
302 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File

# Ical (calendar program) alarm and launching Client for tkgoodstuff
proc IcalDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Ical) "Misc Button"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Ical,Button) "Misc Colors Fvwm"
TKGDeclare Ical(file) {~/.calendar} -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "Calendar file"
TKGDeclare Ical(makebutton) 1 -typelist [list Clients Ical Button Misc]\
-label "Produce a button"\
-vartype boolean
ConfigDeclare Ical ClientButton1 Ical [list Clients Ical Button]
ConfigDeclare Ical ClientButton2 Ical [list Clients Ical Button]
ConfigDeclare Ical ClientButton3 Ical [list Clients Ical Button]
ConfigDeclare Ical ClientButton5 Ical [list Clients Ical Button]
TKGSet Ical(windowname) "Calendar"
set TKGVars(Ical(windowname),default) "Calendar"
TKGDeclare Ical(text) Calendar -typelist [list Clients Ical Button Misc]\
-label "Label text"
TKGDeclare Ical(imagefile) {%ical}\
-typelist [list Clients Ical Button Misc] -label "Icon file"
TKGDeclare Ical(startuplist) 0 -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "Post list of day's calendar items at startup"\
-vartype boolean
TKGDeclare Ical(enablealarms) 1 -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "Enable alarms"\
-vartype boolean
TKGDeclare Ical(nobeep) 0 -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "Do not beep"\
-vartype boolean
TKGDeclare Ical(fetch_interval) 120 -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "How often (in seconds) to check if calendar file has changed"
TKGColorDeclare Ical(nowfg) \#8b0000 [list Clients Ical Misc]\
"Color to highlight current items in alarms"
TKGDeclare Ical(clockbd) 1 -typelist [list Clients Ical Misc]\
-label "Show that Ical client is loaded by changing Clock's border?"\
-vartype boolean
proc IcalInit {} {
global Ical Clock TKG
set Ical(file) [glob $Ical(file)]
set Ical(fetch_offset) 10
set Ical(script) $TKG(libdir)/tcl/Ical-fetch.tcl
setifunset Clock(foreground) chartreuse1
set Ical(itemlist) {}
set Ical(ignoreitems) {}
set Ical(filemtime) 0
set Ical(oldfilemtime) 0
set Ical(old_formatted_items) {}
set Ical(newday) 0
if ![file exists $Ical(file)] {
TKGError "File \"$Ical(file)\" (the value of the variable Ical(file)) does\
not exist. Aborting Ical support."
return 0
if ![file readable $Ical(file)] {
TKGError "File \"$Ical(file)\" (the value of the variable Ical(file)) is\
not readable. Aborting Ical support."
return 0
if $Ical(startuplist) {
proc IcalStart {} {
global Ical
TKGPeriodic IcalFetch $Ical(fetch_interval) $Ical(fetch_offset) IcalFetch
proc IcalCreateWindow {} {
global Ical Ical-params
if $Ical(makebutton) {
if [TKGReGrid Ical] return
lappend c TKGMakeButton Ical -exec "ical -calendar $Ical(file)" \
-balloon {Ical calendar}
if !$Ical(nolabel) {
lappend c -text $Ical(text)
if {!$Ical(noicon) || $Ical(nolabel)} {
lappend c -imagefile $Ical(imagefile)
foreach switch {
iconside ignore font foreground background windowname tilefile
activeforeground activebackground staydown trackwindow relief
} {
lappend c -$switch $Ical($switch)
eval $c
bind [set Ical-params(pathname)] <3> IcalListItems
} else {
TKGAddToHook TKG_clientwindowscreated_hook \
{catch {RecursiveBind $Clock_window <2> IcalLaunch}}
if [winfo exists .tkgpopup.ical] {return}
# we make a ring around the clock to show we're loaded
if $Ical(clockbd) {
TKGAddToHook TKG_clientwindowscreated_hook \
{catch {$Clock_window configure -background $Clock(foreground)}}
TKGPopupAddClient Ical
.tkgpopup.ical add command \
-label "Today's Calendar Items" \
-command {IcalListItems}
.tkgpopup.ical add command \
-label "View Calendar" \
-command {exec ical -calendar $Ical(file) &}
.tkgpopup.ical add checkbutton \
-label "Enable Alarms" \
-variable {Ical(enablealarms)}
proc IcalListItems {} {
global Ical
exec ical -calendar $Ical(file) -popup &
proc IcalLaunch {} {
global Ical
if $Ical(makebutton) {
TKGButtonInvoke Ical
} else {
exec ical -calendar $Ical(file) &
proc IcalFetch {} {
global Ical
if {$Ical(enablealarms) == 0} {return}
catch {set Ical(filemtime) [eval file mtime $Ical(file)]}
if { ($Ical(filemtime) == $Ical(oldfilemtime))\
&& !$Ical(newday) } {
set Ical(oldfilemtime) $Ical(filemtime)
set Ical(newday) 0
set Ical(fetch_out) ""
set Ical(itemlist) {}
DEBUG "Starting Ical fetch in background."
set cmd "ical -f $Ical(script) -calendar $Ical(file)"
set id [open "|$cmd 2> /dev/null" r]
fileevent $id readable [list IcalPipeRead $id]
vwait Ical(fetchvar)
DEBUG "Ical fetch returned."
eval $Ical(fetch_out)
if { $Ical(fetch_out) != "" } {
DEBUG "Ical fetch output:"
DEBUG $Ical(fetch_out)
DEBUG " (end fetch output)"
} else {
DEBUG "No output from Ical fetch."
global Clock_minute_hook
if {[lsearch $Clock_minute_hook IcalCheck] == -1} {
TKGAddToHook Clock_minute_hook IcalCheck
proc IcalPipeRead {id} {
global Ical
if [eof $id] {
fileevent $id readable ""
close $id
set Ical(fetchvar) 1
} else {
append Ical(fetch_out) "[gets $id]\n"
proc IcalCheck {} {
global Ical TKG
if { ( (!$Ical(enablealarms)) || $TKG(nonotices) )} {return}
#get minutes since midnight today
scan [ clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H %M}] "%s %s" nowhour nowminute
set nowhour [TKGZeroTrim $nowhour]
set nowminute [TKGZeroTrim $nowminute]
set now [expr ( $nowhour * 60 ) + $nowminute ]
if !$now {
set Ical(newday) 1
if [llength $Ical(itemlist)] {
set alarmlist {}
foreach item $Ical(itemlist) {
set start [lindex $item 0]
set alarms [lindex $item 1]
foreach t $alarms {
if { (($start - $t) == $now)
&& ([lsearch $Ical(ignoreitems) $item] == -1)} {
lappend alarmlist $item
if [llength $alarmlist] {
IcalAlarm $alarmlist
proc IcalAlarm { items } {
global Ical TKG Clock
set Ical(formatted_items) ""
foreach item $Ical(old_formatted_items) {
if {[lsearch $items [lindex $item 2]] == -1} {
lappend Ical(formatted_items) $item
foreach item [lsort $items ] {
set start [lindex $item 0]
set text [lindex $item 2]
set realhour [expr ((($start/60)%12) == 0) ? 12 : (($start/60)%12)]
set realtime "$realhour:[format %02i [expr $start % 60]]"
lappend Ical(formatted_items) [list $realtime $text $item]
set Ical(old_formatted_items) $Ical(formatted_items)
TKGDialog ical_alarm \
-wmtitle "tkgoodstuff: Ical Alarm" \
-image ical.xpm \
-title "Ical Alarm (at $Clock(prettytime))" \
-nodeiconify \
-nodismiss \
-buttons {
set Ical(old_formatted_items) ""
for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $Ical(formatted_items)]} {incr j} {
if [set Ical(item$j)] {
lappend Ical(ignoreitems) \
[lindex [lindex $Ical(formatted_items) $j] 2]
DEBUG "TKG Ical: ignoring [lindex [lindex $Ical(formatted_items) $j] 2]"
destroy .ical_alarm
} {
"No Alarms!"
set Ical(enablealarms) 0
set Ical(old_formatted_items) ""
destroy .ical_alarm
} {
"View Calendar"
destroy .ical_alarm
set Ical(old_formatted_items) ""
exec ical &
focus .ical_alarm.buttons.dismiss
frame .ical_alarm.items -relief ridge -borderwidth 3
set firstnew [expr "[llength $Ical(formatted_items)] - [llength $items]"]
set i 0
foreach item $Ical(formatted_items) {
frame .ical_alarm.items.item$i
set Ical(item$i) 0
checkbutton .ical_alarm.items.item$i.time$i -text [lindex $item 0] \
-variable Ical(item$i) -font tkghugebold
label .ical_alarm.items.item$i.text$i -text [lindex $item 1] \
-font tkghugebold
if { ($firstnew > 0) && ($i >= $firstnew) } {
.ical_alarm.items.item$i.time$i configure -fg $Ical(nowfg)
.ical_alarm.items.item$i.text$i configure -fg $Ical(nowfg)
grid .ical_alarm.items.item$i.time$i -sticky nw -row 0 -column 0
grid .ical_alarm.items.item$i.text$i -sticky nw -row 0 -column 1 -pady 2
grid .ical_alarm.items.item$i -sticky w
incr i
label .ical_alarm.instr -text "Check box to ignore any further alarms for the item.\
\nClick on Dismiss when done."
ColorConfig .ical_alarm.title black red
grid columnconfigure .ical_alarm.items 0 -weight 1
grid .ical_alarm.items -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx 3 -pady 3
grid .ical_alarm.instr -row 3 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx 3 -pady 3
if {$firstnew > 0} {
label .ical_alarm.instr2 -text "(Newest alarms are highlighted.)" -fg $Ical(nowfg)
grid .ical_alarm.instr2 -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew -padx 3 -pady 3
TKGCenter .ical_alarm
if {!$Ical(nobeep)} {TKGBell 1.2 1.3 10}
DEBUG "Loaded Ical.tcl"