Hector Sanjuan 6447ea51d2 Remove *Serial types. Use pointers for all types.
This takes advantange of the latest features in go-cid, peer.ID and
go-multiaddr and makes the Go types serializable by default.

This means we no longer need to copy between Pin <-> PinSerial, or ID <->
IDSerial etc. We can now efficiently binary-encode these types using short
field keys and without parsing/stringifying (in many cases it just a cast).

We still get the same json output as before (with minor modifications for

This should greatly improve Cluster performance and memory usage when dealing
with large collections of items.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <hector@protocol.ai>
2019-02-27 17:04:35 +00:00

173 lines
5.0 KiB

package main
import (
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
dot "github.com/zenground0/go-dot"
These functions are used to write an IPFS Cluster connectivity graph to a
graphviz-style dot file. Input an api.ConnectGraphSerial object, makeDot
does some preprocessing and then passes all 3 link maps to a
cluster-dotWriter which handles iterating over the link maps and writing
dot file node and edge statements to make a dot-file graph. Nodes are
labeled with the go-libp2p-peer shortened peer id. IPFS nodes are rendered
with gold boundaries, Cluster nodes with blue. Currently preprocessing
consists of moving IPFS swarm peers not connected to any cluster peer to
the IPFSLinks map in the event that the function was invoked with the
allIpfs flag. This allows all IPFS peers connected to the cluster to be
rendered as nodes in the final graph.
// nodeType specifies the type of node being represented in the dot file:
// either IPFS or Cluster
type nodeType int
const (
tCluster nodeType = iota // The cluster node type
tIpfs // The IPFS node type
var errUnfinishedWrite = errors.New("could not complete write of line to output")
var errUnknownNodeType = errors.New("unsupported node type. Expected cluster or ipfs")
var errCorruptOrdering = errors.New("expected pid to have an ordering within dot writer")
func makeDot(cg *api.ConnectGraph, w io.Writer, allIpfs bool) error {
ipfsEdges := make(map[string][]peer.ID)
for k, v := range cg.IPFSLinks {
ipfsEdges[k] = make([]peer.ID, 0)
for _, id := range v {
strPid := peer.IDB58Encode(id)
if _, ok := cg.IPFSLinks[strPid]; ok || allIpfs {
ipfsEdges[k] = append(ipfsEdges[k], id)
if allIpfs { // include all swarm peers in the graph
if _, ok := ipfsEdges[strPid]; !ok {
// if id in IPFSLinks this will be overwritten
// if id not in IPFSLinks this will stay blank
ipfsEdges[strPid] = make([]peer.ID, 0)
dW := dotWriter{
w: w,
dotGraph: dot.NewGraph("cluster"),
ipfsEdges: ipfsEdges,
clusterEdges: cg.ClusterLinks,
clusterIpfsEdges: cg.ClustertoIPFS,
clusterNodes: make(map[string]*dot.VertexDescription),
ipfsNodes: make(map[string]*dot.VertexDescription),
return dW.print()
type dotWriter struct {
clusterNodes map[string]*dot.VertexDescription
ipfsNodes map[string]*dot.VertexDescription
w io.Writer
dotGraph dot.Graph
ipfsEdges map[string][]peer.ID
clusterEdges map[string][]peer.ID
clusterIpfsEdges map[string]peer.ID
// writes nodes to dot file output and creates and stores an ordering over nodes
func (dW *dotWriter) addNode(id string, nT nodeType) error {
var node dot.VertexDescription
pid, _ := peer.IDB58Decode(id)
node.Label = pid.String()
switch nT {
case tCluster:
node.ID = fmt.Sprintf("C%d", len(dW.clusterNodes))
node.Color = "blue2"
dW.clusterNodes[id] = &node
case tIpfs:
node.ID = fmt.Sprintf("I%d", len(dW.ipfsNodes))
node.Color = "goldenrod"
dW.ipfsNodes[id] = &node
return errUnknownNodeType
return nil
func (dW *dotWriter) print() error {
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The nodes of the connectivity graph")
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The cluster-service peers")
// Write cluster nodes, use sorted order for consistent labels
for _, k := range sortedKeys(dW.clusterEdges) {
err := dW.addNode(k, tCluster)
if err != nil {
return err
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The ipfs peers")
// Write ipfs nodes, use sorted order for consistent labels
for _, k := range sortedKeys(dW.ipfsEdges) {
err := dW.addNode(k, tIpfs)
if err != nil {
return err
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("Edges representing active connections in the cluster")
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The connections among cluster-service peers")
// Write cluster edges
for k, v := range dW.clusterEdges {
for _, id := range v {
toNode := dW.clusterNodes[k]
fromNode := dW.clusterNodes[peer.IDB58Encode(id)]
dW.dotGraph.AddEdge(toNode, fromNode, true)
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The connections between cluster peers and their ipfs daemons")
// Write cluster to ipfs edges
for k, id := range dW.clusterIpfsEdges {
toNode := dW.clusterNodes[k]
fromNode := dW.ipfsNodes[peer.IDB58Encode(id)]
dW.dotGraph.AddEdge(toNode, fromNode, true)
dW.dotGraph.AddComment("The swarm peer connections among ipfs daemons in the cluster")
// Write ipfs edges
for k, v := range dW.ipfsEdges {
for _, id := range v {
toNode := dW.ipfsNodes[k]
fromNode := dW.ipfsNodes[peer.IDB58Encode(id)]
dW.dotGraph.AddEdge(toNode, fromNode, true)
return dW.dotGraph.WriteDot(dW.w)
func sortedKeys(dict map[string][]peer.ID) []string {
keys := make([]string, len(dict), len(dict))
i := 0
for k := range dict {
keys[i] = k
return keys