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# Procedure to create a dialog with buttons and (optionally) a title (with image if
# wanted), message (box with a message widget), and text (a text widget with
# scrollbar)
proc TKGDialog args {
global TKG TKG_strings
set name [lindex $args 0]
set wmtitle "Notice"
if [info exists TKG_strings(notice)] {
set wmtitle $TKG_strings(notice)
set image ""
set title ""
if [catch {
set titlebg $TKG(background)
set titlefg $TKG(foreground)
set bitmapfg $TKG(foreground)
set font $TKG(dialogfont)
}] {
set titlebg \#b0b0b0
set titlefg \#000000
set bitmapfg \#000000
set font tkgHuge
if {[catch {font actual $font}]} {
set font {helvetica 12}
set message ""
set text "-"
set buttons {}
set switches {wmtitle image title titlebg titlefg \
bitmapfg message text buttons font}
foreach switch $switches {
if { [ set i [lsearch $args "-$switch"]] != -1 } {
set $switch [lindex $args [expr $i + 1]]
set oldfocus [focus]
catch {destroy .$name}
toplevel .$name
grid columnconfigure .$name 0 -weight 1
wm withdraw .$name
wm title .$name "$wmtitle"
wm minsize .$name 20 10
if { ! ( $image == "" && $title == "" ) } {
frame .$name.title -background $titlebg -relief raised -bd 1
grid columnconfigure .$name.title 1 -weight 1
if { $image != "" } {
if [regexp "bitmap (.*)" [SetImage $name-image $image] v v ] {
set imageoption "-bitmap @$v"
} else {
set imageoption "-image $name-image"
eval label .$name.title.icon $imageoption \
-foreground $bitmapfg -background $titlebg\
-pady 0 -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
grid .$name.title.icon -row 0 -column 0 -padx 20 -pady 6 -sticky nsew
if { $title != "" } {
label .$name.title.title -text "$title" \
-foreground $titlefg -background $titlebg\
-pady 0 -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
grid .$name.title.title -row 0 -column 1 -padx 6 -pady 8 -sticky nsw
grid .$name.title -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
if { $message != "" } {
set textsize [TKGtextsize $message]
set textwidth [expr ([set w [lindex $textsize 0]] > 80) ? 80: $w]
set textheight [lindex $textsize 1]
text .$name.message -relief flat -borderwidth 3 \
-width $textwidth -height $textheight -wrap none -font $font
grid .$name.message -padx 10 -pady 10 -sticky nsew -row 5 -column 0
.$name.message configure -state normal
.$name.message insert end "$message"
.$name.message configure -state disabled
if { $text != "-" } {
frame .$name.view -relief raised -bd 1
grid columnconfigure .$name.view 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure .$name.view 0 -weight 1
text .$name.view.text \
-width $TKG(dialogtextwidth) -height $TKG(dialogtextheight) \
-takefocus 0 -yscrollcommand ".$name.view.scrollbar set" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -state disabled -font $font
grid .$name.view.text -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew -padx 5 -pady 5
scrollbar .$name.view.scrollbar -command ".$name.view.text yview"
grid .$name.view.scrollbar -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew -padx 5 -pady 5
grid .$name.view -row 5 -column 0 -sticky nsew
.$name.view.text configure -state normal
.$name.view.text insert end "$text"
.$name.view.text configure -state disabled
frame .$name.buttons -relief raised -bd 1
set i 0
foreach button $buttons {
grid columnconfigure .$name.buttons $i -weight 1
set buttonname [lindex $button 0]
button .$name.buttons.$buttonname \
-text [lindex $button 1] \
-command [lindex $button 2]
bind .$name.buttons.$buttonname <Key-Return> ".$name.buttons.$buttonname invoke"
grid .$name.buttons.$buttonname -row 0 -column $i -sticky ns -padx 10
incr i
if { [lsearch $args "-nodismiss"] == -1 } {
grid columnconfigure .$name.buttons $i -weight 1
button .$name.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss \
-command "destroy .$name; catch \{focus $oldfocus\}"
bind .$name <Key-Escape> ".$name.buttons.dismiss invoke"
bind .$name <Key-Return> ".$name.buttons.dismiss invoke"
grid .$name.buttons.dismiss -row 0 -column $i -sticky ns -padx 10
grid .$name.buttons -row 9 -column 0 -ipadx 12 -ipady 10 -sticky nsew
grid rowconfigure .$name 5 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure .$name 0 -weight 0
grid rowconfigure .$name 9 -weight 0
catch {focus .$name.buttons.dismiss}
if { [lsearch $args "-nodeiconify"] == -1 } {
TKGCenter .$name
DEBUG "creating popup: .$name"
proc TKGtextsize {text} {
set lines 0
set width 0
foreach line [set linelist [split $text "\n"]] {
if {$width < [set l [string length $line]]} {
set width $l
incr lines
return [list $width $lines]
proc TKGTrace {info} {
TKGDialog tkgtrace \
-title "Stack Trace"\
-text "$info"
proc TKGNotice {string {flag ""}} {
TKGDialog tkgnotice\
-title "tkgoodstuff Notice:"\
-message $string
proc TKGError {string {flag ""}} {
global errorInfo TKG
set TKG(error) 1
set info $errorInfo
puts "$string\n$info";return
set c {TKGDialog tkgerror\
-image warning\
-title "tkgoodstuff Error:"\
-message $string}
set b [list [list prefs "Preferences\nManager" TKGPreferences]]
if ![Empty $info] {
lappend b [list trace "Stack Trace" [list TKGTrace $info]]
append c " -buttons [list $b]"
eval $c
if [string match exit $flag] {
tkwait window .tkgerror
proc bgerror err {TKGError $err exit}
TKGAddToHook TKG_postedhook-main-panel {proc bgerror err {TKGError $err}}
proc TKGHelp {} {
global TKG
set message "
tkgoodstuff version $TKG(version), $TKG(releasedate),
copyright 1995, 1996, and 1997 Mark Crimmins (
Documentation exists only in html form. Launch the internal help
browser or $TKG(browser) to view documentation on your local system,
or launch $TKG(browser) to view the latest documentation on the
tkgoodstuff web page.
TKGDialog tkghelp\
-wmtitle "tkgoodstuff help"\
-title "tkgoodstuff Help"\
-buttons [subst {
{ localdoc-internal
{ cd $TKG(libdir)
exec ./tcl/Help.tcl $TKG(libdir)/doc/toc.html &
destroy .tkghelp
{ localdoc-tkgbrowser
{ TKGBrowse file:$TKG(libdir)/doc/index.html
destroy .tkghelp
{ webdoc-tkgbrowser
{ TKGBrowse $TKG(webpage)
destroy .tkghelp
}] \
-message $message