Adrian Lanzafame 3b3f786d68
add opencensus tracing and metrics
This commit adds support for OpenCensus tracing
and metrics collection. This required support for
context.Context propogation throughout the cluster
codebase, and in particular, the ipfscluster component

The tracing propogates across RPC and HTTP boundaries.
The current default tracing backend is Jaeger.

The metrics currently exports the metrics exposed by
the opencensus http plugin as well as the pprof metrics
to a prometheus endpoint for scraping.
The current default metrics backend is Prometheus.

Metrics are currently exposed by default due to low
overhead, can be turned off if desired, whereas tracing
is off by default as it has a much higher performance
overhead, though the extent of the performance hit can be
adjusted with smaller sampling rates.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Adrian Lanzafame <adrianlanzafame92@gmail.com>
2019-02-04 18:53:21 +10:00

624 lines
14 KiB

package ipfscluster
import (
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
peerstore "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peerstore"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
func peerManagerClusters(t *testing.T) ([]*Cluster, []*test.IpfsMock) {
cls := make([]*Cluster, nClusters, nClusters)
mocks := make([]*test.IpfsMock, nClusters, nClusters)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
go func(i int) {
defer wg.Done()
cl, m := createOnePeerCluster(t, i, testingClusterSecret)
cls[i] = cl
mocks[i] = m
// This allows discovery
// PeerAdd won't work without this.
for i := 1; i < nClusters; i++ {
err := cls[i].host.Connect(
ID: cls[0].id,
Addrs: cls[0].host.Addrs(),
if err != nil {
return cls, mocks
func clusterAddr(c *Cluster) ma.Multiaddr {
for _, a := range c.host.Addrs() {
if _, err := a.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_IP4); err == nil {
p := peer.IDB58Encode(c.id)
cAddr, _ := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("%s/ipfs/%s", a, p))
return cAddr
return nil
func TestClustersPeerAdd(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 2 {
t.Skip("need at least 2 nodes for this test")
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
id, err := clusters[0].PeerAdd(ctx, clusters[i].id)
if err != nil {
if len(id.ClusterPeers) != i+1 {
// ClusterPeers is originally empty and contains nodes as we add them
t.Log(i, id.ClusterPeers)
t.Fatal("cluster peers should be up to date with the cluster")
h, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
err := clusters[1].Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(h))
if err != nil {
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
ids := c.Peers(ctx)
// check they are tracked by the peer manager
if len(ids) != nClusters {
t.Error("added clusters are not part of clusters")
// Check that they are part of the consensus
pins := c.Pins(ctx)
if len(pins) != 1 {
t.Error("expected 1 pin everywhere")
if len(c.ID(ctx).ClusterPeers) != nClusters {
t.Error("By now cluster peers should reflect all peers")
runF(t, clusters, f)
for _, c := range clusters {
f2 := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
// check that all peers are part of the peerstore
// (except ourselves)
addrs := c.peerManager.LoadPeerstore()
peerMap := make(map[peer.ID]struct{})
for _, a := range addrs {
pid, _, err := api.Libp2pMultiaddrSplit(a)
if err != nil {
peerMap[pid] = struct{}{}
if len(peerMap) == 0 {
t.Errorf("%s: peerstore to store at least 1 peer", c.id)
runF(t, clusters, f2)
func TestClustersJoinBadPeer(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 2 {
t.Skip("need at least 2 nodes for this test")
addr := clusterAddr(clusters[1])
// We add a cluster that has been shutdown
// (closed transports)
// Let the OS actually close the ports.
// Sometimes we hang otherwise.
err := clusters[0].Join(ctx, addr)
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error")
ids := clusters[0].Peers(ctx)
if len(ids) != 1 {
t.Error("cluster should have only one member")
func TestClustersPeerAddInUnhealthyCluster(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 3 {
t.Skip("need at least 3 nodes for this test")
_, err := clusters[0].PeerAdd(ctx, clusters[1].id)
ids := clusters[1].Peers(ctx)
if len(ids) != 2 {
t.Error("expected 2 peers")
// Now we shutdown the one member of the running cluster
// and try to add someone else.
err = clusters[1].Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Error("Shutdown should be clean: ", err)
delay() // This makes sure the leader realizes
//that it's not leader anymore. Otherwise it commits fine.
_, err = clusters[0].PeerAdd(ctx, clusters[2].id)
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error")
ids = clusters[0].Peers(ctx)
if len(ids) != 2 {
t.Error("cluster should still have 2 peers")
func TestClustersPeerRemove(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 2 {
t.Skip("test needs at least 2 clusters")
p := clusters[1].ID(ctx).ID
err := clusters[0].PeerRemove(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
if c.ID(ctx).ID == p { //This is the removed cluster
_, ok := <-c.Done()
if ok {
t.Error("removed peer should have exited")
} else {
ids := c.Peers(ctx)
if len(ids) != nClusters-1 {
t.Error("should have removed 1 peer")
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersPeerRemoveSelf(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// this test hangs sometimes if there are problems
clusters, mocks := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
for i := 0; i < len(clusters); i++ {
waitForLeaderAndMetrics(t, clusters)
peers := clusters[i].Peers(ctx)
t.Logf("Current cluster size: %d", len(peers))
if len(peers) != (len(clusters) - i) {
t.Fatal("Previous peers not removed correctly")
err := clusters[i].PeerRemove(ctx, clusters[i].ID(ctx).ID)
// Last peer member won't be able to remove itself
// In this case, we shut it down.
if err != nil {
if i != len(clusters)-1 { //not last
} else {
err := clusters[i].Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
_, more := <-clusters[i].Done()
if more {
t.Error("should be done")
func TestClustersPeerRemoveLeader(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// this test is like the one above, except it always
// removes the current leader.
// this test hangs sometimes if there are problems
clusters, mocks := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
findLeader := func() *Cluster {
var l peer.ID
for _, c := range clusters {
if !c.shutdownB {
waitForLeaderAndMetrics(t, clusters)
l, _ = c.consensus.Leader(ctx)
for _, c := range clusters {
if c.id == l {
return c
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(clusters); i++ {
leader := findLeader()
peers := leader.Peers(ctx)
t.Logf("Current cluster size: %d", len(peers))
if len(peers) != (len(clusters) - i) {
t.Fatal("Previous peers not removed correctly")
err := leader.PeerRemove(ctx, leader.id)
// Last peer member won't be able to remove itself
// In this case, we shut it down.
if err != nil {
if i != len(clusters)-1 { //not last
} else {
err := leader.Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
_, more := <-leader.Done()
if more {
t.Error("should be done")
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
func TestClustersPeerRemoveReallocsPins(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := createClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 3 {
t.Skip("test needs at least 3 clusters")
// Adjust the replication factor for re-allocation
for _, c := range clusters {
c.config.ReplicationFactorMin = nClusters - 1
c.config.ReplicationFactorMax = nClusters - 1
// We choose to remove the leader, to make things even more interesting
leaderID, err := clusters[0].consensus.Leader(ctx)
if err != nil {
var leader *Cluster
var leaderi int
for i, cl := range clusters {
if id := cl.ID(ctx).ID; id == leaderID {
leader = cl
leaderi = i
if leader == nil {
t.Fatal("did not find a leader?")
leaderMock := mocks[leaderi]
// Remove leader from set
clusters = append(clusters[:leaderi], clusters[leaderi+1:]...)
mocks = append(mocks[:leaderi], mocks[leaderi+1:]...)
defer leader.Shutdown(ctx)
defer leaderMock.Close()
tmpCid, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
prefix := tmpCid.Prefix()
// Pin nCluster random pins. This ensures each peer will
// pin the same number of Cids.
for i := 0; i < nClusters; i++ {
h, err := prefix.Sum(randomBytes())
checkErr(t, err)
err = leader.Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(h))
checkErr(t, err)
// At this point, all peers must have nClusters -1 pins
// associated to them.
// Find out which pins are associated to the leader.
interestingCids := []cid.Cid{}
pins := leader.Pins(ctx)
if len(pins) != nClusters {
t.Fatal("expected number of tracked pins to be nClusters")
for _, p := range pins {
if containsPeer(p.Allocations, leaderID) {
//t.Logf("%s pins %s", leaderID, p.Cid)
interestingCids = append(interestingCids, p.Cid)
if len(interestingCids) != nClusters-1 {
//t.Fatal("The number of allocated Cids is not expected")
t.Fatalf("Expected %d allocated CIDs but got %d", nClusters-1,
// Now the leader removes itself
err = leader.PeerRemove(ctx, leaderID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error removing peer:", err)
waitForLeaderAndMetrics(t, clusters)
delay() // this seems to fail when not waiting enough...
for _, icid := range interestingCids {
// Now check that the allocations are new.
newPin, err := clusters[1].PinGet(ctx, icid)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error getting the new allocations for", icid)
if containsPeer(newPin.Allocations, leaderID) {
t.Fatal("pin should not be allocated to the removed peer")
func TestClustersPeerJoin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 3 {
t.Skip("test needs at least 3 clusters")
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
err := clusters[i].Join(ctx, clusterAddr(clusters[0]))
if err != nil {
hash, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
clusters[0].Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(hash))
for _, p := range clusters {
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
peers := c.Peers(ctx)
str := c.id.String() + "\n"
for _, p := range peers {
str += " - " + p.ID.String() + "\n"
if len(peers) != nClusters {
t.Error("all peers should be connected")
pins := c.Pins(ctx)
if len(pins) != 1 || !pins[0].Cid.Equals(hash) {
t.Error("all peers should have pinned the cid")
runF(t, clusters, f)
func TestClustersPeerJoinAllAtOnce(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
if len(clusters) < 2 {
t.Skip("test needs at least 2 clusters")
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
err := c.Join(ctx, clusterAddr(clusters[0]))
if err != nil {
runF(t, clusters[1:], f)
hash, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
clusters[0].Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(hash))
f2 := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
peers := c.Peers(ctx)
if len(peers) != nClusters {
t.Error("all peers should be connected")
pins := c.Pins(ctx)
if len(pins) != 1 || !pins[0].Cid.Equals(hash) {
t.Error("all peers should have pinned the cid")
runF(t, clusters, f2)
// This test fails a lot when re-use port is not available (MacOS, Windows)
// func TestClustersPeerJoinAllAtOnceWithRandomBootstrap(t *testing.T) {
// clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
// defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
// if len(clusters) < 3 {
// t.Skip("test needs at least 3 clusters")
// }
// delay()
// // We have a 2 node cluster and the rest of nodes join
// // one of the two seeds randomly
// err := clusters[1].Join(clusterAddr(clusters[0]))
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
// j := rand.Intn(2)
// err := c.Join(clusterAddr(clusters[j]))
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// }
// runF(t, clusters[2:], f)
// hash, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
// clusters[0].Pin(api.PinCid(hash))
// delay()
// f2 := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
// peers := c.Peers()
// if len(peers) != nClusters {
// peersIds := []peer.ID{}
// for _, p := range peers {
// peersIds = append(peersIds, p.ID)
// }
// t.Errorf("%s sees %d peers: %s", c.id, len(peers), peersIds)
// }
// pins := c.Pins()
// if len(pins) != 1 || !pins[0].Cid.Equals(hash) {
// t.Error("all peers should have pinned the cid")
// }
// }
// runF(t, clusters, f2)
// }
// Tests that a peer catches up on the state correctly after rejoining
func TestClustersPeerRejoin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
clusters, mocks := peerManagerClusters(t)
defer shutdownClusters(t, clusters, mocks)
// pin something in c0
pin1, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid1)
err := clusters[0].Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(pin1))
if err != nil {
// add all clusters
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
err := clusters[i].Join(ctx, clusterAddr(clusters[0]))
if err != nil {
// all added peers should have the content
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
pinfo := clusters[i].tracker.Status(ctx, pin1)
if pinfo.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("Added peers should pin the content")
clusters[0].config.LeaveOnShutdown = true
err = clusters[0].Shutdown(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Forget peer so we can re-add one in same address/port
f := func(t *testing.T, c *Cluster) {
runF(t, clusters[1:], f)
// Pin something on the rest
pin2, _ := cid.Decode(test.TestCid2)
err = clusters[1].Pin(ctx, api.PinCid(pin2))
if err != nil {
// Rejoin c0
c0, m0 := createOnePeerCluster(t, 0, testingClusterSecret)
clusters[0] = c0
mocks[0] = m0
err = c0.Join(ctx, clusterAddr(clusters[1]))
if err != nil {
pinfo := clusters[0].tracker.Status(ctx, pin2)
if pinfo.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("re-joined cluster should have caught up")
pinfo = clusters[0].tracker.Status(ctx, pin1)
if pinfo.Status != api.TrackerStatusPinned {
t.Error("re-joined cluster should have original pin")