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# Ballon Help routines
# Set the global variable TKG(balloons) to 0 to disable balloon help.
# Set up general bindings for widgets that will have balloon help
bind balloon <Enter> {after 1000 {TKGDoBalloon %W}}
bind balloon <Leave> {TKGPopBalloon %W 1}
bind balloon <Any-Button> {TKGPopBalloon %W}
# Set up bindings for a help balloon
# w - the widget for which the help balloon provides help.
# text - the contents of the balloon
proc TKGBalloonBind {w text} {
global TKG
if {[lsearch [bindtags $w] balloon] == -1} {
bindtags $w [concat balloon [bindtags $w]]
set TKG(balloontext,$w) $text
# Produce balloon if appropriate
proc TKGDoBalloon {w} {
global TKG
set b .tkgballoon
# are help balloons enabled?
if {[info exists TKG(balloons)] && !$TKG(balloons)} return
if {[winfo exists $b]} return
# has the pointer already left the window?
if {![string match $w* [eval winfo containing [winfo pointerxy .]]]} {
toplevel $b
wm withdraw $b
wm overrideredirect $b 1
if {![info exists TKG(balloonbackground)]} {
set TKG(balloonbackground) \#ffcf30
grid [label $b.lab -textvariable TKG(balloontext,$w) \
-bg $TKG(balloonbackground) \
-borderwidth 2 -relief ridge]
update idletasks
# compute position, staying on the screen and adjacent to the
# widget in question
set x [winfo rootx $w]
set y [expr [winfo rooty $w] - [winfo reqheight $b]]
if {$y < 0} {
set y [expr [winfo rooty $w] + [winfo height $w]]
if {([winfo vrootwidth .] - $x - [winfo reqwidth $b]) < 0} {
set x [expr [winfo vrootwidth .] - [winfo reqwidth $b]]
if {([winfo vrootheight .] - $y - [winfo reqheight $b]) < 0} {
set y [expr [winfo vrootheight .] - [winfo reqheight $b]]
wm geometry $b +${x}+${y}
wm deiconify $b
# in fvwm I get the panel occluding the balloon sometimes:
after 30 "catch \"raise $b\""
# Destroy the help baloon unless it's a leave event and the
# pointer is in a child.
proc TKGPopBalloon {w {leave 0}} {
global TKG
after cancel [list TKGDoBalloon $w]
if {$leave &&
![string compare $w [eval winfo containing [winfo pointerxy .]]]} {
destroy .tkgballoon