Hector Sanjuan d57b81490f State: Use go-datastore to implement the state interface
Since the beginning, we have used a Go map to store the shared state (pinset)
in memory. The mapstate knew how to serialize itself so that libp2p-raft would
know how to write to disk when it:

* Saved snapshots of the state on shutdown
* Sent the state to a newcomer peer

hashicorp.Raft assumes an in-memory state which is snapshotted from time to
time and read from disk on boot.

This commit adds a `dsstate` implementation of the state interface using
`go-datastore`. This allows to effortlessly switch to a disk-backed state in
the future (as we will need), and also have at our disposal the different
implementations and utilities of Datastore for fine-tuning (caching, batching

`mapstate` has been reworked to use dsstate. Ideally, we would not even need
`mapstate`, as it would suffice to initialize `dsstate` with a
`MapDatastore`. BUT, we still need it separate to be able to auto-migrate to
the new format.

This will be the last migration with the current system. Once this has been
released and users have been able to upgrade we will just remove `mapstate` as
it is now.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2019-02-19 18:31:14 +00:00

352 lines
8.5 KiB

package api
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
var testTime = time.Date(2017, 12, 31, 15, 45, 50, 0, time.UTC)
var testMAddr, _ = ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
var testMAddr2, _ = ma.NewMultiaddr("/dns4/a.b.c.d")
var testMAddr3, _ = ma.NewMultiaddr("/ip4/")
var testCid1, _ = cid.Decode("QmP63DkAFEnDYNjDYBpyNDfttu1fvUw99x1brscPzpqmmq")
var testCid2, _ = cid.Decode("QmYCLpFCj9Av8NFjkQogvtXspnTDFWaizLpVFEijHTH4eV")
var testCid3, _ = cid.Decode("QmZmdA3UZKuHuy9FrWsxJ82q21nbEh97NUnxTzF5EHxZia")
var testCid4, _ = cid.Decode("QmZbNfi13Sb2WUDMjiW1ZNhnds5KDk6mJB5hP9B5h9m5CJ")
var testPeerID1, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmXZrtE5jQwXNqCJMfHUTQkvhQ4ZAnqMnmzFMJfLewuabc")
var testPeerID2, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmXZrtE5jQwXNqCJMfHUTQkvhQ4ZAnqMnmzFMJfLewuabd")
var testPeerID3, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmPGDFvBkgWhvzEK9qaTWrWurSwqXNmhnK3hgELPdZZNPa")
var testPeerID4, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmZ8naDy5mEz4GLuQwjWt9MPYqHTBbsm8tQBrNSjiq6zBc")
var testPeerID5, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmZVAo3wd8s5eTTy2kPYs34J9PvfxpKPuYsePPYGjgRRjg")
var testPeerID6, _ = peer.IDB58Decode("QmR8Vu6kZk7JvAN2rWVWgiduHatgBq2bb15Yyq8RRhYSbx")
func TestTrackerFromString(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []string{"cluster_error", "pin_error", "unpin_error", "pinned", "pinning", "unpinning", "unpinned", "remote"}
for i, tc := range testcases {
if TrackerStatusFromString(tc).String() != TrackerStatus(1<<uint(i+1)).String() {
t.Errorf("%s does not match TrackerStatus %d", tc, i)
if TrackerStatusFromString("") != TrackerStatusUndefined ||
TrackerStatusFromString("xyz") != TrackerStatusUndefined {
t.Error("expected tracker status undefined for bad strings")
func TestIPFSPinStatusFromString(t *testing.T) {
testcases := []string{"direct", "recursive", "indirect"}
for i, tc := range testcases {
if IPFSPinStatusFromString(tc) != IPFSPinStatus(i+2) {
t.Errorf("%s does not match IPFSPinStatus %d", tc, i+2)
func TestGlobalPinInfoConv(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
gpi := GlobalPinInfo{
Cid: testCid1,
PeerMap: map[peer.ID]PinInfo{
testPeerID1: {
Cid: testCid1,
Peer: testPeerID1,
Status: TrackerStatusPinned,
TS: testTime,
newgpi := gpi.ToSerial().ToGlobalPinInfo()
if gpi.Cid.String() != newgpi.Cid.String() {
t.Error("mismatching CIDs")
if gpi.PeerMap[testPeerID1].Cid.String() != newgpi.PeerMap[testPeerID1].Cid.String() {
t.Error("mismatching PinInfo CIDs")
if !gpi.PeerMap[testPeerID1].TS.Equal(newgpi.PeerMap[testPeerID1].TS) {
t.Error("bad time")
func TestIDConv(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
id := ID{
ID: testPeerID1,
Addresses: []ma.Multiaddr{testMAddr},
ClusterPeers: []peer.ID{testPeerID2},
ClusterPeersAddresses: []ma.Multiaddr{testMAddr2},
Version: "testv",
Commit: "ab",
RPCProtocolVersion: "testp",
Error: "teste",
ID: testPeerID2,
Addresses: []ma.Multiaddr{testMAddr3},
Error: "abc",
newid := id.ToSerial().ToID()
if id.ID != newid.ID {
t.Error("mismatching Peer IDs")
if !id.Addresses[0].Equal(newid.Addresses[0]) {
t.Error("mismatching addresses")
if id.ClusterPeers[0] != newid.ClusterPeers[0] {
t.Error("mismatching clusterPeers")
if !id.ClusterPeersAddresses[0].Equal(newid.ClusterPeersAddresses[0]) {
t.Error("mismatching clusterPeersAddresses")
if id.Version != newid.Version ||
id.Commit != newid.Commit ||
id.RPCProtocolVersion != newid.RPCProtocolVersion ||
id.Error != newid.Error {
t.Error("some field didn't survive")
if id.IPFS.ID != newid.IPFS.ID {
t.Error("ipfs daemon id mismatch")
if !id.IPFS.Addresses[0].Equal(newid.IPFS.Addresses[0]) {
t.Error("mismatching addresses")
if id.IPFS.Error != newid.IPFS.Error {
t.Error("ipfs error mismatch")
func TestConnectGraphConv(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
cg := ConnectGraph{
ClusterID: testPeerID1,
IPFSLinks: map[peer.ID][]peer.ID{
testPeerID4: []peer.ID{testPeerID5, testPeerID6},
testPeerID5: []peer.ID{testPeerID4, testPeerID6},
testPeerID6: []peer.ID{testPeerID4, testPeerID5},
ClusterLinks: map[peer.ID][]peer.ID{
testPeerID1: []peer.ID{testPeerID2, testPeerID3},
testPeerID2: []peer.ID{testPeerID1, testPeerID3},
testPeerID3: []peer.ID{testPeerID1, testPeerID2},
ClustertoIPFS: map[peer.ID]peer.ID{
testPeerID1: testPeerID4,
testPeerID2: testPeerID5,
testPeerID3: testPeerID6,
cgNew := cg.ToSerial().ToConnectGraph()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(cg, cgNew) {
t.Fatal("The new connect graph should be equivalent to the old")
func TestMultiaddrConv(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
addrs := []ma.Multiaddr{testMAddr2}
new := MultiaddrsToSerial(addrs).ToMultiaddrs()
if !addrs[0].Equal(new[0]) {
func TestPinConv(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
c := Pin{
Cid: testCid1,
Type: ClusterDAGType,
Allocations: []peer.ID{testPeerID1},
Reference: testCid2,
MaxDepth: -1,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
ReplicationFactorMax: -1,
ReplicationFactorMin: -1,
Name: "A test pin",
newc := c.ToSerial().ToPin()
if !c.Cid.Equals(newc.Cid) ||
c.Allocations[0] != newc.Allocations[0] ||
c.ReplicationFactorMin != newc.ReplicationFactorMin ||
c.ReplicationFactorMax != newc.ReplicationFactorMax ||
c.MaxDepth != newc.MaxDepth ||
!c.Reference.Equals(newc.Reference) ||
c.Name != newc.Name || c.Type != newc.Type {
fmt.Printf("c: %+v\ncnew: %+v\n", c, newc)
if !c.Equals(newc) {
t.Error("all pin fields are equal but Equals returns false")
func TestMetric(t *testing.T) {
m := Metric{
Name: "hello",
Value: "abc",
if !m.Expired() {
t.Error("metric should be expired")
m.SetTTL(1 * time.Second)
if m.Expired() {
t.Error("metric should not be expired")
// let it expire
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
if !m.Expired() {
t.Error("metric should be expired")
m.SetTTL(30 * time.Second)
m.Valid = true
if m.Discard() {
t.Error("metric should be valid")
m.Valid = false
if !m.Discard() {
t.Error("metric should be invalid")
ttl := m.GetTTL()
if ttl > 30*time.Second || ttl < 29*time.Second {
t.Error("looks like a bad ttl")
func BenchmarkPinSerial_ToPin(b *testing.B) {
pin := Pin{
Cid: testCid1,
Type: ClusterDAGType,
Allocations: []peer.ID{testPeerID1},
Reference: testCid2,
MaxDepth: -1,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
ReplicationFactorMax: -1,
ReplicationFactorMin: -1,
Name: "A test pin",
pinS := pin.ToSerial()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkPinSerial_DecodeCid(b *testing.B) {
pin := Pin{
Cid: testCid1,
Type: ClusterDAGType,
Allocations: []peer.ID{testPeerID1},
Reference: testCid2,
MaxDepth: -1,
PinOptions: PinOptions{
ReplicationFactorMax: -1,
ReplicationFactorMin: -1,
Name: "A test pin",
pinS := pin.ToSerial()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func TestConvertPinType(t *testing.T) {
for _, t1 := range []PinType{BadType, ShardType} {
i := convertPinType(t1)
t2 := PinType(1 << uint64(i))
if t2 != t1 {
t.Error("bad conversion")
func checkDupTags(t *testing.T, name string, typ reflect.Type, tags map[string]struct{}) {
if tags == nil {
tags = make(map[string]struct{})
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
f := typ.Field(i)
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && f.Anonymous {
checkDupTags(t, name, f.Type, tags)
tag := f.Tag.Get(name)
if tag == "" {
val := strings.Split(tag, ",")[0]
t.Logf("%s: '%s:%s'", f.Name, name, val)
_, ok := tags[val]
if ok {
t.Errorf("%s: tag %s already used", f.Name, val)
tags[val] = struct{}{}
// TestPinTags checks that we are not re-using the same codec tag for
// different fields in the Pin object.
func TestPinTags(t *testing.T) {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(PinSerial{})
checkDupTags(t, "codec", typ, nil)