Hector Sanjuan d3d1f960f5 Feat: Enable DHT-based peer discovery and routing for cluster peers
This uses go-libp2p-kad-dht as routing provider for the Cluster Peers.

This means that:

* A cluster peer can discover other Cluster peers even if they are
not in their peerstore file.
* We remove a bunch of code sending and receiving peers multiaddresses
when a new peer was added to the Cluster.
* PeerAdd now takes an ID and not a multiaddress. We do not need to
ask the new peer which is our external multiaddress nor broadcast
the new multiaddress to everyone. This will fix problems when bootstrapping
a new peer to the Cluster while not all the other peers are online.
* Adding a new peer does not mean to open connections to all peers
anymore. The number of connections will be made according to the DHT
parameters (this is good to have for future work)

The that detecting a peer addition in the watchPeers() function does
no longer mean that we have connected to it or that we know its
multiaddresses. Therefore it's no point to save the peerstore in these
events anymore.

Here a question opens, should we save the peerstore at all, and should we
save multiaddresses only for cluster peers, or for everyone known?
Currently, the peerstore is only updated on clean shutdown,
and it is updated with all the multiaddresses known, and not limited to
peer IDs in the cluster, (because, why not).

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2018-07-24 15:33:41 +02:00

304 lines
8.2 KiB

package client
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
func (c *Client) ID() (api.ID, error) {
var id api.IDSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/id", nil, &id)
return id.ToID(), err
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
func (c *Client) Peers() ([]api.ID, error) {
var ids []api.IDSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/peers", nil, &ids)
result := make([]api.ID, len(ids))
for i, id := range ids {
result[i] = id.ToID()
return result, err
type peerAddBody struct {
PeerID string `json:"peer_id"`
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
func (c *Client) PeerAdd(pid peer.ID) (api.ID, error) {
pidStr := peer.IDB58Encode(pid)
body := peerAddBody{pidStr}
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
var id api.IDSerial
err := c.do("POST", "/peers", &buf, &id)
return id.ToID(), err
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster
func (c *Client) PeerRm(id peer.ID) error {
return c.do("DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("/peers/%s", id.Pretty()), nil, nil)
// Pin tracks a Cid with the given replication factor and a name for
// human-friendliness.
func (c *Client) Pin(ci *cid.Cid, replicationFactorMin, replicationFactorMax int, name string) error {
escName := url.QueryEscape(name)
err := c.do(
return err
// Unpin untracks a Cid from cluster.
func (c *Client) Unpin(ci *cid.Cid) error {
return c.do("DELETE", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s", ci.String()), nil, nil)
// Allocations returns the consensus state listing all tracked items and
// the peers that should be pinning them.
func (c *Client) Allocations() ([]api.Pin, error) {
var pins []api.PinSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/allocations", nil, &pins)
result := make([]api.Pin, len(pins))
for i, p := range pins {
result[i] = p.ToPin()
return result, err
// Allocation returns the current allocations for a given Cid.
func (c *Client) Allocation(ci *cid.Cid) (api.Pin, error) {
var pin api.PinSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/allocations/%s", ci.String()), nil, &pin)
return pin.ToPin(), err
// Status returns the current ipfs state for a given Cid. If local is true,
// the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the information
// is fetched from all cluster peers.
func (c *Client) Status(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// StatusAll gathers Status() for all tracked items.
func (c *Client) StatusAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/pins?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Sync makes sure the state of a Cid corresponds to the state reported by
// the ipfs daemon, and returns it. If local is true, this operation only
// happens on the current peer, otherwise it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) Sync(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s/sync?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// SyncAll triggers Sync() operations for all tracked items. It only returns
// informations for items that were de-synced or have an error state. If
// local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) SyncAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/sync?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Recover retriggers pin or unpin ipfs operations for a Cid in error state.
// If local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer, otherwise
// it happens on every cluster peer.
func (c *Client) Recover(ci *cid.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpi api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/%s/recover?local=%t", ci.String(), local), nil, &gpi)
return gpi.ToGlobalPinInfo(), err
// RecoverAll triggers Recover() operations on all tracked items. If local is
// true, the operation is limited to the current peer. Otherwise, it happens
// everywhere.
func (c *Client) RecoverAll(local bool) ([]api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
var gpis []api.GlobalPinInfoSerial
err := c.do("POST", fmt.Sprintf("/pins/recover?local=%t", local), nil, &gpis)
result := make([]api.GlobalPinInfo, len(gpis))
for i, p := range gpis {
result[i] = p.ToGlobalPinInfo()
return result, err
// Version returns the ipfs-cluster peer's version.
func (c *Client) Version() (api.Version, error) {
var ver api.Version
err := c.do("GET", "/version", nil, &ver)
return ver, err
// GetConnectGraph returns an ipfs-cluster connection graph.
// The serialized version, strings instead of pids, is returned
func (c *Client) GetConnectGraph() (api.ConnectGraphSerial, error) {
var graphS api.ConnectGraphSerial
err := c.do("GET", "/health/graph", nil, &graphS)
return graphS, err
// WaitFor is a utility function that allows for a caller to
// wait for a paticular status for a CID. It returns a channel
// upon which the caller can wait for the targetStatus.
func (c *Client) WaitFor(ctx context.Context, fp StatusFilterParams) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
sf := newStatusFilter()
go sf.pollStatus(ctx, c, fp)
go sf.filter(ctx, fp)
var status api.GlobalPinInfo
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return api.GlobalPinInfo{}, ctx.Err()
case err := <-sf.Err:
return api.GlobalPinInfo{}, err
case st, ok := <-sf.Out:
if !ok { // channel closed
return status, nil
status = st
// StatusFilterParams contains the parameters required
// to filter a stream of status results.
type StatusFilterParams struct {
Cid *cid.Cid
Local bool
Target api.TrackerStatus
CheckFreq time.Duration
type statusFilter struct {
In, Out chan api.GlobalPinInfo
Done chan struct{}
Err chan error
func newStatusFilter() *statusFilter {
return &statusFilter{
In: make(chan api.GlobalPinInfo),
Out: make(chan api.GlobalPinInfo),
Done: make(chan struct{}),
Err: make(chan error),
func (sf *statusFilter) filter(ctx context.Context, fp StatusFilterParams) {
defer close(sf.Done)
defer close(sf.Out)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
sf.Err <- ctx.Err()
case gblPinInfo, more := <-sf.In:
if !more {
ok, err := statusReached(fp.Target, gblPinInfo)
if err != nil {
sf.Err <- err
sf.Out <- gblPinInfo
if !ok {
func (sf *statusFilter) pollStatus(ctx context.Context, c *Client, fp StatusFilterParams) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(fp.CheckFreq)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
sf.Err <- ctx.Err()
case <-ticker.C:
gblPinInfo, err := c.Status(fp.Cid, fp.Local)
if err != nil {
sf.Err <- err
logger.Debugf("pollStatus: status: %#v", gblPinInfo)
sf.In <- gblPinInfo
case <-sf.Done:
func statusReached(target api.TrackerStatus, gblPinInfo api.GlobalPinInfo) (bool, error) {
for _, pinInfo := range gblPinInfo.PeerMap {
switch pinInfo.Status {
case target:
case api.TrackerStatusBug, api.TrackerStatusClusterError, api.TrackerStatusPinError, api.TrackerStatusUnpinError:
return false, fmt.Errorf("error has occurred while attempting to reach status: %s", target.String())
case api.TrackerStatusRemote:
if target == api.TrackerStatusPinned {
continue // to next pinInfo
return false, nil
return false, nil
return true, nil