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proc TKGRCInit {} {uplevel #0 {
set cmdlinepos [ lsearch $argv "-f" ]
if { $cmdlinepos != -1 } {
set TKG(configfile) [lindex $argv [expr $cmdlinepos + 1]]
set TKG(rc) $TKG(configfile)
} elseif [file exists $env(HOME)/.tkgrc] {
set TKG(configfile) $env(HOME)/.tkgrc
set TKG(rc) $TKG(configfile)
} elseif [file exists $TKG(libdir)/system-tkgrc] {
set TKG(rc) $env(HOME)/.tkgrc
set TKG(configfile) $TKG(libdir)/system-tkgrc
} else {
set TKG(configfile) $env(HOME)/.tkgrc
set TKG(rc) $TKG(configfile)
proc TKGLangInit {} {uplevel #0 {
if [file exists "~/.tkgoodstuff_$TKG(language)"] {
source "~/.tkgoodstuff_$TKG(language)"
if [file exists "$TKG(libdir)/tcl/$TKG(language).tcl"] {
source "$TKG(libdir)/tcl/$TKG(language).tcl";
} else {
source "$TKG(libdir)/tcl/english.tcl";
proc TKGFvwmInit {} {uplevel #0 {
# If we're an fvwm client, load Fvwm.tcl code
if ![catch {format "%d %d" [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]}] {
source $TKG(libdir)/tcl/Fvwm.tcl
uplevel \#0 [info body FvwmDeclare]
uplevel \#0 [info body FvwmDoOnLoad]
global TKG
lappend TKG(clients) Fvwm
proc TKGGetPreferences {} {uplevel #0 {
if {[file exists $TKG(configfile)] && ([file size $TKG(configfile)] != 0)} {
set id [open $TKG(configfile)]
set c [read $id]
close $id
flush stdout
if {(![regexp {^# tkgoodstuff config file format ([0-9]*)} $c fv fv])\
|| [expr $fv < $TKG(configfileformatversion)]} {
TKGError "Current configuration file $TKG(configfile)
is in an old, unsupported format. Using defaults."
set i [string first {-------Configuration-------} $c]
set prefs [string range $c 0 [expr $i - 2]]
set TKG(config) [string range $c [expr $i + 28] end]
set TKGVars(TKG(config),current) $TKG(config)
set command ""
foreach line [split $prefs "\n"] {
append command "$line\n"
if ![info complete $command] {
set startline $line
} else {
if [catch {eval $command} err] {
TKGError "Error in preferences. Diagnose with stack
trace and/or enter preferences manager.
Problem line:
set command ""
if ![Empty $command] {
TKGError "Error in configuration.
A command is incomplete (perhaps the command
starting with the following line):
unset i c prefs
set auto_path [concat $TKG(xtraauto) $auto_path]
proc ConfigParse {config} {
global TKG
set DATA ""
set i 0
foreach line [split $config \n] {
incr i
if ![llength $line] continue
set keyword [lindex $line 0]
set line [lreplace $line 0 0]
switch -regexp -- $keyword {
^Client$ {
lappend $VAR [list Client "Client $line"]
} ^Fill$ {
lappend $VAR [list Fill Fill]
} (^Button$|^LabelBox$|^PanelButton$|^PutPanel$|Swallow) {
set name [join $line ~]
ConfigDeclare $name $keyword
lappend $VAR [list $keyword "$keyword $line"]
} (^Stack$|^Panel$) {
set name [join $line ~]
ConfigDeclare $name $keyword
lappend $VAR [list $keyword "$keyword $line"]
lappend varstack $VAR
set VAR DATA-$i
} (^EndStack$|^EndPanel$) {
set PREVVAR [lindex $varstack end]
set varstack [lreplace $varstack end end]
set stackitem [lindex [set $PREVVAR] end]
#add list of children items to item for stack
if ![info exists $VAR] {set $VAR ""}
lappend stackitem "" [set $VAR]
unset $VAR
set $VAR [lreplace [set $VAR] end end $stackitem]
return $DATA
# varname is the array holding preferences for the item
# we load defaults for all array elements not defined (in user preferences)
proc ConfigDeclare {name type {varname ""} {typelist ""}} {
if [Empty $varname] {set varname $type$name}
if [Empty $typelist] {set typelist [list $type $name]}
global TKGVarnames TKGVars TKG $varname Prefs_taborder
if [info exists TKG(declared,$type,$name)] return
set TKG(declared,$type,$name) 1
set switches $TKG(switches,$type)
TKGSetSwitchDefaults $varname $switches 0
foreach switch $switches {
set switchvar ${varname}([lindex $switch 0])
set vartypelist [concat $typelist [lindex $switch 3]]
eval TKGDeclare $switchvar\
\{[lindex $switch 1]\}\
-typelist \$vartypelist\
[lindex $switch 2]
if ![Empty $typelist] {
set Prefs_taborder(:[join $typelist ,]) "Main Misc Colors Advanced Fvwm"
proc TKGEvalConfig {} {uplevel #0 {
set TKG(currentpanel) ""
ConfigParse $TKG(config)
set script [split $TKG(config) "\n"]
foreach line $script {
set type [lindex $line 0]
set name [lindex $line 1]
if [string match $type Client] {
uplevel \#0 "source $TKG(libdir)/tcl/$name.tcl"
if ![Empty [info procs ${name}DoOnLoad]] {
uplevel \#0 [info body ${name}DoOnLoad]
if ![Empty [info procs ${name}Declare]] {
uplevel \#0 [info body ${name}Declare]
set command ""
foreach line $script {
append command "${line}\n"
if ![info complete $command] {
set startline $line
} else {
if [catch {eval $command} err] {
TKGError "Error in configuration (or possibly preferences).
Diagnose with stack trace
and/or enter preferences manager.
Problem command:
Error: $err"
set command ""
if ![Empty $command] {
TKGError "Error in configuration.
A command is incomplete (perhaps the command
starting with the following line):
proc TKGResolvePreferences {} {uplevel #0 {
set i 0
while {($i < 20) && ![Empty $TKGSetHook]} {
set TKGSet1Hook $TKGSetHook
set TKGSetHook ""
TKGDoHook TKGSet1Hook
unset TKGSet1Hook
incr i
if {$i == 20} {
TKGError "Error in preferences: variable references
cannot be resolved (self-reference?)." exit
unset i TKGSetHook
proc TKGLibInit {} {
global TKG
foreach pkg {Tkg Tkxpm} {
if [catch {package require $pkg} err] {
TKGError "Cannot load $TKG(libdir)/lib${pkg}.
This should have been installed during tkgoodstuff installation.
Error message was:
$err" exit
proc TKGInitialize {} {
global TKG TKGSetHook
set TKG(clients) ""
set TKG(stackindex) 0
set TKG(Log) "TkGoodStuff Log starting\n\n"
set TKGSetHook ""
set TKG(currentBalloon) ""
proc TKGInitClients {} {
global TKG
foreach client $TKG(clients) {
if ![Empty [info procs ${client}Init]] {${client}Init}