Hector Sanjuan 7de930b796 Feat #445: Use TrackerStatus as filter. Simplify and small misc.
License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2019-01-07 19:45:07 +01:00

1027 lines
27 KiB

// Package api holds declarations for types used in ipfs-cluster APIs to make
// them re-usable across differen tools. This include RPC API "Serial[izable]"
// versions for types. The Go API uses natives types, while RPC API,
// REST APIs etc use serializable types (i.e. json format). Conversion methods
// exists between types.
// Note that all conversion methods ignore any parsing errors. All values must
// be validated first before initializing any of the types defined here.
package api
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
protocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-protocol"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
// needed to parse /ws multiaddresses
_ "github.com/libp2p/go-ws-transport"
// needed to parse /dns* multiaddresses
_ "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr-dns"
var logger = logging.Logger("apitypes")
func init() {
// intialize trackerStatusString
stringTrackerStatus = make(map[string]TrackerStatus)
for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
stringTrackerStatus[v] = k
// TrackerStatus values
const (
// IPFSStatus should never take this value.
// When used as a filter. It means "all".
TrackerStatusUndefined TrackerStatus = 0
// The cluster node is offline or not responding
TrackerStatusClusterError TrackerStatus = 1 << iota
// An error occurred pinning
// An error occurred unpinning
// The IPFS daemon has pinned the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is currently unpinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item but it is being tracked
// The item has been queued for pinning on the IPFS daemon
// The item has been queued for unpinning on the IPFS daemon
// The IPFS daemon is not pinning the item through this cid but it is
// tracked in a cluster dag
// Composite TrackerStatus.
const (
TrackerStatusError = TrackerStatusClusterError | TrackerStatusPinError | TrackerStatusUnpinError
TrackerStatusQueued = TrackerStatusPinQueued | TrackerStatusUnpinQueued
// TrackerStatus represents the status of a tracked Cid in the PinTracker
type TrackerStatus int
var trackerStatusString = map[TrackerStatus]string{
TrackerStatusUndefined: "undefined",
TrackerStatusClusterError: "cluster_error",
TrackerStatusPinError: "pin_error",
TrackerStatusUnpinError: "unpin_error",
TrackerStatusError: "error",
TrackerStatusPinned: "pinned",
TrackerStatusPinning: "pinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinning: "unpinning",
TrackerStatusUnpinned: "unpinned",
TrackerStatusRemote: "remote",
TrackerStatusPinQueued: "pin_queued",
TrackerStatusUnpinQueued: "unpin_queued",
TrackerStatusQueued: "queued",
// values autofilled in init()
var stringTrackerStatus map[string]TrackerStatus
// String converts a TrackerStatus into a readable string.
// If the given TrackerStatus is a filter (with several
// bits set), it will return a comma-separated list.
func (st TrackerStatus) String() string {
var values []string
// simple and known composite values
if v, ok := trackerStatusString[st]; ok {
return v
// other filters
for k, v := range trackerStatusString {
if st&k > 0 {
values = append(values, v)
return strings.Join(values, ",")
// Match returns true if the tracker status matches the given filter.
// For example TrackerStatusPinError will match TrackerStatusPinError
// and TrackerStatusError
func (st TrackerStatus) Match(filter TrackerStatus) bool {
return filter == 0 || st&filter > 0
// TrackerStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// TrackerStatus value. The string can be a comma-separated list
// representing a TrackerStatus filter. Unknown status names are
// ignored.
func TrackerStatusFromString(str string) TrackerStatus {
values := strings.Split(strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1), ",")
var status TrackerStatus
for _, v := range values {
st, ok := stringTrackerStatus[v]
if ok {
status |= st
return status
// TrackerStatusAll all known TrackerStatus values.
func TrackerStatusAll() []TrackerStatus {
var list []TrackerStatus
for k := range trackerStatusString {
if k != TrackerStatusUndefined {
list = append(list, k)
return list
// IPFSPinStatus values
// FIXME include maxdepth
const (
IPFSPinStatusBug IPFSPinStatus = iota
// IPFSPinStatus represents the status of a pin in IPFS (direct, recursive etc.)
type IPFSPinStatus int
// IPFSPinStatusFromString parses a string and returns the matching
// IPFSPinStatus.
func IPFSPinStatusFromString(t string) IPFSPinStatus {
// Since indirect statuses are of the form "indirect through <cid>",
// use a regexp to match
var ind, _ = regexp.MatchString("^indirect", t)
var rec, _ = regexp.MatchString("^recursive", t)
switch {
case ind:
return IPFSPinStatusIndirect
case rec:
// FIXME: Maxdepth?
return IPFSPinStatusRecursive
case t == "direct":
return IPFSPinStatusDirect
return IPFSPinStatusBug
// IsPinned returns true if the item is pinned as expected by the
// maxDepth parameter.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) IsPinned(maxDepth int) bool {
switch {
case maxDepth < 0:
return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
case maxDepth == 0:
return ips == IPFSPinStatusDirect
case maxDepth > 0:
// FIXME: when we know how ipfs returns partial pins.
return ips == IPFSPinStatusRecursive
return false
// ToTrackerStatus converts the IPFSPinStatus value to the
// appropriate TrackerStatus value.
func (ips IPFSPinStatus) ToTrackerStatus() TrackerStatus {
return ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap[ips]
var ipfsPinStatus2TrackerStatusMap = map[IPFSPinStatus]TrackerStatus{
IPFSPinStatusDirect: TrackerStatusPinned,
IPFSPinStatusRecursive: TrackerStatusPinned,
IPFSPinStatusIndirect: TrackerStatusUnpinned,
IPFSPinStatusUnpinned: TrackerStatusUnpinned,
IPFSPinStatusBug: TrackerStatusUndefined,
IPFSPinStatusError: TrackerStatusClusterError, //TODO(ajl): check suitability
// GlobalPinInfo contains cluster-wide status information about a tracked Cid,
// indexed by cluster peer.
type GlobalPinInfo struct {
Cid cid.Cid
PeerMap map[peer.ID]PinInfo
// GlobalPinInfoSerial is the serializable version of GlobalPinInfo.
type GlobalPinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
PeerMap map[string]PinInfoSerial `json:"peer_map"`
// ToSerial converts a GlobalPinInfo to its serializable version.
func (gpi GlobalPinInfo) ToSerial() GlobalPinInfoSerial {
s := GlobalPinInfoSerial{}
if gpi.Cid.Defined() {
s.Cid = gpi.Cid.String()
s.PeerMap = make(map[string]PinInfoSerial)
for k, v := range gpi.PeerMap {
s.PeerMap[peer.IDB58Encode(k)] = v.ToSerial()
return s
// ToGlobalPinInfo converts a GlobalPinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (gpis GlobalPinInfoSerial) ToGlobalPinInfo() GlobalPinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(gpis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(gpis.Cid, err)
gpi := GlobalPinInfo{
Cid: c,
PeerMap: make(map[peer.ID]PinInfo),
for k, v := range gpis.PeerMap {
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(k, err)
gpi.PeerMap[p] = v.ToPinInfo()
return gpi
// PinInfo holds information about local pins.
type PinInfo struct {
Cid cid.Cid
Peer peer.ID
PeerName string
Status TrackerStatus
TS time.Time
Error string
// PinInfoSerial is a serializable version of PinInfo.
// information is marked as
type PinInfoSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Peer string `json:"peer"`
PeerName string `json:"peername"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TS string `json:"timestamp"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts a PinInfo to its serializable version.
func (pi PinInfo) ToSerial() PinInfoSerial {
c := ""
if pi.Cid.Defined() {
c = pi.Cid.String()
p := ""
if pi.Peer != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(pi.Peer)
return PinInfoSerial{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
PeerName: pi.PeerName,
Status: pi.Status.String(),
TS: pi.TS.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
Error: pi.Error,
// ToPinInfo converts a PinInfoSerial to its native version.
func (pis PinInfoSerial) ToPinInfo() PinInfo {
c, err := cid.Decode(pis.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.Cid, err)
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(pis.Peer)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.Peer, err)
ts, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, pis.TS)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pis.TS, err)
return PinInfo{
Cid: c,
Peer: p,
PeerName: pis.PeerName,
Status: TrackerStatusFromString(pis.Status),
TS: ts,
Error: pis.Error,
// Version holds version information
type Version struct {
Version string `json:"Version"`
// IPFSID is used to store information about the underlying IPFS daemon
type IPFSID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
Error string
// IPFSIDSerial is the serializable IPFSID for RPC requests
type IPFSIDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// ToSerial converts IPFSID to a go serializable object
func (id *IPFSID) ToSerial() IPFSIDSerial {
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IPFSIDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
Error: id.Error,
// ToIPFSID converts an IPFSIDSerial to IPFSID
func (ids *IPFSIDSerial) ToIPFSID() IPFSID {
id := IPFSID{}
if pID, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID); err == nil {
id.ID = pID
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Error = ids.Error
return id
// ConnectGraph holds information about the connectivity of the cluster
// To read, traverse the keys of ClusterLinks. Each such id is one of
// the peers of the "ClusterID" peer running the query. ClusterLinks[id]
// in turn lists the ids that peer "id" sees itself connected to. It is
// possible that id is a peer of ClusterID, but ClusterID can not reach id
// over rpc, in which case ClusterLinks[id] == [], as id's view of its
// connectivity can not be retrieved.
// Iff there was an error reading the IPFSID of the peer then id will not be a
// key of ClustertoIPFS or IPFSLinks. Finally iff id is a key of ClustertoIPFS
// then id will be a key of IPFSLinks. In the event of a SwarmPeers error
// IPFSLinks[id] == [].
type ConnectGraph struct {
ClusterID peer.ID
IPFSLinks map[peer.ID][]peer.ID // ipfs to ipfs links
ClusterLinks map[peer.ID][]peer.ID // cluster to cluster links
ClustertoIPFS map[peer.ID]peer.ID // cluster to ipfs links
// ConnectGraphSerial is the serializable ConnectGraph counterpart for RPC requests
type ConnectGraphSerial struct {
ClusterID string
IPFSLinks map[string][]string `json:"ipfs_links"`
ClusterLinks map[string][]string `json:"cluster_links"`
ClustertoIPFS map[string]string `json:"cluster_to_ipfs"`
// ToSerial converts a ConnectGraph to its Go-serializable version
func (cg ConnectGraph) ToSerial() ConnectGraphSerial {
IPFSLinksSerial := serializeLinkMap(cg.IPFSLinks)
ClusterLinksSerial := serializeLinkMap(cg.ClusterLinks)
ClustertoIPFSSerial := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range cg.ClustertoIPFS {
ClustertoIPFSSerial[peer.IDB58Encode(k)] = peer.IDB58Encode(v)
return ConnectGraphSerial{
ClusterID: peer.IDB58Encode(cg.ClusterID),
IPFSLinks: IPFSLinksSerial,
ClusterLinks: ClusterLinksSerial,
ClustertoIPFS: ClustertoIPFSSerial,
// ToConnectGraph converts a ConnectGraphSerial to a ConnectGraph
func (cgs ConnectGraphSerial) ToConnectGraph() ConnectGraph {
ClustertoIPFS := make(map[peer.ID]peer.ID)
for k, v := range cgs.ClustertoIPFS {
pid1, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
pid2, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(v)
ClustertoIPFS[pid1] = pid2
pid, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(cgs.ClusterID)
return ConnectGraph{
ClusterID: pid,
IPFSLinks: deserializeLinkMap(cgs.IPFSLinks),
ClusterLinks: deserializeLinkMap(cgs.ClusterLinks),
ClustertoIPFS: ClustertoIPFS,
func serializeLinkMap(Links map[peer.ID][]peer.ID) map[string][]string {
LinksSerial := make(map[string][]string)
for k, v := range Links {
kS := peer.IDB58Encode(k)
LinksSerial[kS] = PeersToStrings(v)
return LinksSerial
func deserializeLinkMap(LinksSerial map[string][]string) map[peer.ID][]peer.ID {
Links := make(map[peer.ID][]peer.ID)
for k, v := range LinksSerial {
pid, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(k)
Links[pid] = StringsToPeers(v)
return Links
// SwarmPeers lists an ipfs daemon's peers
type SwarmPeers []peer.ID
// SwarmPeersSerial is the serialized form of SwarmPeers for RPC use
type SwarmPeersSerial []string
// ToSerial converts SwarmPeers to its Go-serializeable version
func (swarm SwarmPeers) ToSerial() SwarmPeersSerial {
return PeersToStrings(swarm)
// ToSwarmPeers converts a SwarmPeersSerial object to SwarmPeers.
func (swarmS SwarmPeersSerial) ToSwarmPeers() SwarmPeers {
return StringsToPeers(swarmS)
// ID holds information about the Cluster peer
type ID struct {
ID peer.ID
Addresses []ma.Multiaddr
ClusterPeers []peer.ID
ClusterPeersAddresses []ma.Multiaddr
Version string
Commit string
RPCProtocolVersion protocol.ID
Error string
Peername string
//PublicKey crypto.PubKey
// IDSerial is the serializable ID counterpart for RPC requests
type IDSerial struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Addresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"addresses"`
ClusterPeers []string `json:"cluster_peers"`
ClusterPeersAddresses MultiaddrsSerial `json:"cluster_peers_addresses"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
RPCProtocolVersion string `json:"rpc_protocol_version"`
Error string `json:"error"`
IPFS IPFSIDSerial `json:"ipfs"`
Peername string `json:"peername"`
//PublicKey []byte
// ToSerial converts an ID to its Go-serializable version
func (id ID) ToSerial() IDSerial {
//var pkey []byte
//if id.PublicKey != nil {
// pkey, _ = id.PublicKey.Bytes()
p := ""
if id.ID != "" {
p = peer.IDB58Encode(id.ID)
return IDSerial{
ID: p,
Addresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.Addresses),
ClusterPeers: PeersToStrings(id.ClusterPeers),
ClusterPeersAddresses: MultiaddrsToSerial(id.ClusterPeersAddresses),
Version: id.Version,
Commit: id.Commit,
RPCProtocolVersion: string(id.RPCProtocolVersion),
Error: id.Error,
IPFS: id.IPFS.ToSerial(),
Peername: id.Peername,
//PublicKey: pkey,
// ToID converts an IDSerial object to ID.
// It will ignore any errors when parsing the fields.
func (ids IDSerial) ToID() ID {
id := ID{}
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ids.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(ids.ID, err)
id.ID = p
//if pkey, err := crypto.UnmarshalPublicKey(ids.PublicKey); err == nil {
// id.PublicKey = pkey
id.Addresses = ids.Addresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.ClusterPeers = StringsToPeers(ids.ClusterPeers)
id.ClusterPeersAddresses = ids.ClusterPeersAddresses.ToMultiaddrs()
id.Version = ids.Version
id.Commit = ids.Commit
id.RPCProtocolVersion = protocol.ID(ids.RPCProtocolVersion)
id.Error = ids.Error
id.Peername = ids.Peername
return id
// MultiaddrSerial is a Multiaddress in a serializable form
type MultiaddrSerial string
// MultiaddrsSerial is an array of Multiaddresses in serializable form
type MultiaddrsSerial []MultiaddrSerial
// MultiaddrToSerial converts a Multiaddress to its serializable form
func MultiaddrToSerial(addr ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrSerial {
if addr != nil {
return MultiaddrSerial(addr.String())
return ""
// ToMultiaddr converts a serializable Multiaddress to its original type.
// All errors are ignored.
func (addrS MultiaddrSerial) ToMultiaddr() ma.Multiaddr {
str := string(addrS)
a, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(str)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(str, err)
return a
// MultiaddrsToSerial converts a slice of Multiaddresses to its
// serializable form.
func MultiaddrsToSerial(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) MultiaddrsSerial {
addrsS := make([]MultiaddrSerial, len(addrs), len(addrs))
for i, a := range addrs {
if a != nil {
addrsS[i] = MultiaddrToSerial(a)
return addrsS
// ToMultiaddrs converts MultiaddrsSerial back to a slice of Multiaddresses
func (addrsS MultiaddrsSerial) ToMultiaddrs() []ma.Multiaddr {
addrs := make([]ma.Multiaddr, len(addrsS), len(addrsS))
for i, addrS := range addrsS {
addrs[i] = addrS.ToMultiaddr()
return addrs
// CidsToStrings encodes cid.Cids to strings.
func CidsToStrings(cids []cid.Cid) []string {
strs := make([]string, len(cids))
for i, c := range cids {
strs[i] = c.String()
return strs
// StringsToCidSet decodes cid.Cids from strings.
func StringsToCidSet(strs []string) *cid.Set {
cids := cid.NewSet()
for _, str := range strs {
c, err := cid.Decode(str)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(str, err)
return cids
// PinType specifies which sort of Pin object we are dealing with.
// In practice, the PinType decides how a Pin object is treated by the
// PinTracker.
// See descriptions above.
// A sharded Pin would look like:
// [ Meta ] (not pinned on IPFS, only present in cluster state)
// |
// v
// [ Cluster DAG ] (pinned everywhere in "direct")
// | .. |
// v v
// [Shard1] .. [ShardN] (allocated to peers and pinned with max-depth=1
// | | .. | | | .. |
// v v .. v v v .. v
// [][]..[] [][]..[] Blocks (indirectly pinned on ipfs, not tracked in cluster)
type PinType uint64
// PinType values. See PinType documentation for further explanation.
const (
// BadType type showing up anywhere indicates a bug
BadType PinType = 1 << iota
// DataType is a regular, non-sharded pin. It is pinned recursively.
// It has no associated reference.
// MetaType tracks the original CID of a sharded DAG. Its Reference
// points to the Cluster DAG CID.
// ClusterDAGType pins carry the CID of the root node that points to
// all the shard-root-nodes of the shards in which a DAG has been
// divided. Its Reference carries the MetaType CID.
// ClusterDAGType pins are pinned directly everywhere.
// ShardType pins carry the root CID of a shard, which points
// to individual blocks on the original DAG that the user is adding,
// which has been sharded.
// They carry a Reference to the previous shard.
// ShardTypes are pinned with MaxDepth=1 (root and
// direct children only).
// AllType is a PinType used for filtering all pin types
const AllType PinType = DataType | MetaType | ClusterDAGType | ShardType
// PinTypeFromString is the inverse of String. It returns the PinType value
// corresponding to the input string
func PinTypeFromString(str string) PinType {
switch str {
case "pin":
return DataType
case "meta-pin":
return MetaType
case "clusterdag-pin":
return ClusterDAGType
case "shard-pin":
return ShardType
case "all":
return AllType
return BadType
// String returns a printable value to identify the PinType
func (pT PinType) String() string {
switch pT {
case DataType:
return "pin"
case MetaType:
return "meta-pin"
case ClusterDAGType:
return "clusterdag-pin"
case ShardType:
return "shard-pin"
case AllType:
return "all"
return "bad-type"
// PinOptions wraps user-defined options for Pins
type PinOptions struct {
ReplicationFactorMin int `json:"replication_factor_min"`
ReplicationFactorMax int `json:"replication_factor_max"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ShardSize uint64 `json:"shard_size"`
// Pin carries all the information associated to a CID that is pinned
// in IPFS Cluster.
type Pin struct {
Cid cid.Cid
// See PinType comments
Type PinType
// The peers to which this pin is allocated
Allocations []peer.ID
// MaxDepth associated to this pin. -1 means
// recursive.
MaxDepth int
// We carry a reference CID to this pin. For
// ClusterDAGs, it is the MetaPin CID. For the
// MetaPin it is the ClusterDAG CID. For Shards,
// it is the previous shard CID.
Reference cid.Cid
// PinCid is a shortcut to create a Pin only with a Cid. Default is for pin to
// be recursive and the pin to be of DataType.
func PinCid(c cid.Cid) Pin {
return Pin{
Cid: c,
Type: DataType,
Allocations: []peer.ID{},
MaxDepth: -1,
// PinWithOpts creates a new Pin calling PinCid(c) and then sets
// its PinOptions fields with the given options.
func PinWithOpts(c cid.Cid, opts PinOptions) Pin {
p := PinCid(c)
p.ReplicationFactorMin = opts.ReplicationFactorMin
p.ReplicationFactorMax = opts.ReplicationFactorMax
p.Name = opts.Name
p.ShardSize = opts.ShardSize
return p
// PinSerial is a serializable version of Pin
type PinSerial struct {
Cid string `json:"cid"`
Type uint64 `json:"type"`
Allocations []string `json:"allocations"`
MaxDepth int `json:"max_depth"`
Reference string `json:"reference"`
// ToSerial converts a Pin to PinSerial.
func (pin Pin) ToSerial() PinSerial {
c := ""
if pin.Cid.Defined() {
c = pin.Cid.String()
ref := ""
if pin.Reference.Defined() {
ref = pin.Reference.String()
n := pin.Name
allocs := PeersToStrings(pin.Allocations)
return PinSerial{
Cid: c,
Allocations: allocs,
Type: uint64(pin.Type),
MaxDepth: pin.MaxDepth,
Reference: ref,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
Name: n,
ReplicationFactorMin: pin.ReplicationFactorMin,
ReplicationFactorMax: pin.ReplicationFactorMax,
ShardSize: pin.ShardSize,
// Equals checks if two pins are the same (with the same allocations).
// If allocations are the same but in different order, they are still
// considered equivalent.
func (pin Pin) Equals(pin2 Pin) bool {
pin1s := pin.ToSerial()
pin2s := pin2.ToSerial()
if pin1s.Cid != pin2s.Cid {
return false
if pin1s.Name != pin2s.Name {
return false
if pin1s.Type != pin2s.Type {
return false
if pin1s.MaxDepth != pin2s.MaxDepth {
return false
if pin1s.ShardSize != pin2s.ShardSize {
return false
if strings.Join(pin1s.Allocations, ",") != strings.Join(pin2s.Allocations, ",") {
return false
if pin1s.ReplicationFactorMax != pin2s.ReplicationFactorMax {
return false
if pin1s.ReplicationFactorMin != pin2s.ReplicationFactorMin {
return false
if pin1s.Reference != pin2s.Reference {
return false
return true
// IsRemotePin determines whether a Pin's ReplicationFactor has
// been met, so as to either pin or unpin it from the peer.
func (pin Pin) IsRemotePin(pid peer.ID) bool {
if pin.ReplicationFactorMax < 0 || pin.ReplicationFactorMin < 0 {
return false
for _, p := range pin.Allocations {
if p == pid {
return false
return true
// ToPin converts a PinSerial to its native form.
func (pins PinSerial) ToPin() Pin {
c, err := cid.Decode(pins.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pins.Cid, err)
var ref cid.Cid
if pins.Reference != "" {
ref, err = cid.Decode(pins.Reference)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning(pins.Reference, err)
return Pin{
Cid: c,
Allocations: StringsToPeers(pins.Allocations),
Type: PinType(pins.Type),
MaxDepth: pins.MaxDepth,
Reference: ref,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
Name: pins.Name,
ReplicationFactorMin: pins.ReplicationFactorMin,
ReplicationFactorMax: pins.ReplicationFactorMax,
ShardSize: pins.ShardSize,
// Clone returns a deep copy of the PinSerial.
func (pins PinSerial) Clone() PinSerial {
new := pins // this copy all the simple fields.
// slices are pointers. We need to explicitally copy them.
new.Allocations = make([]string, len(pins.Allocations))
copy(new.Allocations, pins.Allocations)
return new
// DecodeCid retrieves just the cid from a PinSerial without
// allocating a Pin.
func (pins PinSerial) DecodeCid() cid.Cid {
c, err := cid.Decode(pins.Cid)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(pins.Cid, err)
return c
// NodeWithMeta specifies a block of data and a set of optional metadata fields
// carrying information about the encoded ipld node
type NodeWithMeta struct {
Data []byte
Cid string
CumSize uint64 // Cumulative size
Format string
// Size returns how big is the block. It is different from CumSize, which
// records the size of the underlying tree.
func (n *NodeWithMeta) Size() uint64 {
return uint64(len(n.Data))
// Metric transports information about a peer.ID. It is used to decide
// pin allocations by a PinAllocator. IPFS cluster is agnostic to
// the Value, which should be interpreted by the PinAllocator.
type Metric struct {
Name string
Peer peer.ID
Value string
Expire int64
Valid bool
// SetTTL sets Metric to expire after the given time.Duration
func (m *Metric) SetTTL(d time.Duration) {
exp := time.Now().Add(d)
m.Expire = exp.UnixNano()
// GetTTL returns the time left before the Metric expires
func (m *Metric) GetTTL() time.Duration {
expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
return expDate.Sub(time.Now())
// Expired returns if the Metric has expired
func (m *Metric) Expired() bool {
expDate := time.Unix(0, m.Expire)
return time.Now().After(expDate)
// Discard returns if the metric not valid or has expired
func (m *Metric) Discard() bool {
return !m.Valid || m.Expired()
// MetricSerial is a helper for JSON marshaling. The Metric type is already
// serializable, but not pretty to humans (API).
type MetricSerial struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Peer string `json:"peer"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Expire int64 `json:"expire"`
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
// MarshalJSON allows a Metric to produce a JSON representation
// of itself.
func (m *Metric) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(&MetricSerial{
Name: m.Name,
Peer: peer.IDB58Encode(m.Peer),
Value: m.Value,
Expire: m.Expire,
// UnmarshalJSON decodes JSON on top of the Metric.
func (m *Metric) UnmarshalJSON(j []byte) error {
if bytes.Equal(j, []byte("null")) {
return nil
ms := &MetricSerial{}
err := json.Unmarshal(j, ms)
if err != nil {
return err
p, err := peer.IDB58Decode(ms.Peer)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Name = ms.Name
m.Peer = p
m.Value = ms.Value
m.Expire = ms.Expire
return nil
// Alert carries alerting information about a peer. WIP.
type Alert struct {
Peer peer.ID
MetricName string
// Error can be used by APIs to return errors.
type Error struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Error implements the error interface and returns the error's message.
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", e.Message, e.Code)
// IPFSRepoStat wraps information about the IPFS repository.
type IPFSRepoStat struct {
RepoSize uint64
StorageMax uint64