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# Webster (tkgoodstuff client)
proc WebsterDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Webster) "Misc Button"
TKGDeclare Webster(url) \
{} \
-typelist [list Clients Webster Misc] \
-scrollbar 1\
-label "URL for fetching definition" \
-help "This URL, should fetch the definition when `@word@' is replaced
with the word to be defined."
TKGDeclare Webster(imagefile) {%webster} \
-typelist [list Clients Webster Button Misc] \
-label "Icon file"
TKGDeclare Webster(label) "Webster" \
-typelist [list Clients Webster Button Misc]
ConfigDeclare Webster ClientButton1 Webster [list Clients Webster Button]
ConfigDeclare Webster ClientButton3 Webster [list Clients Webster Button]
ConfigDeclare Webster ClientButton5 Webster [list Clients Webster Button]
TKGDeclare Webster(makebutton) 1 \
-typelist [list Clients Webster Button Misc] -vartype boolean\
-label "Make a button" \
-help "Produce a button? (If no, the command WebsterDefine is available as
a tcl command for the Menu client.)"
proc WebsterCreateWindow {} {
global Webster
if [TKGReGrid Webster] return
if $Webster(makebutton) {
lappend c TKGMakeButton Webster -command WebsterDefine\
-balloon "Get dictionary definition" \
-iconside $Webster(iconside) \
-relief $Webster(relief)
if !$Webster(nolabel) {
lappend c -text $Webster(label)
if !$Webster(noicon) {
SetImage Webster(image) $Webster(imagefile)
lappend c -image Webster(image)
eval $c
unset c
proc WebsterDefine {{word ""}} {
global Webster TKG
if [Empty $word] {
if [catch "selection get" word] {
selection clear
set word [join $word +]
regsub @word@ $Webster(url) $word url
lappend c WWWGoto $TKG(browser) $url
eval $c
proc WebsterDialog {} {
TKGDialog tkgwebster -wmtitle "Webster . . ."\
-title "Webster . . ."\
-buttons [list [list ok OK {
WebsterDefine $Webster(word)
set Webster(word) ""
destroy .tkgwebster}]]
grid [entry .tkgwebster.entry -width 40 -textvariable Webster(word)]\
-row 5 -column 0 -sticky nsew
focus .tkgwebster.entry
bind .tkgwebster.entry <Key-Return> {
.tkgwebster.buttons.ok flash
.tkgwebster.buttons.ok invoke
DEBUG "Loaded Webster.tcl"