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# WatchDog, a Client for TkGoodstuff
# By Eric Kahler (
# and Mark Crimmins (
# Copyright (C) 1996; all rights reserved
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation License version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details. For a copy of the
# GNU General Public License write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# At the time of this copy-left the GNU General Public License can
# also be obtained via FTP from
proc WatchDogDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,WatchDog) "Misc Button CustomDisplay"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,WatchDog,Button) "Misc Icons Colors"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(File) {/var/log/messages} -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-label "File to watch"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(update_interval) 30 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-label "Check every __ seconds"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(nobeep) 0 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Do not beep"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(CustomDisplay) 0 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Display file with custom-style display"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(autoreset) 0 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Auto-reset (after alert, go back to no-alert mode after the\
checking interval)"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(autoview) 0 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Pop-up a viewing window at alert"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(nobutton) 0 -typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Do not produce a button"
ConfigDeclare WatchDog ClientButton1 WatchDog [list Clients WatchDog Button]
ConfigDeclare WatchDog ClientButton5 WatchDog [list Clients WatchDog Button]
TKGDeclare WatchDog(change_text) {[file tail $WatchDog(File)]}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Misc]\
-label "Changed text"
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(change_foreground) \#7fff00 \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Changed foreground"
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(change_background) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Changed background" $TKG(buttonbackground)
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(change_activeforeground) \#7fff00 \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Changed activeforeground"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(nochange_text) {[file tail $WatchDog(File)]}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Misc] \
-label "Text for no change"
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(nochange_foreground) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Foreground for no change" $TKG(buttonforeground)
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(nochange_background) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Background for no change" $TKG(buttonbackground)
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(nochange_activeforeground) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Activeforeground for no change" $TKG(buttonforeground)
TKGDeclare WatchDog(gone_text) {[file tail $WatchDog(File)]}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Misc] \
-label "Text for no file"
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(gone_foreground) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Foreground for no file" $TKG(disabledforeground)
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(gone_background) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Background for no file" $TKG(buttonbackground)
TKGColorDeclare WatchDog(gone_activeforeground) {} \
[list Clients WatchDog Button Colors] \
"Activeforeground for no file" $TKG(disabledforeground)
TKGDeclare WatchDog(change_image) {filefull.xpm}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Icons] \
-label "Image for a change"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(nochange_image) {fileempty.xpm}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Icons] \
-label "Image for no change"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(gone_image) {filegone.xpm}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog Button Icons] \
-label "Image for no file"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(Position) +0-10 \
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Screen position"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(Height) 2 \
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Height in rows"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(Width) {120}\
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Width in columns"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(ButtonSide) left \
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Side for button"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(ScrollbarSide) left \
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Side for Scrollbar"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(ScrollbarWidth) 4m -typelist \
[list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Scrollbar width (pixels)"
TKGDeclare WatchDog(Font) "" -fallback tkgmedium \
-typelist [list Clients WatchDog CustomDisplay] \
-label "Font"
proc WatchDogCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid WatchDog] return
global WatchDog-params TKG WatchDog
uplevel {
catch {set WatchDog(File) [glob $WatchDog(File)]}
set WatchDog(initialize_offset) $WatchDog(update_interval)
set WatchDog(FileSize) 0
if [file exists $WatchDog(File)] {
if [file isdirectory $WatchDog(File)] {
if ![file readable $WatchDog(File)] {
TKGError "Can't Watch $WatchDog(File) because you don't have read permission."
set WatchDog(FileSize) [exec /bin/ls -l $WatchDog(File) | sum ]
} else {
catch {set WatchDog(FileSize) [file size $WatchDog(File)]}
if !$WatchDog(nobutton) {
if { $WatchDog(nolabel) } {
set WatchDog(change_text) ""
set WatchDog(nochange_text) ""
set WatchDog(gone_text) ""
if [file exists $WatchDog(File)] {
set mode nochange
} else {
set mode gone
TKGMakeButton WatchDog -text(change) $WatchDog(change_text) \
-foreground(change) $WatchDog(change_foreground) \
-activeforeground(change) $WatchDog(change_activeforeground) \
-background(change) $WatchDog(change_background) \
-command(change) WatchDog-Display \
-text(nochange) $WatchDog(nochange_text) \
-balloon(nochange) "No change in\n$WatchDog(File)" \
-balloon(change) "$WatchDog(File)\nhas changed" \
-balloon(gone) "File \n$WatchDog(File) does not exist" \
-foreground(nochange) $WatchDog(nochange_foreground) \
-activeforeground(nochange) $WatchDog(nochange_activeforeground) \
-background(nochange) $WatchDog(nochange_background) \
-command(nochange) WatchDog-Display \
-text(gone) $WatchDog(gone_text) \
-foreground(gone) $WatchDog(gone_foreground) \
-activeforeground(gone) $WatchDog(gone_activeforeground) \
-background(gone) $WatchDog(gone_background) \
-command(gone) WatchDog-Display\
-mode $mode
if !$WatchDog(noicon) {
SetImage WatchDog_change_image $WatchDog(change_image)
SetImage WatchDog_nochange_image $WatchDog(nochange_image)
SetImage WatchDog_gone_image $WatchDog(gone_image)
TKGButton WatchDog -image(change) WatchDog_change_image \
-image(nochange) WatchDog_nochange_image \
-image(gone) WatchDog_gone_image \
-iconside $WatchDog(iconside)\
-relief $WatchDog(relief)
bind [set WatchDog-params(pathname)] <2> \
{ WatchDog-Set-Normal }
uplevel #0 {
TKGPeriodic WatchDog-Update $WatchDog(update_interval) \
$WatchDog(initialize_offset) WatchDog-Update
proc WatchDog-Update {} {
global WatchDog-params WatchDog TKG
if { ![file exists $WatchDog(File)] || [winfo exists .watchdog_display]} return
if !$WatchDog(nobutton) {
if { [WatchDog-Test-File] && !$TKG(nonotices) } {
if {[set WatchDog-params(mode)] != "change"} {
TKGButton WatchDog -mode change
if {! ( $WatchDog(nobeep) || $TKG(nobeep) ) } {
catch { bell; bell }
if $WatchDog(autoreset) {
TKGPeriodic WatchDog-reset $WatchDog(update_interval) \
$WatchDog(update_interval) WatchDog-Reset
if $WatchDog(autoview) WatchDog-Display
} elseif { [set WatchDog-params(mode)] != "nochange" } {
TKGButton WatchDog -mode nochange
} elseif { [WatchDog-Test-File] } {
if { !$TKG(nonotices) } {
if {! ( $WatchDog(nobeep) || $TKG(nobeep) ) } {
catch { bell; bell }
if $WatchDog(autoview) WatchDog-Display
proc WatchDog-Reset {} {
global WatchDog-params
TKGPeriodicCancel WatchDog-reset
TKGButton WatchDog -mode nochange
proc WatchDog-Test-File {} {
global WatchDog WatchDog-params
if [file isdirectory $WatchDog(File)] {
set filesize [exec /bin/ls -l $WatchDog(File) | sum ]
} else {
set filesize [file size $WatchDog(File)]
if {$filesize == 0} {return 0}
if {$filesize != $WatchDog(FileSize)} {
set WatchDog(FileSize) $filesize
return 1
} elseif $WatchDog(nobutton) {
return 0
} else { return [string match [set WatchDog-params(mode)] change] }
proc WatchDog-Display {} {
global WatchDog
if { ![file exists $WatchDog(File)] } {
TKGError "Cannot display $WatchDog(File) because it does not exist."
if { ![file readable $WatchDog(File)] } {
TKGError "Cannot display $WatchDog(File) because you do not have read permission."
if !$WatchDog(nobutton) {TKGButton WatchDog -mode nochange}
if { $WatchDog(CustomDisplay) } {
set WatchDog(textwidget) .watchdog_display.text
catch {destroy .watchdog_display}
toplevel .watchdog_display
wm withdraw .watchdog_display
wm title .watchdog_display "WatchDog"
wm iconname .watchdog_display "WatchDog"
frame .watchdog_display.buttons
pack .watchdog_display.buttons -side $WatchDog(ButtonSide) -pady 1m -padx 1m
button .watchdog_display.buttons.goaway -text "Dismiss" -command Watch-Display-End
pack .watchdog_display.buttons.goaway \
-side $WatchDog(ButtonSide)
text .watchdog_display.text -relief sunken -bd 2 \
-yscrollcommand ".watchdog_display.scroll set" \
-setgrid 1 -height $WatchDog(Height) -width $WatchDog(Width) \
-font $WatchDog(Font)
scrollbar .watchdog_display.scroll -command ".watchdog_display.text yview" \
-width $WatchDog(ScrollbarWidth)
pack .watchdog_display.scroll -side $WatchDog(ScrollbarSide) -fill y
pack .watchdog_display.text -expand yes -fill both
} else {
TKGDialog watchdog_display -title "WatchDog" -text "" \
-buttons { {goaway Dismiss Watch-Display-End} } -nodismiss -nodeiconify
set WatchDog(textwidget) .watchdog_display.view.text
focus .watchdog_display.buttons.goaway
if { $WatchDog(CustomDisplay) } {
wm deiconify .watchdog_display
wm geometry .watchdog_display $WatchDog(Position)
} else { TKGCenter .watchdog_display }
uplevel #0 {
TKGPeriodic Display-Update $WatchDog(update_interval) 0 \
proc WatchDog-Display-Update {} {
global WatchDog
if [WatchDog-Test-File] {
if { $WatchDog(nobutton) || $WatchDog(autoview) } {
TKGPeriodicCancel Display-Update
proc WatchDog-Display-Get {} {
global WatchDog
$WatchDog(textwidget) configure -state normal
$WatchDog(textwidget) delete 1.0 end
if [file isdirectory $WatchDog(File)] {
$WatchDog(textwidget) insert end [exec /bin/ls -l $WatchDog(File)]
} else {
set id [open $WatchDog(File) RDONLY]
$WatchDog(textwidget) insert end [read $id]
close $id
$WatchDog(textwidget) see end
$WatchDog(textwidget) configure -state disabled
proc Watch-Display-End {} {
destroy .watchdog_display
TKGPeriodicCancel Display-Update
proc WatchDog-Set-Normal {} {
global WatchDog
catch {set WatchDog(FileSize) [file size $WatchDog(File)]}
TKGButton WatchDog -mode nochange
DEBUG "Loaded WatchDog.tcl"