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synced 2025-03-14 21:51:52 +00:00
Simplifies reusing the launch script in other use-cases than the "official" Nixery image. Relates to nixery#166 Change-Id: Iaf1dff385ce270792253551081c1b2fca6400037 Reviewed-on: https://cl.tvl.fyi/c/depot/+/11046 Autosubmit: tazjin <tazjin@tvl.su> Reviewed-by: flokli <flokli@flokli.de> Tested-by: BuildkiteCI
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130 lines
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# Copyright 2022 The TVL Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This function header aims to provide compatibility between builds of
# Nixery taking place inside/outside of the TVL depot.
# In the future, Nixery will transition to using //nix/buildGo for its
# build system and this will need some major adaptations to support
# that.
{ depot ? { nix.readTree.drvTargets = x: x; }
, pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }
, preLaunch ? ""
, extraPackages ? [ ]
, maxLayers ? 20
, commitHash ? null
, ...
with pkgs;
inherit (pkgs) buildGoModule lib;
# Avoid extracting this from git until we have a way to plumb
# through revision numbers.
nixery-commit-hash = "depot";
depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets rec {
# Implementation of the Nix image building logic
nixery-prepare-image = import ./prepare-image { inherit pkgs; };
# Include the Nixery website into the Nix store, unless its being
# overridden to something else. Nixery will serve this as its front
# page when visited from a browser.
nixery-web = ./web;
nixery-popcount = callPackage ./popcount { };
# Build Nixery's Go code, resulting in the binaries used for various
# bits of functionality.
# The server binary is wrapped to ensure that required environment
# variables are set at runtime.
nixery = buildGoModule rec {
name = "nixery";
src = ./.;
doCheck = true;
# Needs to be updated after every modification of go.mod/go.sum
vendorHash = "sha256-io9NCeZmjCZPLmII3ajXIsBWbT40XiW8ncXOuUDabbo=";
ldflags = [
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/server \
--set-default WEB_DIR "${nixery-web}" \
--prefix PATH : ${nixery-prepare-image}/bin
# Nixery is mirrored to Github at tazjin/nixery; this is
# automatically updated from CI for canon builds.
passthru.meta.ci.extraSteps.github = depot.tools.releases.filteredGitPush {
filter = ":/tools/nixery";
remote = "git@github.com:tazjin/nixery.git";
ref = "refs/heads/master";
# Wrapper script for the wrapper script (meta!) which configures
# the container environment appropriately.
# Most importantly, sandboxing is disabled to avoid privilege
# issues in containers.
nixery-launch-script = writeShellScriptBin "nixery" ''
set -e
export PATH=${coreutils}/bin:$PATH
export NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
mkdir -p /tmp
# Create the build user/group required by Nix
echo 'nixbld:x:30000:nixbld' >> /etc/group
echo 'nixbld:x:30000:30000:nixbld:/tmp:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd
echo 'root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd
echo 'root:x:0:' >> /etc/group
# Disable sandboxing to avoid running into privilege issues
mkdir -p /etc/nix
echo 'sandbox = false' >> /etc/nix/nix.conf
# In some cases users building their own image might want to
# customise something on the inside (e.g. set up an environment
# for keys or whatever).
# This can be achieved by setting a 'preLaunch' script.
exec ${nixery}/bin/server
# Container image containing Nixery and Nix itself. This image can
# be run on Kubernetes, published on AppEngine or whatever else is
# desired.
nixery-image = dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
name = "nixery";
config.Cmd = [ "${nixery-launch-script}/bin/nixery" ];
inherit maxLayers;
contents = [
] ++ extraPackages;