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# Net status and toggle button client. Tcl code for tkgoodstuff
proc NetDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Net) "Misc Commands Button Ping"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Net,Commands) "PPP SLIP TERM"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Net,Button) "Misc Colors MoreColors"
TKGDeclare Net(nolabel) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Don't use a text label"
TKGDeclare Net(types) "PPP SLIP TERM"\
-typelist [list Clients Net Misc]\
-label "Types of net connection this client might be asked to control"
TKGDeclare Net(type) {[lindex $Net(types) 0]}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Misc]\
-label "The default connection type (by default, the first in the above list)"
TKGDeclare Net(PPP,on) Dialer\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands PPP]\
-label "Unix command to open link"
TKGDeclare Net(PPP,off) ppp-off\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands PPP]\
-label "Unix command to close link"
TKGDeclare Net(PPP,getstatuscommand) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands PPP]\
-label "Unix command to test if link is open"
TKGDeclare Net(PPP,getaddresscommand) {ifconfig | grep inet.\*P-t-P | sed s/inet.*r:// | sed s/P-t-P.\*//}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands PPP]\
-vartype text\
-label "Unix command to get local net address"
TKGDeclare Net(SLIP,on) slipup\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands SLIP]\
-label "Unix command to open link"
TKGDeclare Net(SLIP,off) slipdown\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands SLIP]\
-label "Unix command to close link"
TKGDeclare Net(SLIP,getstatuscommand) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands SLIP]\
-label "Unix command to test if link is open"
TKGDeclare Net(SLIP,getaddresscommand) {ifconfig | grep inet.\*P-t-P | sed s/inet.*r:// | sed s/P-t-P.\*//}\
-vartype text\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands SLIP]\
-label "Unix command to get local net address"
TKGDeclare Net(TERM,on) term-on\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands TERM]\
-label "Unix command to open link"
TKGDeclare Net(TERM,off) term-off\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands TERM]\
-label "Unix command to close link"
TKGDeclare Net(TERM,getstatuscommand) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands TERM]\
-label "Unix command to test if link is open"
TKGDeclare Net(TERM,getaddresscommand) {ifconfig | grep inet.\*P-t-P | sed s/inet.*r:// | sed s/P-t-P.\*//}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Commands TERM]\
-vartype text\
-label "Unix command to get local net address"
TKGDeclare Net(check_interval) 20\
-typelist [list Clients Net Misc]\
-label "How often to check if the net is up (seconds)"
TKGDeclare Net(wait_period) 120\
-typelist [list Clients Net Misc]\
-label "After how long assume that net-connect command failed"
TKGDeclare Net(auto_ping) 1\
-typelist [list Clients Net Ping]\
-label "Periodically issue \"ping\" command to keep the line\
TKGDeclare Net(ping_interval) 120\
-typelist [list Clients Net Ping]\
-label "How often (seconds)"
TKGDeclare Net(ping_command) {ping -c 1 \$Net(ipaddr)}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Ping]\
-label "Using what command (\"\\\$Net(ipaddr)\" is the local net address)"
TKGDeclare Net(showtime) 1\
-typelist [list Clients Net Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Show up-time in button label"
TKGDeclare Net(iconside) ""\
-label "Side of icon on button" -vartype radio\
-radioside left\
-radiolist {{left left} {right right} {top top}
{bottom bottom} {background background}} \
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]
TKGDeclare Net(relief) ""\
-label "Normal relief of button" -vartype radio\
-radioside left\
-radiolist {{raised raised} {flat flat}} \
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]
TKGDeclare Net(font) "" \
-vartype font\
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]\
-label "Font of label on button"
TKGDeclare Net(image,up) {%netup}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]\
-label "Icon when connection is up"
TKGDeclare Net(image,dn) {%netdn}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]\
-label "Icon when connection is down"
TKGDeclare Net(image,wt) {%netwt}\
-typelist [list Clients Net Button Misc]\
-label "Icon when connection is in transition"
TKGColorDeclare Net(upforeground) chartreuse1 \
[list Clients Net Button Colors] \
"Foreground color: net up"
TKGColorDeclare Net(upactiveforeground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Active (mouse on top) foreground color: net up"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(upbackground) {}\
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Background color: net up" \
TKGColorDeclare Net(upactivebackground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Active Background color: net up"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(dnforeground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Foreground color: net down"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(dnactiveforeground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Active foreground color: net down"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(dnbackground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Background color: net down"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(dnactivebackground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button Colors]\
"Active Background color: net down"\
TKGColorDeclare Net(wtforeground) yellow\
[list Clients Net Button MoreColors]\
"Foreground color: net in transition"
TKGColorDeclare Net(wtactiveforeground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button MoreColors]\
"Active foreground color: net in transition" \
TKGColorDeclare Net(wtbackground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button MoreColors]\
"Background color: net in transition" \
TKGColorDeclare Net(wtactivebackground) {} \
[list Clients Net Button MoreColors]\
"Active Background color: net in transition"\
proc Net_setstatus {} {
global Net Net_strings
if {!$Net(linkstatus)} {
TKGPeriodicCancel Net_ping
TKGButton Net -mode netdn
TKGButton Net -mode netdn
Net_popup_menu normal
set Net(ipaddr) $Net_strings(nonexistent)
TKGDoHook Net_down_hook
} else {
# Get IP address for pinging
catch {eval exec $Net($Net(type),getaddresscommand)} Net(ipaddr)
set Net(ipaddr) [string trim $Net(ipaddr) " "]
DEBUG "Net up: ip address is $Net(ipaddr)"
TKGPeriodic Net_ping $Net(ping_interval) $Net(ping_interval) Net_ping
TKGButton Net -mode netup
TKGDoHook Net_up_hook
if $Net(showtime) {
set Net(uptime)\
[expr [clock seconds] - [clock scan 00:00]]
proc Net-stat {} {
global Net Net-params TKG
set oldstatus $Net(linkstatus)
set Net(linkstatus) [eval $Net($Net(type),getstatus)]
if {$oldstatus != $Net(linkstatus)} {
set stat down
if {$Net(linkstatus)} {set stat up}
DEBUG "Net is $stat"
if [info exists Net(uptime)] {
global Net-params
set t [clock format [expr [clock seconds] - $Net(uptime)]\
-format %T]
set Net-params(text,netup) $t
set TKG(balloontext,[set Net-params(pathname)]) "Uptime: $t"
proc Net_start_wait {} {
global Net
# accelerate status checking and set Net(stop_wait) to run
DEBUG "Starting Net status-check vigilance"
TKGPeriodic Net_update \
$Net(waitcheck_interval) $Net(waitcheck_interval) Net-stat
TKGPeriodic Net_stopwait \
1 $Net(wait_period) {
DEBUG "Net: vigilance timed out"
proc Net_stop_wait {} {
global Net
DEBUG "Ending Net status-check vigilance"
#get rid of wait button, resume normal checking, and no more of me
TKGPeriodic Net_update $Net(check_interval) $Net(check_interval) Net-stat
TKGPeriodicCancel Net_stopwait
Net_popup_menu normal
proc Net_on_stuff {} {
global Net
DEBUG "Net: trying net-up"
TKGButton Net -mode nettu
if [catch {eval exec $Net($Net(type),on) &} err] {
TKGError "Error in executing Net up command:\n$err"
Net_popup_menu disabled
proc Net_off_stuff {} {
global Net
DEBUG "Net: trying net-down"
TKGButton Net -mode nettd
if [catch {eval exec $Net($Net(type),off) &} err] {
TKGError "Error in executing Net down command:\n$err"
if $Net(showtime) {
global Net-params
unset Net(uptime)
set Net-params(text,netup) "00:00:00"
set Net-params(balloon,netup) "Uptime: 00:00:00"
proc Net_reset_stuff {} {
proc Net_popup_menu {state} {
global Net
foreach type $Net(types) { entryconfigure $type -state $state
proc Net_ping {} {
global Net
if $Net(auto_ping) {
if {$Net(linkstatus)} {
DEBUG "pinging $Net(ipaddr)"
eval exec $Net(ping_command)
proc NetAskReset {} {
global Net_strings
TKGDialog netreset \
-wmtitle $Net_strings(reset) \
-title $Net_strings(reset) \
-message $Net_strings(askreset)\
-buttons {
{ yes Yes {Net_reset_stuff; destroy .netreset }}
{ cancel Cancel {destroy .netreset}}
focus .netreset.buttons.yes
proc NetAskDown {} {
TKGDialog netdown \
-wmtitle "Net Down: confirm" \
-title "Net" \
-message "Really bring net connection down?"\
-buttons {
{ yes Yes {Net_off_stuff; destroy .netdown }}
{ cancel Cancel {destroy .netdown}}
focus .netdown.buttons.yes
proc NetChangeType args {
global Net Net_strings Net-params TKG
if ![info exists Net-params(pathname)] return
if { !$Net(nolabel) && !$TKG(iconsonly) } {
TKGButton Net \
-text(netwt) "$Net_strings(netwt)" \
-text(netdn) "$Net_strings(netdn)" \
-text(netup) "$Net_strings(netup)" \
-text(nettu) "$Net_strings(nettu)" \
-text(nettd) "$Net_strings(nettd)"
proc NetCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid Net] return
global Net TKG Net-params Net_strings TKG_labels
TKGClientStrings Net
uplevel {
set Net(check_offset) 0
set Net(waitcheck_interval) 2
trace variable Net(type) w NetChangeType
# Initial settings
set Net(linkstatus) -1
set Net(ipaddr) $Net_strings(nonexistent)
foreach type $Net(types) {
if ![Empty $Net($Net(type),getstatuscommand)] {
set Net($type,getstatus)\
"expr !\[catch {eval exec $Net($type,getstatuscommand)}\]"
} elseif [file readable /proc/net/route] {
set Net($type,getstatus)\
"string match *[string tolower $type]* \[GetFile /proc/net/route\]"
} else {
set Net($type,getstatus)\
"expr !\[catch {eval exec ifconfig | grep [string tolower $type]}\]"
SetImage netup_image $Net(image,up)
SetImage netdn_image $Net(image,dn)
SetImage netwt_image $Net(image,wt)
if $Net(nolabel) {
set twt ""
set tup ""
set tdn ""
set ttu ""
set ttd ""
} else {
set twt "$Net_strings(netwt)"
set tup "$Net_strings(netup)"
set tdn "$Net_strings(netdn)"
set ttu "$Net_strings(nettu)"
set ttd "$Net_strings(nettd)"
if $Net(showtime) {
set tup "00:00:00"
TKGMakeButton Net \
-mode netwt \
-image(netwt) netwt_image \
-text(netwt) $twt \
-command(netwt) NetAskReset\
-staydown(netwt) 0\
-foreground(netwt) $Net(wtforeground) \
-background(netwt) $Net(wtbackground) \
-activeforeground(netwt) $Net(wtactiveforeground) \
-activebackground(netwt) $Net(wtactivebackground) \
-image(netup) netup_image \
-text(netup) $tup \
-balloon(netup) $tup \
-staydown(netup) 0 \
-command(netup) NetAskDown\
-foreground(netup) $Net(upforeground) \
-background(netup) $Net(upbackground) \
-activeforeground(netup) $Net(upactiveforeground) \
-activebackground(netup) $Net(upactivebackground) \
-image(netdn) netdn_image \
-text(netdn) $tdn \
-balloon(netdn) $tdn \
-staydown(netdn) 0 \
-command(netdn) Net_on_stuff\
-foreground(netdn) $Net(dnforeground) \
-background(netdn) $Net(dnbackground) \
-activeforeground(netdn) $Net(dnactiveforeground) \
-activebackground(netdn) $Net(dnactivebackground) \
-font(netup) $Net(font) \
-font(netdn) $Net(font) \
-font(netwt) $Net(font) \
-iconside $Net(iconside) \
-relief $Net(relief)
TKGButtonCopyMode Net netwt nettd
set Net-params(text,nettd) $ttd
set Net-params(balloon,nettd) $ttd
TKGButtonCopyMode Net netwt nettu
set Net-params(text,nettu) $ttu
set Net-params(balloon,nettu) $ttu
TKGPopupAddClient Net
foreach type $Net(types) { add radiobutton -label $type -variable Net(type) -value $type
} add separator add checkbutton\
-label "$Net_strings(netping) " -variable Net(auto_ping) add command\
-label "$Net_strings(netshowip) " -command {
TKGDialog ipinfo -wmtitle $Net_strings(netipinfo)\
-message "$Net_strings(netipaddr) $Net(ipaddr)"
# RecursiveBind [set Net-params(pathname)] <3> {
# set newtype [lindex $Net(types) \
# [expr (([lsearch $Net(types) $Net(type)] +1)\
# %% [llength $Net(types)])]]
# invoke $newtype
# }
uplevel {
TKGPeriodic Net_update $Net(check_interval) $Net(check_offset) Net-stat
DEBUG "Loaded Net.tcl"