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# Calc (calculator) client for tkgoodstuff
# - implement memory
# - implement auxilliary keypad of other functions
proc CalcDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Calc) "Misc Geometry Colors Button"
TKGDeclare Calc(lines) 10 -typelist [list Clients Calc Geometry]\
-label "Lines in display"
TKGDeclare Calc(columns) 30 -typelist [list Clients Calc Geometry]\
-label "Columns in display"
TKGColorDeclare Calc(hotcolor) \#bcdfff [list Clients Calc Colors]
TKGDeclare Calc(makebutton) 1 -typelist [list Clients Calc Misc]\
-label "Produce a button"\
-help "Otherwise, CalcPopup is available as a Menu client tcl command"\
-vartype boolean
TKGDeclare Calc(format) dec -typelist [list Clients Calc Misc]\
-label "Default format" \
-vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {dec hex oct}
TKGColorDeclare Calc(deccolor) black [list Clients Calc Colors]
TKGColorDeclare Calc(hexcolor) purple [list Clients Calc Colors]
TKGColorDeclare Calc(octcolor) gold4 [list Clients Calc Colors]
TKGDeclare Calc(text) Calculator -typelist [list Clients Calc Button Misc]\
-label "Label text"
TKGDeclare Calc(imagefile) %calc\
-typelist [list Clients Calc Button] -label "Icon file"
ConfigDeclare Calc ClientButton1 Calc [list Clients Calc Button]
ConfigDeclare Calc ClientButton3 Calc [list Clients Calc Button]
proc CalcCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid CalcButton] return
uplevel {
set Calc(f,dec) g
set Calc(f,hex) x
set Calc(f,oct) o
set Calc(p,dec) e
set Calc(p,hex) d
set Calc(p,oct) d
set Calc(base,dec) 10
set Calc(base,hex) 16
set Calc(base,oct) 8
set tcl_precision 10
global Calc
if $Calc(makebutton) {
lappend C TKGMakeButton CalcButton -balloon Calculator
foreach switch {
iconside ignore font imagefile text foreground background
activeforeground activebackground relief
} {
lappend C -$switch $Calc($switch)
set w [eval $C]
bind $w <1> +CalcPopup
proc CalcPopup {} {
upvar #0 CalcButton-params P
if ![string match [$P(pathname) cget -relief] sunken] {
$P(pathname) configure -relief sunken
global Calc CalcSB
uplevel {
set Calc(oldformat) $Calc(format)
set Calc(prev) ""
set Calc(expr) ""
set Calc(leftparens) 0
set Calc(rightparens) 0
set Calc(justresponded) 0
set w .calc
if [winfo exists $w] {
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
raise $w
toplevel $w
wm withdraw $w
wm title $w "Calculator"
wm iconname $w "Calc"
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW CalcDone
pack [frame $ -relief raised -bd 2] $ -side top -fill x
set m $
pack [menubutton $ -text "Help" -menu $m] -side right
menu $m
$m add command -label "About Calc" -command CalcAbout -underline 0
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Help" -command CalcHelp -underline 0
pack [frame $w.middle]
set ww $w.middle.calcentry
pack [frame $ww -relief raised -bd 2] -side top
pack [frame $ww.view] -side left -fill x -pady .3c -padx .3c
text $ww.view.text -width $Calc(columns) -height $Calc(lines)\
-takefocus 0 -yscrollcommand "$ww.view.scrollbar set" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -state disabled -wrap word
$ww.view.text tag configure all -justify right
$ww.view.text tag configure tot -foreground red
$ww.view.text tag configure dec -foreground $Calc(deccolor)
$ww.view.text tag configure hex -foreground $Calc(hexcolor)
$ww.view.text tag configure oct -foreground $Calc(octcolor)
set Calc(textwindow) $ww.view.text
pack $ww.view.text -side left -fill both -expand 1
scrollbar $ww.view.scrollbar -command "$ww.view.text yview"
pack $ww.view.scrollbar -side left -fill y -padx 2
$ww.view.text configure -state normal
frame $ww.mid
frame $ww.mid.formats
pack [radiobutton $ww.mid.formats.dec -variable Calc(format) -text dec \
-value dec -fg $Calc(deccolor)] -side top -anchor nw -expand n
pack [radiobutton $ww.mid.formats.hex -variable Calc(format) -text hex \
-value hex -fg $Calc(hexcolor)] -side top -anchor nw -expand n
pack [radiobutton $ww.mid.formats.oct -variable Calc(format) -text oct \
-value oct -fg $Calc(octcolor)] -side top -anchor nw -expand n
pack $ww.mid.formats -side left -fill both -expand n
trace variable Calc(format) w CalcReformat
pack $ww.mid.formats -side top -fill x -expand n
set www $ww.mid.mem
frame $www
global m1 m2
foreach m {m1 m2} {
frame $www.$m -relief ridge -bd 2
pack [entry $www.$m.entry -textvariable $m]
frame $www.$m.buttons
pack [button $www.$ -text Store -command "CalcMemStore $m"] -side left
pack [button $www.$m.buttons.recall -text Recall -command "CalcMemRecall $m"] -side left
pack $www.$m.buttons
pack $www.$m -side top
pack $www -side top -fill x -expand n
pack $ww.mid
pack $ww
set ww $w.bottom
pack [frame $ww] -fill both -expand y
pack [frame $ww.main -relief raised -bd 2] -side left -fill both -expand y
pack [frame $ww.main.nums] -side left -fill both -expand y
pack [frame $ww.main.cmds] -side left -fill both
set www $ww.main.cmds
global TKG
set i 0
foreach c {/ * - +} {
set b [button $www.b$i -text $c -command "CalcInsert $c"\
-font tkgHugebold]
pack $b -fill both -expand n -ipadx 3 -ipady 3
incr i
set b [button $www.b$i -text = -command {CalcInsert =}\
-font tkgHugebold]
pack $b -expand y -fill both -ipadx 10 -ipady 10
frame $w.buttons
button $w.buttons.c -command CalcC -text "C"
pack $w.buttons.c -side left -expand y -fill y -padx .4c -pady .4c
button $ -command CalcCA -text "CA"
pack $ -side left -expand y -fill y -padx .4c -pady .4c
button $w.buttons.done -command CalcDone -text "Done"
pack $w.buttons.done -side left -expand y -fill y -padx .4c -pady .4c
pack $w.buttons -fill x -expand y
TKGCenter $w
proc CalcWidgetInsert {s {tags {}}} {
.calc.middle.calcentry.view.text insert end \
$s [concat all $tags]
.calc.middle.calcentry.view.text see end
proc CalcReformat args {
global Calc
set tw .calc.middle.calcentry.view.text
set l [$tw get "end - 1 chars linestart" "end - 1 chars" ]
if ![Empty $l] {
$tw delete "end - 1 chars linestart" "end - 1 chars"
if [catch {set l [CalcFormat [CalcParse $l $Calc(oldformat)]]}] {
} else {
CalcWidgetInsert $l $Calc(format)
if $Calc(justresponded) {
set l [$tw get "end - 1 lines linestart" "end - 1 lines lineend" ]
if ![catch {set l [CalcFormat [CalcParse $l $Calc(oldformat)]]}] {
$tw delete "end - 1 lines linestart" "end - 1 lines lineend"
$tw insert "end - 1 lines lineend" $l "$Calc(format) all"
set Calc(expr) "[CalcParse $l] "
REPORT Calc(expr)
set Calc(oldformat) $Calc(format)
set bw .calc.bottom.main.nums
set nums(dec) {{7 8 9} {4 5 6} {1 2 3} {0 . +/-}}
set nums(hex) {{c d e f} {8 9 a b} {4 5 6 7} {0 1 2 3}}
set nums(oct) {{4 5 6 7} {0 1 2 3}}
foreach b [winfo children $bw] {destroy $b}
set r 0
foreach l $nums($Calc(format)) {
set f [frame $bw.row$r]
pack $f -fill both -anchor w -expand y
set c 0
foreach i $l {
set b [button $f.but$c -text $i -command "CalcInsert $i"]
pack $b -side left -expand y -fill both
incr c
incr r
proc CalcInsert {c} {
global Calc
set tw .calc.middle.calcentry.view.text
set l [$tw get "end - 1 chars linestart" "end - 1 chars" ]
puts "PRESSED $c";flush stdout
switch -regexp -- $c {
[0-9a-f] {
if {$Calc(justresponded)} {
set Calc(justresponded) 0
set Calc(prev) ""
CalcWidgetInsert "\n"
if ![catch {CalcParse $l$c} err] {
CalcWidgetInsert $c $Calc(format)
} else {puts $err ; flush stdout}
} \\+\\/\\- {
if {!$Calc(justresponded) && [string match $Calc(format) dec]} {
if [string match "-*" $l] {
$tw delete {end - 1 chars linestart}
} else {
$tw insert {end - 1 chars linestart} "-" all
} \\. {
if {[string match $Calc(format) dec] &&\
![catch {CalcParse $l.0}] } {
CalcWidgetInsert .
} \[-+/^%*\] {
if {$Calc(justresponded)} {
set Calc(expr) [CalcParse $l]
REPORT Calc(expr)
set Calc(justresponded) 0
set Calc(prev) ""
CalcWidgetInsert "\n"
} elseif ![Empty $l] {
append Calc(expr) "[CalcParse $l] "
REPORT Calc(expr)
CalcWidgetInsert "\n"
set Calc(prev) ""
if [regexp \[-+/^%*\\(\] $Calc(prev)] {
} else {
CalcWidgetInsert "$c \n"
append Calc(expr) "$c "
REPORT Calc(expr)
set Calc(prev) $c
} = {
if ![Empty $l] {
append Calc(expr) [CalcParse $l]
REPORT Calc(expr)
set Calc(prev) ""
if {![Empty $Calc(expr)] && \
![catch {set r [eval expr $Calc(expr)]}]} {
set s [CalcFormat $r]
CalcWidgetInsert "\n=\n" tot
CalcWidgetInsert $s
set Calc(justresponded) 1
set Calc(expr) ""
REPORT Calc(expr)
set Calc(prev) "[CalcParse $r] "
set Calc(leftparens) 0
set Calc(rightparens) 0
} default {
puts "couldn't match $c"; flush stdout
proc CalcParse {s {fmt {}}} {
global Calc
if [Empty $fmt] {set fmt $Calc(format)}
set m "0123456789abcdef"
set n 0
set mult 0
foreach c [split $s {}] {
switch -regexp -- $c {
[0-9a-f] {
set c [string first $c $m]
if {$mult == 0} {
set n [expr ($n * $Calc(base,$fmt)) + $c]
} else {
set n [expr $n + ($mult * $c)]
set mult [expr $mult * .1]}
} \\. {
set mult .1
puts "PARSE in format $fmt of $s is $n"
return [CalcFormat $n $Calc(p,$Calc(format))]
proc CalcFormat {s {fmt {}}} {
global Calc
if [Empty $fmt] {set fmt $Calc(f,$Calc(format))}
set o [format %$fmt $s]
puts "FORMAT in format $fmt of $s is $o"
return $o
proc CalcCA {} {
uplevel 0 {
set Calc(expr) ""
CalcWidgetInsert "\n"
proc CalcC {} {
set tw .calc.middle.calcentry.view.text
$tw delete {end - 1 chars linestart} {end - 1 chars}
proc CalcDone {} {
set w .calc
upvar #0 CalcButton-params P
catch {$P(pathname) configure -relief $P(relief)}
destroy $w