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<TITLE>TkGoodStuff Fvwm Client</TITLE>
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<H1>TkGoodStuff Fvwm2 Interface</H1>
<H2>Description </H2>
<P>Tkgoodstuff can interact with the <A HREF="">fvwm2
window manager</A> (or the <A HREF="">fvwm95</A>
window manager; but see below).</P>
<P>The main reason for the Fvwm2 interface is to enable some of tkgoodstuff's
cool clients: <A HREF="windowlist.html">WindowList </A>and <A HREF="pager.html">Pager</A>.
The Fvwm2 interface also makes the default behavior of a depressed unix
command button to move to and raise the (next) window in which the command
is running. Also, for each button you can choose "fvwm button
behavior", which means that the button's relief will depend on
whether there is any open window whose name matches a specified
pattern (whether you started the app with the tkgoodstuff button
or not). </P>
<P>It also allows you to: </P>
<LI>Use the tcl commands of the tkfvwm extension in your buttons and clients.
To give a hint of the sort of thing you can do by sending commands to fvwm,
here is a Tcl command (contributed by Eric Kahler), that tells fvwm to
post its &quot;Utilities&quot; menu (you can make a button run this command):
<PRE>fvwm send 0 {Menu Utilities Nop &quot;&quot;}
<LI>Use the tcl command &quot;FvwmNextOrExec&quot; (say, with a button),
which raises the (next) window of the application you specify if it's already
running, or starts the application if not. </LI>
<LI>Use the tcl command &quot;FvwmNext&quot;, which moves to and raises
the next instance of the application you specify. </LI>
<H2>Invocation and Use</H2>
<P><B>You do not do anything in your tkgoodstuff preferences to use the
fvwm2 interface. It loads automatically if tkgoodstuff is started as an
fvwm module.</B> </P>
<P><B>The fvwm2 interface REQUIRES that you run fvwm2</B>. It has usually
worked with fvwm95 just fine; however, I don't keep up with fvwm95, so
there's no guarantee that it will work with the latest version. Note that
fvwm2 allows &quot;mini-icons&quot; in the title bar, and otherwise lets
you set the appearance of windows to look much like fvwm95. Fvwm2 is also
very well supported. I recommend it highly. </P>
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>You must start tkgoodstuff as an fvwm2 module</FONT></B>.
To do this, in your .fvwm2rc set ModulePath to a directory path which includes
your tkgoodstuff library directory. For example: </P>
<PRE>ModulePath /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2:/usr/local/lib/tkgoodstuff</PRE>
<P>You now have an fvwm2 module called &quot;tkgoodstuff&quot;, which you
invoke like any other fvwm2 module, e.g., in fvwm2's InitFunction. Here's
how: </P>
<PRE>AddToFunc InitFunction &quot;I&quot; Module tkgoodstuff</PRE>
<P>You also can make &quot;Module tkgoodstuff&quot; an item on your fvwm
menus. To specify a configuration file, use &quot;Module tkgoodstuff -f
filename&quot;. </P>
<P>Also, if you use tkgoodstuff as a module, the fvwm2 window style pararmeters
for the tkgoodstuff panel will be set automatically (though you can defeat
this in the preferences manager). </P>
<H3>FvvwmNextOrExec </H3>
<P>You can use FvwmNextOrExec wherever a tcl command is called for---e.g.,
in a Button or Menu item, as follows: </P>
<PRE>FvwmNextOrExec emacs</PRE>
<P>This will zap you to a running emacs window, or start emacs if there
is no such window. (What it actually does it to tell fvwm to move to and
raise the next window called &quot;emacs&quot; (either its window name
or its resource class) in tkgoodstuff's list of windows if there is one,
and to run the unix command &quot;emacs&quot; otherwise. An optional second
argument is for a different window name to look for (in case the window
is not called by the program name. This example, however, is probably not
something you would need to do, because a Button with the unix command
&quot;emacs&quot; (when tkgoodstuff is a module) does better automatically:
it makes the raised button run emacs and stay down until the emacs session
is over, AND clicking on the sunken button now focuses on an emacs window
(if there are several, we cycle through them). But FvwmNextOrExec
might be useful, for instance, if you prefer not to have a sunken button.</P>
<P>Also, there is a button option 'Fvwm button behavior', available in
the preferences manager, that makes the button's relief depend on whether
there are any windows of a given name (thus the button will be sunken even
if you started emacs before starting tkgoodstuff). </P>
<H3>FvwmNext and FvwmPrev</H3>
<PRE>FvwmNext cmd ?name?</PRE>
<P>(Primarily for &quot;advanced&quot; users and client writers.) These
commands enable you to go to the next (or previous) window with a given
name. Repeated calls will cycle through all windows with the given name.