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# WWW browser launching Client Tcl code for tkgoodstuff
proc WWWDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,WWW) "Misc Commands"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,WWW,Commands) "Netscape Lynx "
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,WWW,Button) "Misc Colors Fvwm"
TKGDeclare WWW(browserlist) netscape -typelist [list Clients WWW Misc]\
-label "List of browsers (separated by spaces)"
TKGDeclare WWW(lynx,launch) "xterm -T lynx -e lynx"\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Lynx] \
-label "Unix launch command"
TKGDeclare WWW(netscape,launch) "netscape -ncols 120"\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Netscape] \
-label "Unix launch command"
TKGDeclare WWW(netscape,windowname) Netscape\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Netscape] \
-label "Window name"
TKGDeclare WWW(lynx,windowname) lynx\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Lynx] \
-label "Window name"
TKGDeclare WWW(default,launch) {\$browser}\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Other] \
-label "Unix launch command for other browsers"\
-help "The default is just the browser name"
TKGDeclare WWW(newwindow) 1 \
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Netscape] \
-label "Open new Netscape window for URLs in X selection" \
-vartype boolean
set WWW(netscape,goto) {tcl {WWWNetscapeGoto $url}}
TKGDeclare WWW(lynx,goto) {xterm -T lynx -e lynx \$url}\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Lynx] \
-label "Command to direct lynx to a specific URL"
TKGDeclare WWW(default,goto) {tcl {exec \$browser \$url &} }\
-typelist [list Clients WWW Commands Other] \
-label "Command to direct unknown browser to a specific URL"
ConfigDeclare Ical ClientButton1 Ical [list Clients Ical Button]
ConfigDeclare WWW ClientButton1 WWW [list Clients WWW Button]
ConfigDeclare WWW ClientButton2 WWW [list Clients WWW Button]
ConfigDeclare WWW ClientButton3 WWW [list Clients WWW Button]
ConfigDeclare WWW ClientButton4 WWW [list Clients WWW Button]
ConfigDeclare WWW ClientButton5 WWW [list Clients WWW Button]
proc WWWCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid WWW] return
global WWW WWW-params
if {[llength $WWW(browserlist)] == 1} {
set WWW(browser) [lindex $WWW(browserlist) 0]
set WWW(singlemode) 1
} else {
set WWW(singlemode) 0
set WWW(browser) ""
switch $WWW(browser) {
netscape {
set WWW(text) "Netscape"
if [Empty $WWW(imagefile)] {
set WWW(imagefile) %netscape
if [Empty $WWW(windowname)] {
set WWW(windowname) Netscape
default {
set WWW(text) "WWW"
if [Empty $WWW(imagefile)] {
set WWW(imagefile) %www
lappend c TKGMakeButton WWW -balloon "Launch Web browser"
foreach switch {
iconside ignore font foreground background windowname tilefile
activeforeground activebackground staydown trackwindow relief
} {
lappend c -$switch $WWW($switch)
if !$WWW(nolabel) {
lappend c -text $WWW(text)
if {!$WWW(noicon) || $WWW(nolabel)} {
lappend c -imagefile $WWW(imagefile)
eval $c
if !$WWW(singlemode) {
bind [set WWW-params(pathname)] <1> "WWWChooseLaunch %X %Y"
bind [set WWW-params(pathname)] <3> "WWWChooseGoto %X %Y"
} else {
bind [set WWW-params(pathname)] <3> "WWWGoto $WWW(browser)"
if [info exists WWW($WWW(browser),launch)] {
TKGButton WWW -exec $WWW($WWW(browser),launch)
} else {
set browser $WWW(browser)
eval TKGButton WWW -exec $WWW(default,launch)
if [info exists WWW($WWW(browser),windowname)] {
TKGButton WWW -windowname $WWW($WWW(browser),windowname)
proc WWWNetscapeGoto {url} {
global WWW
if $WWW(newwindow) {
set cmd [list exec netscape -remote "openURL($url, newwindow, noraise)"]
} else {
set cmd [list exec netscape -remote "openURL($url)"]
if [ catch $cmd err ] {
if [string match "Couldn't find a netscape window" $err] {
WWWLaunchWithURL netscape $url
} else {TKGNotice $err}
proc WWWButtonInvoke {command} {
upvar \#0 WWW-params P
set oldcommand $P(exec,normal)
set P(exec,normal) $command
TKGbuttonInvoke $P(pathname)
set P(exec,normal) $oldcommand
proc WWWLaunchWithURL {browsertype url} {
global WWW WWW-params
set oldlaunch $WWW($browsertype,launch)
set WWW($browsertype,launch) "$oldlaunch $url"
TKGbuttonInvoke [set WWW-params(pathname)]
set WWW($browsertype,launch) $oldlaunch
proc WWWChooseGoto {x y} {
global WWW
set m .wwwchoose
catch "destroy $m"
menu $m
foreach browser $WWW(browserlist) {
$m add command -label $browser -command "WWWGoto $browser"
eval tk_popup $m [TKGPopupLocate $m $x $y]
raise $m
proc WWWChooseLaunch {x y} {
global WWW
set m .wwwchoose
catch "destroy $m"
menu $m
foreach browser $WWW(browserlist) {
$m add command -label $browser -command "WWWLaunch $browser"
eval tk_popup $m [TKGPopupLocate $m $x $y]
proc WWWLaunch {browser} {
global WWW
if ![info exists WWW($browser,windowname)] {
set WWW($browser,windowname) ""
if [info exists WWW($browser,launch)] {
TKGExec $WWW($browser,launch) $WWW($browser,windowname)
} else {
TKGExec $WWW(default,launch)
proc WWWGoto {browser {url ""}} {
global WWW
if [Empty $url] {
if [catch "selection get" url] {
TKGError "Selection not set"
selection clear
set url [WWWTrimURL $url]
if [info exists WWW($browser,goto)] {
set c $WWW($browser,goto)
} else {
set c $WWW(default,goto)
if {[lindex $c 0] == "tcl"} {
eval [lindex $c 1]
} else {
eval "eval exec $c &"
proc WWWTrimURL {url} {
set pattern [join {{(s?https?|ftp|file|gopher|news|telnet):}\
{[-a-zA-Z0-9_=?#$@~`%&*+|\\/.,]+}} ""]
if [regexp $pattern $url trimmed] {
return $trimmed
} else { return $url }
DEBUG "Loaded WWW.tcl"