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<H1>tkgoodstuff: Availability and Installation</H1>
<P>Get the source for the current version here: <A HREF="dists/tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tar.gz">tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tar.gz</A>
Older, and sometimes more stable, versions are available <A href="dists">here</A>. </P>
<P>To run this utility, you need tcl8.0 and tk8.0 (get the source at
<A HREF="">
</A>). </P>
<P> (I used to maintain an ftp archive and a binary distribution for
Linux, but I don't have the time to deal with the requests for
assistance that that has generated.)</P>
<P>Once you have the tkgoodstuff distribution</P>
<LI>Unpack it in a directory somewhere (say, /tmp). One way (suppose you
have the distribution in /tmp/): </LI>
<PRE> cd /tmp
cat tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tgz | gunzip | tar xpf -
<LI>cd to the source directory: </LI>
<PRE> cd /tmp/tkgoodstuff8.0-final
<P>Then type </P>
<PRE> ./configure</PRE>
(If your relevant version of Tcl/Tk is in an odd place, such as
/smurf/gleb/lib/, you can specify --prefix=/smurf/glep.)
<P>If all goes well, you can type </P>
<PRE> make
<P>and if all is still well, type </P>
<PRE> make install
<P>This process will compile C code needed by tkgoodstuff, and install
tkgoodstuff's files in the appropriate places. Look in the <A href="FAQ">FAQ</A> for
hints if you encounter problems.
<P>Once you are finished, you can remove the source directory if you like
(all the needed files will have been copied to a library directory). </P>
<LI>If you have a standard unix spool setup, simply running tkgoodstuff
should give you a working setup. Enter the Preferences manager via the
tkgoodstuff menu to customize your setup. </LI>
<LI>If you have problems, check the <A HREF="FAQ">FAQ</A> before
emailing the <a href="">tkgoodstuff
mailing list</a></li>.
<LI>You probably will want to tell your window manager not to put a border,
handles, or a title on tkgoodstuff, and perhaps to leave it always on top
of other windows, and perhaps to make it &quot;stick&quot; in the same
spot on the screen when you move about a virtual desktop. You may also
want it not to be in the circulate list (the list of windows you go to
by hitting alt-TAB or some key sequence). To do all of this in fvwm2 add
the following lines to your .fvwm2rc: </LI>
<PRE>Style &quot;tkgoodstuff&quot; NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop
Style &quot;tkgoodstuff&quot; BorderWidth 0,CirculateSkipIcon,CirculateSkip
<P>HOWEVER, if you use <A HREF="fvwm.html">tkgoodstuff as an fvwm module
</A>(which I recommend), you needn't do this, as tkgoodstuff will do it
automatically. If you use some other window manager, read its documentation---almost
certainly you can achieve most of the same effects.</P>
<P><IMG SRC="">