
546 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

# Hierarchical listbox pseudowidget
# data in $name-hldata
# each item gets a list:
# 0 -- "mode" (whatever)
# 1 -- text
# 2 -- list of options
# 3 -- list of child items
# 4 -- open/closed
# many features unimplemented
# see prefs-config.tcl for an example of use.
proc HList {name action args} {
switch $action {
create {
HListCreate $name $args
} insert {
eval [concat HListInsert $name $args]
} delete {
eval [concat HListDelete $name $args]
} select {
eval [concat HListSelect $name $args]
} default {
bgerror "bad action switch to HList"
# Creation
set TKG(switches,HListCreate) {
{data ""}
{double1 break}
{selectmode single}
{allowedchildren ""}
{font $TKG(textfont)}
{width 60}
{height 20}
{foreground $TKG(foreground)}
{background $TKG(textbackground)}
{selectforeground $TKG(foreground)}
{selectbackground white}
{activeforeground $TKG(activeforeground)}
{activebackground $TKG(activebackground)}
set TKG(switches,HListCreate,ms) {
closedimagefile openimagefile iconcommand selectcommand deletecommand
movecommand menu3
proc HListCreate {name args} {
upvar #0 $name-hlparams P
set P(modes) ""
set P(iconcounter) 0
set P(relation) before
set args [lindex $args 0]
# Parse switches
global TKG
set switches $TKG(switches,HListCreate)
set modeswitches $TKG(switches,HListCreate,ms)
TKGParseArgs $name-hlparams $args\
$switches $modeswitches "HListCreate"
TKGSetSwitchDefaults $name-hlparams $switches
TKGSetMSSwitchDefaults $name-hlparams $switches
foreach type {closed open} {
foreach mode $P(modes) {
if [info exists P(${type}imagefile,$mode)] {
set imagefile $P(${type}imagefile,$mode)
set P(${type}image,$mode) HL$imagefile
if {[lsearch [image names] HL$imagefile] == -1} {
SetImage HL$imagefile $imagefile
if [info exists P(${type}imagefile)] {
set imagefile $P(${type}imagefile)
set P(${type}image) HL$imagefile
if {[lsearch [image names] HL$imagefile] == -1} {
SetImage HL$imagefile $imagefile
text $P(pathname) -font $P(font) -height $P(height) -width $P(width)\
-foreground $P(foreground) -background $P(background)\
-tabs {0 26 46} -cursor top_left_arrow -state disabled
$P(pathname) tag configure withinItem -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
$P(pathname) tag configure underItem -underline 1
$P(pathname) tag configure selected -foreground $P(selectforeground) \
-background $P(selectbackground)
bind $P(pathname) <Motion> break
bind $P(pathname) <1> "HListCheckEmpty $name;break"
# bind $P(pathname) <Leave> "HListLeave $name"
if ![Empty [info procs HListInit-$name]] HListInit-$name
HListMenus $name
HListDraw $name
proc HListCheckEmpty {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
if ![llength $P(data)] {
# Draw the whole hlist
proc HListDraw {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
$P(pathname) configure -state normal
$P(pathname) delete 1.0 end
$P(pathname) insert 1.0 \
" \n" item
$P(pathname) configure -state disabled
set ped 0
set index 2
foreach item [set P(data)] {
HListWidgetInsertAtIndex $name $ped $item $index.0
set index [HListDrawKids $name $ped $item $index]
incr index
incr ped
HListTagPeds $name
proc HListDrawKids {name ped item index} {
set kidnum 0
foreach child [lindex $item 3] {
incr index
HListWidgetInsertAtIndex $name [concat $ped $kidnum] $child $index.0
set index [HListDrawKids $name [concat $ped $kidnum] $child $index]
incr kidnum
return $index
# Insertion and deletion
proc HListInsert {name ped item} {
HListDataReplace $name $ped "" $item
HListDraw $name
HListSee $name $ped
HListItemSelect $name $ped
proc HListWidgetInsertAtIndex {name ped item index} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set joinped [join $ped -]
set mode [lindex $item 0]
set label [lindex $item 1]
set options [lindex $item 2]
set open [expr ![string match [lindex item 4] closed]]
if $open {set oc open} {set oc closed}
# Determine tags
set tags [list item]
if {[set i [lsearch $options -T]] != -1} {
lappend tags [lindex $options [expr $i + 1]]
# Enable writing
$P(pathname) configure -state normal
# Indent
set tabs "\t"
for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $ped]} {incr i} {
append tabs "\t"
$P(pathname) insert $index "$tabs"
# Maybe insert an icon
if [info exists P(${oc}image,$mode)] {
set image [set P(${oc}image,$mode)]
} elseif [info exists P(${oc}image)] {
set image [set P(${oc}image)]
if [info exists image] {
set iconpath $P(pathname).i[incr P(iconcounter)]
label $iconpath -image $image -background $P(background)
set iconindex [$P(pathname) index "$index lineend"]
$P(pathname) window create $iconindex -window $iconpath
if [info exists P(iconcommand,[lindex $item 0])] {
bind $iconpath <1> \
"$P(iconcommand,[lindex $item 0]) $name $ped; break"
bind $iconpath <Double-1> break
# Always write the label
$P(pathname) insert "$index lineend" "\t${label}\n" $tags
# Disable writing
$P(pathname) configure -state disabled
proc HListSee {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
catch {$P(pathname) see Ped-[join $ped -].first}
proc HListDelete {name ped1 {ped2 {}}} {
if [Empty $ped2] {set ped2 $ped1}
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
HListDataReplace $name $ped1 $ped2
HListDraw $name
HListSee $name $ped1
proc HListDataReplace {name ped1 {ped2 {}} {insertitem {}}} {
if [Empty $ped2] {set ped2 $ped1}
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
if {[llength $ped1] == 1} {
if [Empty $insertitem] {
set P(data) [lreplace $P(data) $ped1 $ped2]
} else {
set P(data) [linsert $P(data) $ped1 $insertitem]
# ok, we have to dissect the tree...
set end [expr [llength $ped1] - 1]
set item(0) $P(data)
set i [lindex $ped1 0]
set item(1) [lindex $item(0) $i]
for {set level 2} {$level <= $end} {incr level} {
set i [lindex $ped1 [expr $level - 1]]
set item($level) [lindex [lindex $item([expr $level - 1]) 3] $i]
set i [lindex $ped1 end]
set j [lindex $ped2 end]
if [Empty $insertitem] {
set item($end) [lreplace $item($end) 3 3 \
[lreplace [lindex $item($end) 3] $i $j]]
} else {
set item($end) [lreplace $item($end) 3 3 \
[linsert [lindex $item($end) 3] $i $insertitem]]
for {set level [expr $end - 1]} {$level > 0} {incr level -1} {
set i [lindex $ped1 $level]
set newkids [lreplace [lindex $item($level) 3] $i $i $item([expr $level + 1])]
set item($level) [lreplace $item($level) 3 3 $newkids]
set i [lindex $ped1 0]
set P(data) [lreplace $item(0) $i $i $item(1)]
# Tags
proc HListTagPeds {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set w $P(pathname)
foreach tag [$w tag names] {
if [string match Ped-* $tag] {
$w tag delete $tag
HListTagWithPed $name $P(pathname) 1 top top
set D $P(data)
set line 2
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $D]} {incr i} {
set item [lindex $D $i]
HListTagWithPed $name $w $line $i [lindex $item 0]
set line [HListTagKids $name $item $w [expr $line + 1] $i]
proc HListTagKids {name item w line ped} {
set kids [lindex $item 3]
if [string match [lindex $item 4] closed] {return $line}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $kids]} {incr i} {
set kid [lindex $kids $i]
HListTagWithPed $name $w $line [concat $ped $i] [lindex $kid 0]
set line [HListTagKids $name $kid $w [expr $line + 1] [concat $ped $i]]
return $line
proc HListTagWithPed {name w line ped mode} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set jp [join $ped -]
$w tag add Ped-$jp $line.0 [$w index "$line.0 lineend + 1 chars"]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <Enter> [list HListItemMotion $name $ped %x %y]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <Motion> [list HListItemMotion $name $ped %x %y]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <1> [list HList1 $name $ped]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <B1-Motion> [list HList1Motion $name $ped %x %y]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <ButtonRelease-1> [list HList1Release $name $ped %x %y]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <3> [list HList3 %X %Y $name $ped $mode]
$w tag bind Ped-$jp <Double-1> "
if {!\[string match top $jp\]} $P(double1)
# Getting items and indices
proc HListGetItem {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set data [lindex $P(data) [lindex $ped 0]]
set ped [lreplace $ped 0 0]
while {[llength $ped] != 0} {
set data [lindex [lindex $data 3] [lindex $ped 0]]
set ped [lreplace $ped 0 0]
return $data
proc HListGetIconPath {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set range [$P(pathname) tag nextrange Ped-[join $ped -] 1.0]
set dump [eval $P(pathname) dump -window $range]
return [lindex $dump 1]
proc HListPedLess {ped1 ped2} {
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ped1]} {incr i} {
set e1 [lindex $ped1 $i]
if [Empty [set e2 [lindex $ped2 $i]]] {return 0}
if ![string match $e1 $e2] {
return [expr $e1 < $e2]
return [expr [llength $ped1] < [llength $ped2]]
proc HListNextPed {ped} {
return [lreplace $ped end end [expr [lindex $ped end] + 1]]
# Entering and leaving
proc HListItemMotion {name ped x y} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set w $P(pathname)
set joinped [join $ped -]
set bbox [$w bbox [$w index "Ped-$joinped.last - 1 chars"]]
set ymiddle [expr [lindex $bbox 1] + (3*[lindex $bbox 3]/4)]
if {($y < $ymiddle) && (![string match top $ped])} {
HListLeave $name
$w tag add withinItem Ped-$joinped.first Ped-$joinped.last
set P(relation) within
} else {
HListLeave $name
$w tag add underItem Ped-$joinped.first Ped-$joinped.last
if {[string match top $ped]} {
set P(relation) before
} else {
set P(relation) after
proc HListLeave {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set w $P(pathname)
catch {
$w tag remove underItem underItem.first underItem.last
catch {
$w tag remove withinItem withinItem.first withinItem.last
# Selection
proc HList1 {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
HListClearSelection $name
if {[string match top $ped]} return
HListItemSelect $name $ped
$P(pathname) configure -cursor crosshair
proc HList1Motion {name ped x y} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams(pathname) w
if {(![string match top $ped]) &&
![string match crosshair [$w cget -cursor]]} {
HListClearSelection $name
HListItemSelect $name $ped
set inIndex [$w index @$x,$y]
if {[regexp {Ped-([^ ]*)} [$w tag names $inIndex] v v]} {
set ped [split $v -]
HListItemMotion $name $ped $x $y
proc HList1Release {name ped x y} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
set w $P(pathname)
if ![string match crosshair [$w cget -cursor]] return
set inIndex [$w index @$x,$y]
set inTags [$w tag names $inIndex]
if {![regexp {Ped-([^ ]*)} $inTags tag v]} {
$w configure -cursor top_left_arrow
set newped [split $v -]
if {[In selected $inTags]} {
$w configure -cursor top_left_arrow
if {[string match top $newped]} {
set newped 0
HListDragDrop $name $newped
$w configure -cursor top_left_arrow
proc HListDragDrop {name targetped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
# Get item to be moved (item1)
set selindex [$P(pathname) index selected.first]
regexp {Ped-([-0-9]*)} [$P(pathname) tag names $selindex] v ped1
set ped1 [split $ped1 -]
set item1 [HListGetItem $name $ped1]
set mode1 [lindex $item1 0]
# moving an item into itself?
if {[string match ${ped1}* $targetped]} return
switch $P(relation) {
before {
# "before" only happens with ped = {0}
} within {
# Make this a child if allowed; else default to "after" behavior
set item2 [HListGetItem $name $targetped]
set mode2 [lindex $item2 0]
array set allowedkids $P(allowedchildren)
foreach parentmode [array names allowedkids] {
if {[string match $parentmode $mode2]} {
foreach childmode $allowedkids($parentmode) {
if {[string match $childmode $mode1]} {
lappend targetped 0
set break 1
if {[info exists break]} break
if {![info exists break]} {
set targetped [HListNextPed $targetped]
} after {
# increment the last element of the pedigree
set targetped [HListNextPed $targetped]
if {[string match $ped1 $targetped]} return
if [HListPedLess $ped1 $targetped] {
HList $name insert $targetped $item1
HList $name delete $ped1
} else {
HList $name delete $ped1
HList $name insert $targetped $item1
proc HListItemSelect {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
$P(pathname) tag add selected \
Ped-[join $ped -].first Ped-[join $ped -].last
if ![Empty [set w [HListGetIconPath $name $ped]]] {
$w configure -foreground $P(selectforeground) \
-background $P(selectbackground)
proc HListClearSelection {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
while {![Empty [set range [$P(pathname) tag nextrange selected 1.0]]]} {
set first [lindex $range 0]
regexp {Ped-([-0-9]*)} [$P(pathname) tag names $first] ped ped
set ped [split $ped -]
HListItemDeselect $name $ped
proc HListItemDeselect {name ped} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
catch {
$P(pathname) tag remove selected \
Ped-[join $ped -].first Ped-[join $ped -].last
if ![Empty [set w [HListGetIconPath $name $ped]]] {
$w configure\
-foreground $P(foreground) -background $P(background)
proc HListGetSelectedPeds {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams(pathname) w
set start "1.0"
set ret ""
while {![Empty [set range [$w tag nextrange selected $start]]]} {
set first [lindex $range 0]
regexp {Ped-([-0-9]*)} [$w tag names $first] tag ped
set ped [split $ped -]
lappend ret $ped
set start [$w index "$tag.last + 1 chars"]
return $ret
# Mouse-3 menus
proc HList3 {x y name ped mode} {
HList1 $name $ped
set w .hlmenu-$name
if [winfo exists $w$mode] {
tk_popup $w$mode $x $y
} elseif [winfo exists $w] {
tk_popup $w $x $y
grab $w
proc HListMenus {name} {
upvar \#0 $name-hlparams P
foreach mode [concat {{}} $P(modes)] {
set m .hlmenu-$name$mode
if ![Empty $mode] {
set itemsvar P(menu3,mode)
} else {
set itemsvar P(menu3)
if ![info exists $itemsvar] return
set items [set $itemsvar]
catch {destroy $m}
menu $m -tearoff 0
foreach item $items {
$m add command -label [lindex $item 0]\
-command [lindex $item 1]