Hector Sanjuan 072f0bc722 Feat: support adding CAR files
This commit adds a new add option: "format".

This option specifies how IPFS Cluster is expected to build the DAG when
adding content. By default, it takes a "unixfs", which chunks and DAG-ifies as
it did before, resulting in a UnixFSv1 DAG.

Alternatively, it can be set to "car". In this case, Cluster will directly
read blocks from the CAR file and add them.

Adding CAR files or doing normal processing is independent from letting
cluster do sharding or not. If sharding is ever enabled, Cluster could
potentially shard a large CAR file among peers.

Currently, importing CAR files is limited to a single CAR file with a single
root (the one that is pinned). Future iterations may support multiple CARs
and/or multiple roots by transparently wrapping them.
2021-04-21 13:55:06 +02:00

187 lines
6.2 KiB

package sharding
// dag.go defines functions for constructing and parsing ipld-cbor nodes
// of the clusterDAG used to track sharded DAGs in ipfs-cluster
// Most logic goes into handling the edge cases in which clusterDAG
// metadata for a single shard cannot fit within a single shard node. We
// make the following simplifying assumption: a single shard will not track
// more than 35,808,256 links (~2^25). This is the limit at which the current
// shard node format would need 2 levels of indirect nodes to reference
// all of the links. Note that this limit is only reached at shard sizes 7
// times the size of the current default and then only when files are all
// 1 byte in size. In the future we may generalize the shard dag to multiple
// indirect nodes to accommodate much bigger shard sizes. Also note that the
// move to using the identity hash function in cids of very small data
// will improve link density in shard nodes and further reduce the need for
// multiple levels of indirection.
import (
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
cbor "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-cbor"
ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"
dag "github.com/ipfs/go-merkledag"
mh "github.com/multiformats/go-multihash"
// go-merkledag does this, but it may be moved.
// We include for explicitness.
func init() {
ipld.Register(cid.DagProtobuf, dag.DecodeProtobufBlock)
ipld.Register(cid.Raw, dag.DecodeRawBlock)
ipld.Register(cid.DagCBOR, cbor.DecodeBlock)
// MaxLinks is the max number of links that, when serialized fit into a block
const MaxLinks = 5984
const hashFn = mh.SHA2_256
// CborDataToNode parses cbor data into a clusterDAG node while making a few
// checks
func CborDataToNode(raw []byte, format string) (ipld.Node, error) {
if format != "cbor" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected shard node format %s", format)
shardCid, err := cid.NewPrefixV1(cid.DagCBOR, hashFn).Sum(raw)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shardBlk, err := blocks.NewBlockWithCid(raw, shardCid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shardNode, err := ipld.Decode(shardBlk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return shardNode, nil
func makeDAGSimple(ctx context.Context, dagObj map[string]cid.Cid) (ipld.Node, error) {
node, err := cbor.WrapObject(
hashFn, mh.DefaultLengths[hashFn],
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return node, err
// makeDAG parses a dagObj which stores all of the node-links a shardDAG
// is responsible for tracking. In general a single node of links may exceed
// the capacity of an ipfs block. In this case an indirect node in the
// shardDAG is constructed that references "leaf shardNodes" that themselves
// carry links to the data nodes being tracked. The head of the output slice
// is always the root of the shardDAG, i.e. the ipld node that should be
// recursively pinned to track the shard
func makeDAG(ctx context.Context, dagObj map[string]cid.Cid) ([]ipld.Node, error) {
// FIXME: We have a 4MB limit on the block size enforced by bitswap:
// https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/blob/master/network/network.go#L23
// No indirect node
if len(dagObj) <= MaxLinks {
n, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, dagObj)
return []ipld.Node{n}, err
// Indirect node required
leafNodes := make([]ipld.Node, 0) // shardNodes with links to data
indirectObj := make(map[string]cid.Cid) // shardNode with links to shardNodes
numFullLeaves := len(dagObj) / MaxLinks
for i := 0; i <= numFullLeaves; i++ {
leafObj := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
for j := 0; j < MaxLinks; j++ {
c, ok := dagObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i*MaxLinks+j)]
if !ok { // finished with this leaf before filling all the way
if i != numFullLeaves {
panic("bad state, should never be here")
leafObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", j)] = c
leafNode, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, leafObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
indirectObj[fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)] = leafNode.Cid()
leafNodes = append(leafNodes, leafNode)
indirectNode, err := makeDAGSimple(ctx, indirectObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nodes := append([]ipld.Node{indirectNode}, leafNodes...)
return nodes, nil
// TODO: decide whether this is worth including. Is precision important for
// most usecases? Is being a little over the shard size a serious problem?
// Is precision worth the cost to maintain complex accounting for metadata
// size (cid sizes will vary in general, cluster dag cbor format may
// grow to vary unpredictably in size)
// byteCount returns the number of bytes the dagObj will occupy when
//serialized into an ipld DAG
/*func byteCount(obj dagObj) uint64 {
// 1 byte map overhead
// for each entry:
// 1 byte indicating text
// 1 byte*(number digits) for key
// 2 bytes for link tag
// 35 bytes for each cid
count := 1
for key := range obj {
count += fixedPerLink
count += len(key)
return uint64(count) + indirectCount(len(obj))
// indirectCount returns the number of bytes needed to serialize the indirect
// node structure of the shardDAG based on the number of links being tracked.
func indirectCount(linkNum int) uint64 {
q := linkNum / MaxLinks
if q == 0 { // no indirect node needed
return 0
dummyIndirect := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
for key := 0; key <= q; key++ {
dummyIndirect[fmt.Sprintf("%d", key)] = nil
// Count bytes of entries of single indirect node and add the map
// overhead for all leaf nodes other than the original
return byteCount(dummyIndirect) + uint64(q)
// Return the number of bytes added to the total shard node metadata DAG when
// adding a new link to the given dagObj.
func deltaByteCount(obj dagObj) uint64 {
linkNum := len(obj)
q1 := linkNum / MaxLinks
q2 := (linkNum + 1) / MaxLinks
count := uint64(fixedPerLink)
count += uint64(len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(obj))))
// new shard nodes created by adding link
if q1 != q2 {
// first new leaf node created, i.e. indirect created too
if q2 == 1 {
count++ // map overhead of indirect node
count += 1 + fixedPerLink // fixedPerLink + len("0")
// added to indirect node
count += fixedPerLink
count += uint64(len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", q2)))
// overhead of new leaf node
return count