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# Procedures called in rc files:
proc Client {name} {
global TKG
lappend TKG(clients) $name
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel \
"if !\[Empty \[info procs ${name}CreateWindow\]\] ${name}CreateWindow"
set TKG(switches,ClientButton1) {
{iconside {}\
{-label "Side of icon on button" -vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {left right top bottom background} \
-help {Leave unset to use context-sensitive default}
{ignore 0 {-label {Ignore general preferences for no labels\
and no icons} -vartype boolean} Misc}
{font {} {-label {Font of text on button} -vartype font} Misc}
{tilefile {} {-label {Background tile (file)}} Misc}
{relief {} \
{-label {Normal relief of button} -vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {flat raised}
set TKG(switches,ClientButton2) {
{usebutton2 1 {-label {Mouse button 2 executes unix command\
even when button is depressed} -vartype boolean} Misc}
{staydown 1 {-label {Button stays down until command is finished} -vartype boolean} Misc}
{trackwindow 0 {-vartype boolean\
-label {Fvwm button behavior} -help {\
If tkgoodstuff is used as an fvwm module, the button will stay down whenever
there exists a window of the given name.}} Fvwm}
{windowname {} {-label {Windowname of the window produced by the command} -help \
{If tkgoodstuff is used as an fvwm module, clicking on a sunken button
will take you to the window of this name. Defaults to the name of the
program in the unix command.}} Fvwm}
set TKG(switches,ClientButton3) {
{foreground {} {-label Foreground -vartype color} Colors}
{background {} {-label Background -vartype color} Colors}
{activeforeground {} {-label {Active foreground} -vartype color} Colors}
{activebackground {} {-label {Active background} -vartype color} Colors}
set TKG(switches,ClientButton4) {
{text {} {-label {Text on button}} Main}
{imagefile {} {-label {Icon (file)}} Main}
set TKG(switches,ClientButton5) {
{nolabel 0 {-vartype boolean -label "Don't use a text label"} Misc}
{noicon 0 {-vartype boolean -label "Don't use an icon"} Misc}
set TKG(switches,Button) [concat $TKG(switches,ClientButton1) \
$TKG(switches,ClientButton2) \
$TKG(switches,ClientButton3) \
$TKG(switches,ClientButton4) \
{exec {} {-label {Unix command} -scrollbar 1} Main}
{command {} {-label {Tcl command} -scrollbar 1} Advanced}
{balloon {} {-label {Text in help balloon}} Advanced}
proc Button args {
set name [join $args ~]
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel \
"eval \[concat TKGMakeButton $name \[TKGGetArgs Button $name]]"
set TKG(switches,PanelButton) {
{panelname {} {-label {Name of panel (if not the same as the button name)}} Main}
{iconside {}\
{-label "Side of icon on button" -vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {left right top bottom} \
-help {Leave unset to use context-sensitive default}
{relief {} \
{-label {Normal relief of button} -vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {flat raised}
{ignore 0 {-label "Ignore general preferences for no labels\
and no icons" -vartype boolean} Misc}
{foreground {} {-label Foreground} Colors}
{background {} {-label Background} Colors}
{activeforeground {} {-label {Active foreground}} Colors}
{activebackground {} {-label {Active background}} Colors}
{text {} {-label {Text on button (if not the same as the button name)}} Main}
{imagefile {} {-label {Icon (file)}} Main}
{font {} {-label {Font of text on button}} Misc}
proc PanelButton args {
global TKG
set label $args
set name [join $args ~]
set args [TKGGetArgs PanelButton $name]
set i [expr [lsearch $args -panelname] + 1]
if [Empty [set panelname [lindex $args $i]]] {
set args [lreplace $args [expr $i - 1] $i]
set panelname $name
set i [expr [lsearch $args -font] + 1]
if [Empty [lindex $args $i]] {
set args [lreplace $args $i $i $TKG(panelbuttonfont)]
set panelname [join [string tolower $panelname] ~]
lappend args -command(normal) \
"TKGPanelButtonInvoke $name $panelname-panel"
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel\
"TKGMakeButton [concat $name $args]"
set TKG(switches,PutPanel) {
{geometry {} {-label "Panel position" -help {Determines the screen position of the
panel. For example, use +40+30 to put the upper left corner 40
pixels from the left edge of the screen and 30 below the top. Use
-0-0 to put the lower right corner at the lower right corner of the
proc PutPanel args {
set name [string trim [join $args ~]]
set args [TKGGetArgs PutPanel $name]
TKGAddToHook TKG_postedhook-main-panel [concat TKGPanelPlace $name $args]
set TKG(switches,LabelBox) {
{text {} {-text {Text:} -help {Use "\\n" for additional lines.}}}
proc LabelBox args {
set name [join $args ~]
set pargs [TKGGetArgs LabelBox $name]
set i [expr 1 + [lsearch $pargs -text]]
if [Empty [lindex $pargs $i]] {
set pargs [lreplace $pargs $i $i $args]
global TKG
if ![info exists TKG(labnum)] {
set TKG(labnum) 0
} else {
incr TKG(labnum)
set name tkglab$TKG(labnum)
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel [subst {
TKGLabelBox [concat $name $pargs]
TKGGrid \$${name}_window
proc Fill {} {
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel DoFill
set TKG(switches,Stack) {
{orientation {} {-label Orientation -vartype optionMenu \
-optionlist {vertical horizontal}}
{borderwidth 0 {-label {Border width}}}
{color {} {-label {Color of border}}}
proc Stack args {
set name [join $args ~]
set args [TKGGetArgs Stack $name]
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel "StartStack $args"
proc EndStack {} {
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel "FinishStack"
set TKG(switches,Panel) {
{orientation {} \
{-label Orientation -vartype radio -radioside top\
-radiolist {{vertical vertical} {horizontal horizontal}
{borderwidth {} {-label {Border width}}}
{color {} {-label {Color of Border}}}
{title {} {-label {Title (for window manager) of panel window}}}
{iconside {} {
-label {Default side of icons on buttons in the panel}\
-help {Leave unset to use (context-sensitive) defaults.}\
-vartype optionMenu\
-optionlist {left right top bottom}
proc Panel args {
set configname [join $args ~]
set name [string tolower $configname]-panel
set args [TKGGetArgs Panel $configname]
global TKG TKG_prevpanel
set TKG_prevpanel($name) $TKG(currentpanel)
set TKG(currentpanel) $name
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel [subst {TKGStartPanel $name $args}]
proc EndPanel {} {
global TKG TKG_prevpanel
TKGAddToHook TKG_createmainpanel "TKGEndPanel"
set TKG(currentpanel) $TKG_prevpanel($TKG(currentpanel))
proc SystemConfig {} {
global TKG
set f $TKG(libdir)/system-tkgrc
if { [ file exists $f ] && [ file readable $f ] } {
uplevel 1 "source $f"