errors.New("no registered cluster section")
if cfg.sections == nil {
return errors.New("no registered components")
err := cfg.clusterConfig.Validate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cluster section failed to validate: %s", err)
for t, section := range cfg.sections {
if section == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("section %d is nil", t)
for k, compCfg := range section {
if compCfg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s entry for section %d is nil", k, t)
err := compCfg.Validate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s failed to validate: %s", k, err)
return nil
// LoadJSONFromFile reads a Configuration file from disk and parses
// it. See LoadJSON too.
func (cfg *Manager) LoadJSONFromFile(path string) error {
cfg.path = path
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error reading the configuration file: ", err)
return err
err = cfg.LoadJSON(file)
return err
// LoadJSON parses configurations for all registered components,
// In order to work, component configurations must have been registered
// beforehand with RegisterComponent.
func (cfg *Manager) LoadJSON(bs []byte) error {
dir := filepath.Dir(cfg.path)
jcfg := &jsonConfig{}
err := json.Unmarshal(bs, jcfg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("error parsing JSON: ", err)
return err
cfg.jsonCfg = jcfg
// Load Cluster section. Needs to have been registered
if cfg.clusterConfig != nil && jcfg.Cluster != nil {
err = cfg.clusterConfig.LoadJSON([]byte(*jcfg.Cluster))
if err != nil {
return err
loadCompJSON := func(name string, component ComponentConfig, jsonSection jsonSection) error {
raw, ok := jsonSection[name]
if ok {
err := component.LoadJSON([]byte(*raw))
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugf("%s section configuration loaded", name)
} else {
logger.Warningf("%s section is empty, generating default", name)
return nil
// Helper function to load json from each section in the json config
loadSectionJSON := func(section Section, jsonSection jsonSection) error {
for name, component := range section {
err := loadCompJSON(name, component, jsonSection)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
sections := cfg.sections
for _, t := range SectionTypes() {
if t == Cluster {
err := loadSectionJSON(sections[t], *jcfg.getSection(t))
if err != nil {
return err
// Should we change hardcoded "ipfsproxy" to something else
if _, ok := jcfg.API["ipfsproxy"]; !ok {
loadCompJSON("ipfshttp", sections[API]["ipfsproxy"], jcfg.IPFSConn)
The IPFS proxy functionality has been extracted as a separate component
and now uses its own configuration section ("ipfsproxy" in the "api" section).
To keep compatibility, since you did not define an "ipfsproxy" section, the
proxy configuration is taken from the "ipfshttp" section as before, but this
will be removed in future versions.
return cfg.Validate()
// SaveJSON saves the JSON representation of the Config to
// the given path.
func (cfg *Manager) SaveJSON(path string) error {
defer cfg.saveMux.Unlock()
logger.Info("Saving configuration")
if path == "" {
path = cfg.path
bs, err := cfg.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, bs, 0600)
// ToJSON provides a JSON representation of the configuration by
// generating JSON for all componenents registered.
func (cfg *Manager) ToJSON() ([]byte, error) {
err := cfg.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jcfg := cfg.jsonCfg
if jcfg == nil {
jcfg = &jsonConfig{}
if cfg.clusterConfig != nil {
raw, err := cfg.clusterConfig.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jcfg.Cluster = new(json.RawMessage)
*jcfg.Cluster = raw
logger.Debug("writing changes for cluster section")
// Given a Section and a *jsonSection, it updates the
// component-configurations in the latter.
updateJSONConfigs := func(section Section, dest *jsonSection) error {
for k, v := range section {
logger.Debugf("writing changes for %s section", k)
j, err := v.ToJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
if *dest == nil {
*dest = make(jsonSection)
jsonSection := *dest
jsonSection[k] = new(json.RawMessage)
*jsonSection[k] = j
return nil
for _, t := range SectionTypes() {
if t == Cluster {
jsection := jcfg.getSection(t)
err := updateJSONConfigs(cfg.sections[t], jsection)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return DefaultJSONMarshal(jcfg)