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# Biff (mail-checking, mailer-launching) Client Tcl code for tkgoodstuff
proc BiffDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Biff) "MailboxList Mailboxes Button Misc MH"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Biff,Button) "Misc Icons Colors Fvwm"
TKGDeclare Biff(mailboxlist) {{Mailbox INBOX}} \
-vartype biff -nolabel 1 -nodefault 1\
-typelist [list Clients Biff MailboxList]
TKGDeclare Biff(mailer) xmh \
-typelist [list Clients Biff Misc]\
-label "Command to launch email program"
ConfigDeclare Biff ClientButton1 Biff [list Clients Biff Button]
ConfigDeclare Biff ClientButton2 Biff [list Clients Biff Button]
ConfigDeclare Biff ClientButton5 Biff [list Clients Biff Button]
TKGDeclare BiffMH(mh_path) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Biff MH]\
-label "Full path to MH programs (ie: scan, pick)"\
-help "By default we hunt semi-intelligently."
TKGDeclare BiffMH(scan_params) "-header"\
-typelist [list Clients Biff MH]\
-label "Additional arguments to MH scan program (ie: -form scan.default)"
TKGDeclare BiffMH(rcvstore) 1 \
-vartype boolean\
-typelist [list Clients Biff MH]\
-label "MH's rcvstore is used"\
-help "If rcvstore is used, we use MH's own method of keeping track of unseen messages."
TKGDeclare Biff(count) 1\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "New-mail label contains number of messages in mailbox (when single mailbox is used)"
TKGDeclare Biff(menufont) ""\
-vartype font\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Misc]\
-label "Font for menu of mailboxes (when multiple mailboxes are used)"
TKGDeclare Biff(tearoff) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Menu of mailboxes can be torn-off (when multiple mailboxes are used)"
TKGDeclare Biff(usemenu) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Instead of usual button, include menu of mailboxes on panel"
TKGDeclare Biff(nomail_image) {%biffno}\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Button Icons]\
-label "Icon for no mail"
set Biff(alertlevels) {white green yellow red}
foreach level $Biff(alertlevels) {
TKGDeclare Biff($level,image) "%biff$level"\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Button Icons]\
-label "Icon for new mail: $level alert"
TKGColorDeclare Biff(newmailforeground) #7fff00 \
[list Clients Biff Button Colors] \
"Button foreground: new mail"
TKGColorDeclare Biff(newmailbackground) {} \
[list Clients Biff Button Colors] \
"Button background: new mail" \
TKGColorDeclare Biff(nomailforeground) {} \
[list Clients Biff Button Colors] \
"Button foreground: no mail" \
TKGColorDeclare Biff(nomailbackground) {}\
[list Clients Biff Button Colors] \
"Button background: no mail" \
proc BiffUpdate {f} {
global Biff TKG Biff_newmail
TKGPeriodicCancel BiffUpdate$f
switch [[join [list Biff $Biff($f,method) Test] ""] $f] {
nochange {
TKGPeriodic BiffUpdate$f \
$Biff($f,update_interval) $Biff($f,update_interval) "BiffUpdate $f"
} 1 {
set Biff_newmail($f) 1
set newmail 1
Biff3MenuConfig $f 1
if { ($Biff($f,frm) && ! $TKG(nonotices)) } {
BiffDoFrm $f
} 0 {
catch {unset Biff_newmail($f)}
Biff3MenuConfig $f 0
if [info exists newmail] {BiffNewMailStuff $f}
TKGPeriodic BiffUpdate$f \
$Biff($f,update_interval) $Biff($f,update_interval) "BiffUpdate $f"
proc BiffSetAlert {} {
global Biff Biff_newmail Biff-params
if $Biff(usemenu) return
foreach level $Biff(alertlevels) {
foreach mb [array names Biff_newmail] {
if {$Biff($mb,alertlevel) == $level} {
set highest $level
if [info exists highest] {
if ![In [image names] Biff_$highest] {
SetImage Biff_$highest $Biff($highest,image)
set Biff-params(image,newmail) Biff_$highest
TKGButton Biff -mode newmail
} else {
if {[set Biff-params(mode)] != "nomail" } {
TKGButton Biff -mode nomail
proc BiffNewMailStuff {f} {
global TKG Biff
if { ! ( $Biff($f,nobeep) || $TKG(nobeep) ) } {
# percent, pitch, duration
TKGBell \
1 \
[expr 1.1 + (.1*[lsearch $Biff(alertlevels) $Biff($f,alertlevel)])]\
if ![Empty $Biff($f,newmailevent)] {
eval exec $Biff($f,newmailevent) &
proc BiffIgnore {} {
global Biff
foreach f $Biff(mailboxes) {
BiffIgnoreFolder $f
TKGButton Biff -mode nomail
proc BiffIgnoreFolder {f} {
global Biff Biff_newmail
[join [list Biff $Biff($f,method) Ignore] ""] $f
catch {unset Biff_newmail($f)}
if [winfo exists .biff3menu] {
Biff3MenuConfig $f 0
proc Biff_3 {x y} {
# BiffUpdate
global Biff Biff-params
[set Biff-params(pathname)] configure -state normal
if {[llength $Biff(mailboxes)] == 1} {
BiffDoFrm [lindex $Biff(mailboxes) 0]
eval tk_popup .biff3menu [TKGPopupLocate .biff3menu $x $y]
raise .biff3menu
focus .biff3menu
proc Biff3MenuConfig {f new} {
if ![winfo exists .biff3menu] return
global Biff
if $new {
.biff3menu entryconfigure \
[expr [lsearch $Biff(mailboxes) $f] + \
($Biff(tearoff) && ! $Biff(usemenu))]\
-foreground $Biff(newmailforeground) \
-activeforeground $Biff(newmailforeground)
} else {
.biff3menu entryconfigure \
[expr [lsearch $Biff(mailboxes) $f] + \
($Biff(tearoff) && ! $Biff(usemenu))]\
-foreground $Biff(nomailforeground) \
-activeforeground $Biff(nomailforeground)
proc BiffExecMailer {} {
global Biff
if !$Biff(usemenu) {
TKGbuttonInvoke [set Biff-params(pathname)]
} else {
exec $Biff(mailer) &
proc BiffDoFrm {f} {
global Biff TKG Biff_strings Biff-params
if {![Empty $Biff($f,frm_instead)]} {
regsub -all -nocase @mailbox@ $Biff($f,frm_instead) \
[TKGDecode $f] cmd
if {[string match "Tcl *" $cmd]} {
after 0 [list eval [string range $cmd 4 end]]
} elseif {[string match exmh $cmd]} {
BiffMHExmh $f
} else {
eval exec $cmd &
set ww biff_frm_$f
TKGDialog $ww \
-font tkgfixedbig\
-image letters \
-wmtitle $Biff_strings(mail) \
-title "$Biff_strings(mail): [TKGDecode $f]" \
-text "Getting list of messages . . ."\
-nodismiss \
-nodeiconify \
-buttons [list \
[list launch $Biff_strings(readmail) \
"destroy .$ww; BiffExecMailer"\
[list rescan Rescan \
"BiffDoFrm $f"\
[list dismiss $Biff_strings(dismiss)\
"destroy .$ww"\
set w .$ww.view.text
$w configure -state disabled
TKGCenter .$ww
if {"$Biff($f,frm_command)" != ""} {
catch { eval exec $Biff($f,frm_command) | cut -c 1-80 } text
if ![winfo exists $w] return
$w configure -state normal
$w delete 1.0 end
$w insert end $text
} else {
if ![Empty [info procs [join [list Biff $Biff($f,method) Scan] ""]]] {
set frmlist [[join [list Biff $Biff($f,method) Scan] ""] $f]
} else {
if ![file exists $Biff($f,folder)] {
set frmlist ""
} else {
set frmlist [BiffScanHeaders frm $f]
if ![winfo exists $w] return
$w configure -state normal
$w delete 1.0 end
if {[llength $frmlist] == 0} {
$w insert end $Biff_strings(frm_nomail)
} elseif [string match [lindex $frmlist 0] error] {
TKGError [lindex $frmlist 1]
} else {
foreach l $frmlist {
if [lindex $l 2] {
set new "N"
} else {
set new " "
if ![winfo exists $w] return
$w insert end "[format {%3d %1s %-25s %s} \
[lindex $l 3] $new\
[string range [lindex $l 0] 0 24]\
[string range [lindex $l 1] 0 45]]\n"\
msg_[lindex $l 3]
$w tag bind msg_[lindex $l 3] <Enter> [subst {
$w tag configure msg_[lindex $l 3] -background $Biff(frm_selbg)
$w tag bind msg_[lindex $l 3] <Leave> [subst {
$w tag configure msg_[lindex $l 3] -background $TKG(textbackground)
$w tag bind msg_[lindex $l 3] <1>\
"BiffDisplayMessage $f [lindex $l 3]"
$w configure -state disabled
$w see end
BiffIgnoreFolder $f
proc BiffDisplayMessage {f num} {
global Biff
if [winfo exists .biff_displaynum] {
raise .biff_displaynum
set tit "Message $num in [TKGDecode $f]"
TKGDialog biff_displaynum -title $tit -wmtitle $tit \
-text "Getting message . . ."
set w .biff_displaynum.view.text
set getcmd [join [list Biff $Biff($f,method) GetMessage] ""]
if [Empty [info procs $getcmd]] {
set getcmd {BiffScanHeaders msg}
set text [eval $getcmd $f $num]
# if [string match [lindex $text 0] error] {
# set text [lindex $text 1]
# }
if ![winfo exists $w] return
$w configure -state normal
$w delete 1.0 end
$w insert end $text
$w configure -state disabled
proc BiffDoCount {f} {
global Biff
set file $Biff($f,folder)
if [catch {lindex [exec cat $file | grep "^From " | wc -l] 0} n] {
set n 0
BiffCountLabel $f $n
proc BiffCountLabel {f n} {
global Biff
switch $n {
"" {
set label ""
} 1 {
set label " 1"
} default {
set label [format "%3d" $n]
if [winfo exists .biff3menu] {
set text [format "%-[set Biff(maxnamelen)]s%3s" [TKGDecode $f] $label]
.biff3menu entryconfigure \
[expr [lsearch $Biff(mailboxes) $f] + \
($Biff(tearoff) && ! $Biff(usemenu))]\
-label $text
} elseif !$Biff(nolabel) {
upvar \#0 Biff-params P
set P(text,newmail) $label
} else {
set P(balloon,newmail) $label
proc BiffCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid Biff] return
global Biff Biff-params Biff_strings TKG_labels TKG
TKGClientStrings Biff
if {[string first ~ $Biff(mailboxlist)] != -1 } {
regsub -all ~ $Biff(mailboxes) [glob ~] Biff(mailboxlist)
foreach f $Biff(mailboxlist) {
lappend Biff(mailboxes) [TKGEncode [lindex $f 1]]
# Create menu first, since we might be using it instead of button
if {[llength $Biff(mailboxes)] > 1} {
if {[Empty $Biff(menufont)]} {
set menufont tkgfixedmedium
} else {
set menufont $Biff(menufont)
if {$Biff(usemenu)} {set type tearoff}
menu .biff3menu -tearoff [expr $Biff(tearoff) && !$Biff(usemenu)]\
-background $TKG(buttonbackground)\
-activebackground $TKG(butactivebackground)\
-font $menufont
set Biff(maxnamelen) 0
foreach f $Biff(mailboxes) {
if {[string length $f] > $Biff(maxnamelen)} {
set Biff(maxnamelen) [string length $f]
foreach f $Biff(mailboxes) {
.biff3menu add command \
-label [format "%-[set Biff(maxnamelen)]s%3s" [TKGDecode $f] " ?"]\
-command "BiffDoFrm $f"
if $Biff(usemenu) {
.biff3menu post 400 400
set w [winfo reqwidth .biff3menu]
set h [winfo reqheight .biff3menu]
TKGMakeSwallow Biff -width $w -height $h\
-exec "Tcl " -windowname biff3menu -borderwidth 0
bind .biff3menu <ButtonRelease-2> {
BiffIgnoreFolder [lindex $Biff(mailboxes) [.biff3menu index active]]
bind .biff3menu <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
bind .biff3menu <ButtonRelease-1> {
if {![string match none [.biff3menu index active]]} {
.biff3menu invoke active
grab release .biff3menu
if {$Biff(noicon) && !$Biff(nolabel)} {
set noicon ""
set newicon ""
} else {
SetImage Biff_nomail_image $Biff(nomail_image)
SetImage Biff_newmail_image $Biff(yellow,image)
set noicon Biff_nomail_image
set newicon Biff_newmail_image
if $Biff(nolabel) {
set notext ""
set newtext ""
} else {
set notext $Biff_strings(nomail)
set newtext $Biff_strings(newmail)
TKGMakeButton Biff \
-text(nomail) $notext \
-balloon(nomail) $notext \
-image(nomail) $noicon\
-exec(nomail) $Biff(mailer) \
-foreground(nomail) $Biff(nomailforeground) \
-activeforeground(nomail) $Biff(nomailforeground) \
-background(nomail) $Biff(nomailbackground) \
-text(newmail) $newtext \
-balloon(newmail) $newtext \
-image(newmail) $newicon\
-exec(newmail) $Biff(mailer) \
-foreground(newmail) $Biff(newmailforeground) \
-activeforeground(newmail) $Biff(newmailforeground) \
-background(newmail) $Biff(newmailbackground) \
-iconside $Biff(iconside)\
-relief $Biff(relief)\
-ignore $Biff(ignore)\
-font(nomail) $Biff(font)\
-font(newmail) $Biff(font)\
-usebutton2 0\
-staydown(newmail) $Biff(staydown)\
-staydown(nomail) $Biff(staydown)\
-trackwindow(newmail) $Biff(trackwindow)\
-trackwindow(nomail) $Biff(trackwindow)\
-windowname(nomail) $Biff(windowname)\
-windowname(newmail) $Biff(windowname)\
-mode nomail
bind [set Biff-params(pathname)] <2> BiffIgnore
bind [set Biff-params(pathname)] <3> {Biff_3 %X %Y}
proc BiffMailboxDeclare {f} {
global Biff Prefs_taborder
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Biff,Mailboxes,[TKGDecode $f]) \
"General Misc Method"
TKGDeclare Biff($f,folder) "" \
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] General] \
-label "Folder to check" \
-help "Can be a full file or directory name, an MH mailbox (like \
+inbox), or an IMAP mailbox name (usually INBOX)."
TKGDeclare Biff($f,update_interval) 60 \
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] General] \
-label "Check every __ seconds"
TKGDeclare Biff($f,alertlevel) yellow\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] General]\
-vartype optionMenu \
-optionlist {white green yellow red}\
-label "Alert level" \
-help "This affects the color of the new mail icon."
TKGDeclare Biff($f,listall) 1\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-vartype radio -radioside left\
-label "Scan listing should list"\
-radiolist {
{"All messages" 1}
{"Unseen messages" 0}} \
-help "This affects only MH and IMAP methods. (With the other
methods, there is no direct way to tell which messages are unseen.)"
TKGDeclare Biff($f,frm) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Post listing of new messages on arrival"
TKGDeclare Biff($f,frm_command) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Unix command to get (text) list of new mail (optional)."\
-help "Leave blank to use tkgoodstuff's mail scanning code."
TKGDeclare Biff($f,frm_instead) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Unix command to execute instead of using tkgoodstuff's
-help "For instance, you might start your mailer."
TKGDeclare Biff($f,newmailevent) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Unix command executed when new mail is found."
TKGDeclare Biff($f,nobeep) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] General]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Don't beep"
TKGDeclare Biff($f,method) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Biff Mailboxes [TKGDecode $f] Method]\
-label "Mail Checking Method"\
-help "Defaults to MH if folder is of the form '+name', and to
the access/modification time method otherwise." \
-vartype radio\
-radiolist {
{"Check if Access/Modification times differ" atime}
{"Check if file is non-empty" filesize}
{"Scan messages for status flags" internal}
{"MH folder" MH}
{"Mailbox on IMAP server." IMAP}
BiffMailboxSpecialDeclare $f
global TKGVars
trace variable TKGVars(Biff($f,method),setting) w "BiffMailboxSpecialPrefs $f"
proc BiffMailboxSpecialDeclare {f args} {
global Biff
if [string match $Biff($f,method) IMAP] {
BiffIMAPDeclare $f
proc BiffMailboxSpecialPrefs {f args} {
global TKGVars Biff
if {[string match [set TKGVars(Biff($f,method),setting)] IMAP]
&& ![info exists Biff($f,host)]} {
BiffIMAPDeclare $f
set name [TKGDecode $f]
TKGPrefs [list Clients Biff Mailboxes $name IMAP]\
"$name IMAP Preferences" .prefsClients~sBiff~sMailboxes~s$f
proc BiffInit {} {
global Biff
set Biff(frm_selbg) white
TKGAddToHook TKG_alldone_hook BiffGetGoing
proc BiffGetGoing {} {
global Biff TKG env
foreach f $Biff(mailboxes) {
BiffMailboxDeclare $f
if [Empty $Biff($f,folder)] {
if [string match $f INBOX] {
if [info exists env(MAIL)] {
set Biff($f,folder) $env(MAIL)
} else {
set dir /usr/spool/mail
foreach d {/usr/spool/mail /var/mail /var/spool/mail /usr/mail} {
if [file isdirectory $d] {
set dir $d
set Biff($f,folder) $dir/[exec whoami]
} else {
set Biff($f,folder) [TKGDecode $f]
# "+foldername" is MH
if [Empty $Biff($f,method)] {
if [string match +* $Biff($f,folder)] {
set Biff($f,method) MH
} else {
set Biff($f,method) atime
set method $Biff($f,method)
if [Empty [info procs Biff${method}Test]] {
Biff${method}FolderInit $f
foreach f $Biff(mailboxes) {
if ![Empty [info procs Biff${method}Start]] {
Biff${method}Start $f
} else {
TKGPeriodic BiffUpdate$f \
$Biff($f,update_interval) $Biff($f,update_interval) "BiffUpdate $f"
after 1000 BiffUpdate $f
DEBUG "Loaded Biff.tcl"