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<H1>tkgoodstuff: Availability and Installation</H1>
<P>Get the source for the current version here: <A HREF="dists/tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tar.gz">tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tar.gz</A>
Older, and sometimes more stable, versions are available <A href="dists">here</A>. </P>
<P>To run this utility, you need tcl8.0 and tk8.0 (get the source at
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.smli.com/pub/tcl">ftp://ftp.smli.com/pub/tcl
</A>). </P>
<P> (I used to maintain an ftp archive and a binary distribution for
Linux, but I don't have the time to deal with the requests for
assistance that that has generated.)</P>
<P>Once you have the tkgoodstuff distribution</P>
<LI>Unpack it in a directory somewhere (say, /tmp). One way (suppose you
have the distribution in /tmp/): </LI>
<PRE> cd /tmp
cat tkgoodstuff8.0-final.tgz | gunzip | tar xpf -
<LI>cd to the source directory: </LI>
<PRE> cd /tmp/tkgoodstuff8.0-final
<P>Then type </P>
<PRE> ./configure</PRE>
(If your relevant version of Tcl/Tk is in an odd place, such as
/smurf/gleb/lib/tclConfig.sh, you can specify --prefix=/smurf/glep.)
<P>If all goes well, you can type </P>
<PRE> make
<P>and if all is still well, type </P>
<PRE> make install
<P>This process will compile C code needed by tkgoodstuff, and install
tkgoodstuff's files in the appropriate places. Look in the <A href="FAQ">FAQ</A> for
hints if you encounter problems.
<P>Once you are finished, you can remove the source directory if you like
(all the needed files will have been copied to a library directory). </P>
<LI>If you have a standard unix spool setup, simply running tkgoodstuff
should give you a working setup. Enter the Preferences manager via the
tkgoodstuff menu to customize your setup. </LI>
<LI>If you have problems, check the <A HREF="FAQ">FAQ</A> before
emailing the <a href="mailto:tkgoodstuff@merv.philosophy.lsa.umich.edu">tkgoodstuff
mailing list</a></li>.
<LI>You probably will want to tell your window manager not to put a border,
handles, or a title on tkgoodstuff, and perhaps to leave it always on top
of other windows, and perhaps to make it "stick" in the same
spot on the screen when you move about a virtual desktop. You may also
want it not to be in the circulate list (the list of windows you go to
by hitting alt-TAB or some key sequence). To do all of this in fvwm2 add
the following lines to your .fvwm2rc: </LI>
<PRE>Style "tkgoodstuff" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, StaysOnTop
Style "tkgoodstuff" BorderWidth 0,CirculateSkipIcon,CirculateSkip
<P>HOWEVER, if you use <A HREF="fvwm.html">tkgoodstuff as an fvwm module
</A>(which I recommend), you needn't do this, as tkgoodstuff will do it
automatically. If you use some other window manager, read its documentation---almost
certainly you can achieve most of the same effects.</P>
<P><IMG SRC="http://wwwcgi.itd.umich.edu/cgi-bin/counter?link=http://www-personal.umich.edu/~markcrim/tkgoodstuff/install.html">