Hector Sanjuan b21d313547 rest/client: Return regular errors.
We had a problem happening when assigning the returned *api.Error
to default 'error' type.

Things like "if err != nil" would not work even when *api.Error is nil
I'm not sure why this happens, but this is very confusing for the user
integrating on top. It is better that we just return plain go errors.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2017-12-08 15:39:30 +01:00

554 lines
14 KiB

// Package api holds declarations for types used in ipfs-cluster APIs to make
// them re-usable across differen tools. This include RPC API "Serial[izable]"
// versions for types. The Go API uses natives types, while RPC API,
// REST APIs etc use serializable types (i.e. json format). Conversion methods
// exists between types.
// Note that all conversion methods ignore any parsing errors. All values must
// be validated first before initializing any of the types defined here.
package api
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
protocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-protocol"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
// needed to parse /ws multiaddresses
_ "github.com/libp2p/go-ws-transport"
// needed to prase /dns* multiaddresses
_ "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"
var logger = logging.Logger("apitypes")
// TrackerStatus values
const (
// IPFSStatus should never take this value
TrackerStatusBug = iota
// The cluster node is offline or not responding
// An error occurred pinning
// An error occurred unpinning
// The IPFS daemon has pinned the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently unpinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item
// The IPFS deamon is not pinning the item but it is being tracked
// TrackerStatus represents the status of a tracked Cid in the PinTracker
type TrackerStatus int
var trackerStatusString = map[TrackerStatus]string{
TrackerStatusBug: "bug",
TrackerStatusClusterError: "cluster_error",
TrackerStatusPinError: "pin_error",
TrackerStatusUnpinError: "unpin_error",
TrackerStatusPinned: "pinned",
TrackerStatusPinning: "pinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinning: "unpinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinned: "unpinned",
TrackerStatusRemote: "remote",
// String converts a TrackerStatus into a readable string.
func (st TrackerStatus) String() string {
return trackerStatusString[st]
// TrackerStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// TrackerStatus value.
func TrackerStatusFromString(str string) TrackerStatus {
for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
if v == str {
return k
return TrackerStatusBug
// IPFSPinStatus values
const (
IPFSPinStatusBug = iota
// IPFSPinStatus represents the status of a pin in IPFS (direct, recursive etc.)
type IPFSPinStatus int
// IPFSPinStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// IPFSPinStatus.
func IPFSPinStatusFromString(t string) IPFSPinStatus {
// TODO: This is only used in the http_connector to parse
// ipfs-daemon-returned values. Maybe it should be extended.
switch {
case t == "indirect":
return IPFSPinStatusIndirect
case t == "direct":
return IPFSPinStatusDirect
case t == "recursive":
return IPFSPinStatusRecursive
return IPFSPinStatusBug
// IsPinned returns true if the status is Direct or Recursive
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) IsPinned() bool {
return ips == IPFSPinStatusDirect || ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
// GlobalPinInfo contains cluster-wide status information about a tracked Cid,
// indexed by cluster peer.
type GlobalPinInfo struct {
Cid *cid.Cid
PeerMap map[peer.ID]PinInfo
// GlobalPinInfoSerial is the serializable version of GlobalPinInfo.
type GlobalPinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
PeerMap map[string]PinInfoSerial `json:"peer_map"`
// ToSerial converts a GlobalPinInfo to its serializable version.
func (gpi GlobalPinInfo) ToSerial() GlobalPinInfoSerial {
s := GlobalPinInfoSerial{}
if gpi.Cid != nil {
s.Cid = gpi.Cid.String()
s.PeerMap = make(map[string]PinInfoSerial)
for k, v := range gpi.PeerMap {
s.PeerMap[peer.IDB58Encode(k)] = v.ToSerial()
return s
// ToGlobalPinInfo converts a GlobalPinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (gpis GlobalPinInfoSerial) ToGlobalPinInfo() GlobalPinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(gpis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(gpis.Cid, err)
gpi := GlobalPinInfo{
Cid: c,
PeerMap: make(map[peer.ID]PinInfo),
for k, v := range gpis.PeerMap {
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(k, err)
gpi.PeerMap[p] = v.ToPinInfo()
return gpi
// PinInfo holds information about local pins.
type PinInfo struct {
Cid *cid.Cid
Peer peer.ID
Status TrackerStatus
TS time.Time
Error string
// PinInfoSerial is a serializable version of PinInfo.
// information is marked as
type PinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Peer string `json:"peer"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TS string `json:"timestamp"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts a PinInfo to its serializable version.
func (pi PinInfo) ToSerial() PinInfoSerial {
c := ""
if pi.Cid != nil {
c = pi.Cid.String()
p := ""
if pi.Peer != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(pi.Peer)
return PinInfoSerial{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
Status: pi.Status.String(),
TS: pi.TS.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
Error: pi.Error,
// ToPinInfo converts a PinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (pis PinInfoSerial) ToPinInfo() PinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(pis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(pis.Cid, err)
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pis.Peer)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(pis.Peer, err)
ts, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, pis.TS)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(pis.TS, err)
return PinInfo{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
Status: TrackerStatusFromString(pis.Status),
TS: ts,
Error: pis.Error,
// Version holds version information
type Version struct {
Version string `json:"Version"`
// IPFSID is used to store information about the underlying IPFS daemon
type IPFSID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
Error string
// IPFSIDSerial is the serializable IPFSID for RPC requests
type IPFSIDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts IPFSID to a go serializable object
func (id *IPFSID) ToSerial() IPFSIDSerial {
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IPFSIDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
Error: id.Error,
// ToIPFSID converts an IPFSIDSerial to IPFSID
func (ids *IPFSIDSerial) ToIPFSID() IPFSID {
id := IPFSID{}
if pID, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID); err == nil {
id.ID = pID
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Error = ids.Error
return id
// ID holds information about the Cluster peer
type ID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
ClusterPeers []peer.ID
ClusterPeersAddresses []ma.Multiaddr
Version string
Commit string
RPCProtocolVersion protocol.ID
Error string
Peername string
//PublicKey crypto.PubKey
// IDSerial is the serializable ID counterpart for RPC requests
type IDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
ClusterPeers []string `json:"cluster_peers"`
ClusterPeersAddresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"cluster_peers_addresses"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
RPCProtocolVersion string `json:"rpc_protocol_version"`
Error string `json:"error"`
IPFS IPFSIDSerial `json:"ipfs"`
Peername string `json:"peername"`
//PublicKey []byte
// ToSerial converts an ID to its Go-serializable version
func (id ID) ToSerial() IDSerial {
//var pkey []byte
//if id.PublicKey != nil {
// pkey, _ = id.PublicKey.Bytes()
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
ClusterPeers: PeersToStrings(id.ClusterPeers),
ClusterPeersAddresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.ClusterPeersAddresses),
Version: id.Version,
Commit: id.Commit,
RPCProtocolVersion: string(id.RPCProtocolVersion),
Error: id.Error,
IPFS: id.IPFS.ToSerial(),
Peername: id.Peername,
//PublicKey: pkey,
// ToID converts an IDSerial object to ID.
// It will ignore any errors when parsing the fields.
func (ids IDSerial) ToID() ID {
id := ID{}
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ids.ID, err)
id.ID = p
//if pkey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(ids.PublicKey); err == nil {
// id.PublicKey = pkey
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.ClusterPeers = StringsToPeers(ids.ClusterPeers)
id.ClusterPeersAddresses = ids.ClusterPeersAddresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Version = ids.Version
id.Commit = ids.Commit
id.RPCProtocolVersion = protocol.ID(ids.RPCProtocolVersion)
id.Error = ids.Error
id.Peername = ids.Peername
return id
// MultiaddrSerial is a Multiaddress in a serializable form
type MultiaddrSerial string
// MultiaddrsSerial is an array of Multiaddresses in serializable form
type MultiaddrsSerial []MultiaddrSerial
// MultiaddrToSerial converts a Multiaddress to its serializable form
func MultiaddrToSerial(addr ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrSerial {
if addr != nil {
return MultiaddrSerial(addr.String())
return ""
// ToMultiaddr converts a serializable Multiaddress to its original type.
// All errors are ignored.
func (addrS MultiaddrSerial) ToMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
str := string(addrS)
a, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(str)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(str, err)
return a
// MultiaddrsToSerial converts a slice of Multiaddresses to its
// serializable form.
func MultiaddrsToSerial(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrsSerial {
addrsS := make([]MultiaddrSerial, len(addrs), len(addrs))
for i, a := range addrs {
if a != nil {
addrsS[i] = MultiaddrToSerial(a)
return addrsS
// ToMultiaddrs converts MultiaddrsSerial back to a slice of Multiaddresses
func (addrsS MultiaddrsSerial) ToMultiaddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
addrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(addrsS), len(addrsS))
for i, addrS := range addrsS {
addrs[i] = addrS.ToMultiaddr()
return addrs
// PeersToStrings IDB58Encodes a list of peers.
func PeersToStrings(peers []peer.ID) []string {
strs := make([]string, len(peers))
for i, p := range peers {
if p != "" {
strs[i] = peer.IDB58Encode(p)
return strs
// StringsToPeers decodes peer.IDs from strings.
func StringsToPeers(strs []string) []peer.ID {
peers := make([]peer.ID, len(strs))
for i, p := range strs {
var err error
peers[i], err = peer.IDB58Decode(p)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(p, err)
return peers
// Pin is an argument that carries a Cid. It may carry more things in the
// future.
type Pin struct {
Cid *cid.Cid
Name string
Allocations []peer.ID
ReplicationFactor int
// PinCid is a shorcut to create a Pin only with a Cid.
func PinCid(c *cid.Cid) Pin {
return Pin{
Cid: c,
// PinSerial is a serializable version of Pin
type PinSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Allocations []string `json:"allocations"`
Everywhere bool `json:"everywhere,omitempty"` // legacy
ReplicationFactor int `json:"replication_factor"`
// ToSerial converts a Pin to PinSerial.
func (pin Pin) ToSerial() PinSerial {
c := ""
if pin.Cid != nil {
c = pin.Cid.String()
n := pin.Name
allocs := PeersToStrings(pin.Allocations)
rpl := pin.ReplicationFactor
return PinSerial{
Cid: c,
Name: n,
Allocations: allocs,
ReplicationFactor: rpl,
// ToPin converts a PinSerial to its native form.
func (pins PinSerial) ToPin() Pin {
c, err := cid.Decode(pins.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(pins.Cid, err)
// legacy format management
if pins.ReplicationFactor == 0 && pins.Everywhere {
pins.ReplicationFactor = -1
return Pin{
Cid: c,
Name: pins.Name,
Allocations: StringsToPeers(pins.Allocations),
ReplicationFactor: pins.ReplicationFactor,
// Metric transports information about a peer.ID. It is used to decide
// pin allocations by a PinAllocator. IPFS cluster is agnostic to
// the Value, which should be interpreted by the PinAllocator.
type Metric struct {
Name string
Peer peer.ID // filled-in by Cluster.
Value string
Expire string // RFC3339Nano
Valid bool // if the metric is not valid it will be discarded
// SetTTL sets Metric to expire after the given seconds
func (m *Metric) SetTTL(seconds int) {
d := time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second
// SetTTLDuration sets Metric to expire after the given time.Duration
func (m *Metric) SetTTLDuration(d time.Duration) {
exp := time.Now().Add(d)
m.Expire = exp.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
// GetTTL returns the time left before the Metric expires
func (m *Metric) GetTTL() time.Duration {
if m.Expire == "" {
return 0
exp, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, m.Expire)
if err != nil {
return exp.Sub(time.Now())
// Expired returns if the Metric has expired
func (m *Metric) Expired() bool {
if m.Expire == "" {
return true
exp, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, m.Expire)
if err != nil {
return time.Now().After(exp)
// Discard returns if the metric not valid or has expired
func (m *Metric) Discard() bool {
return !m.Valid || m.Expired()
// Alert carries alerting information about a peer. WIP.
type Alert struct {
Peer peer.ID
MetricName string
// Error can be used by APIs to return errors.
type Error struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Error implements the error interface and returns the error's message.
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Message, e.Code)